I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

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    • I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      Almost everyone around me is getting a girlfriend. My best friend got a girlfriend not too long ago. Recently, I started working at this really nice place with fellow co-workers. In a few weeks time, two of them started dating too!

      I've been single for 2 years and it seems like everyone around me is jumping into relationships, and now I'm envious. I want that same affection that everyone else has been receiving.
    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      Daimons trust me on this, relationships are great and all but they can be horrible at times. You need to find someone you REALLY like and have ALOT in common with. I'm talking from experience. Don't date a girl cause just cause she's hot. Or better yet don't date right now. The affection is nice, but you have to worry about buying her things for anniversary's and holidays, and you will probably get into alot of fights unless your the perfect couple and fights suck trust me.

      So if you really still want one, get a girl who you really like, or just don't date just yet.

    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      relationships are troublesome. always constantly checking with the other person about the stuff you gonna do can get bothersome. it irks me personally. i think single is way better. people around you are getting into relationships but are they sincerly happy. look at your life and see if you happy. don't be envious of guys getting girlfriends when they could be miserable but just showing they arent on the outside. live at what makes you happy :)

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    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      yes its nice to be in a relationship, its great having someone there being with you, but only of you get into that relationship for the right reasons, i.e actually liking that person. relationships are great, but soo is being single, think about it, all your friends have to think about the other person, where you can do whatever you want, and being the person you want to be, im not saying to not stop looking for a relationship, just to enjoy the life you have at the moment, if you get into a relationship to go along with the trend then you wont be happy, and you will end up getting hurt, just have fun, your young, i didnt have a relationship until i was 19, it was my choice, but i loved being single as much as i loved being in a relationship, sooo just dont worry about it. the phrase good things come to those who wait is very true :)
    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      I wasn't in the same situation as you, but I wanted a girlfriend because EVERYONE kept asking me why I didn't have one. My answer simply, I just don't need or want one right now. Anyway I started dating someone last November, but I didn't let a lot of people know, the girl and I happened to work together. She ended up cheating on me and I wish that I had never gotten involved with her. I should have just stuck to, I don't need or want one. So I guess you need to look into what could happen if you got a girl that you really didn't need in the first place.
    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      Since you are 16, don't make love your top priority, and don't make sex any priority.

      Don't jump into any relationship either, only get into a relationship when:

      You truly trust the person.
      You think she is beautiful, not sexy.
      You love her personality
      And you are willing to spend your life with her
      Do not be fulled by hormones, and think with your head not your.. "Area", and wait on sex until you are in a deep relationship, and it's been a few years since you've known the person. I personally, am waiting for marriage.

      You'll know when you meet the one, and I'm glad someone realizes they don't need a girlfriend. Just concentrate on school and friends, and not high school drama and women.
    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      namemenatalie wrote:

      i understand the wanting the affection and just feeling like your wanted,
      but i say if you really are looking for someone just have a bunch of flirt buddies, just dont let yourself get attached,
      its what i do. :)

      That's being a tease, if I am correct on what you mean by that.
    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      I'm in the exact same situation you are, OP. I've never had a girlfriend, and it feels really awkward seeing almost all of my friends in a relationship.

      I really DO want a girlfriend within the next year or so, but it seems next to impossible at the moment. I lack self-confidence, have these god awful stuttering blocks, get anxiety frequently, and am socially awkward most of the time.

      The one time I mustered up enough courage to ask a girl to the prom, she rejected me. Even then though, I had sent a note to her first and THEN asked her in person.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matt93 ().

    • Re: I don't NEED but WANT a girlfriend?

      I say find someone u have a lot in common with and see where it goes!!! Lots of girls think the same thing as u r. But pick someone who's no the most popular or prettiest. If u want someone who actually will appreciate u need to find someone who is just as desperate as you. Remember... Beggers can't be choosers!!! ;) hope this helps! Good luck!!!