Homecoming Queen Is Almost Always A Nice Girl – Usually Popular Too

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    • Homecoming Queen Is Almost Always A Nice Girl – Usually Popular Too

      During the homecoming week, it is a just one long party for many people and almost everyone joins in. This is that one special time when students get a lot of freedom and enjoy their time off to the fullest by participating in the many activities that are organized throughout the time.
      The traditions differ almost everywhere you go. The dress days, the parades and the events that are held vary widely from one institution to the other. Yet, one tradition stays the same no matter where you go – the choosing of a homecoming king and queen. These are people who are selected by popular vote to rule the homecoming court. Of course, in certain cases only a homecoming king or a homecoming queen can be chosen but they are still chosen regardless of what other things they differ on, like when the king and/or queen is announced. Some announce it at the parade, some announce it at the dance; there is really no set rule so every place just follows whatever is convenient for them.
      Amongst the people who are selected as nominees, there is always that one girl who everyone likes and it becomes pretty obvious after a while that she is going to be crowned the homecoming queen and she usually does become the homecoming queen. It is the same story no matter where you are from. So many people wonder (and most of them are girls) how a homecoming queen becomes a homecoming queen. What makes everyone vote for this person? What is so special about her?
      Well, if you have voted for the winning homecoming queen yourself, you can ask that question to yourself quite easily. It is usually not one reason but a collection of reasons, which is why many would respond by saying that they voted because they simply 'liked' her the best. The answer is hidden behind 'why' you like the person. Homecoming queens are usually one of those people who are nice to whoever they meet, are very helpful to everyone and you can probably think of a time when that person helped you.
      This is why they are so popular, they are liked by everyone because they are amiable and social with everyone. Some people tend to do this naturally as a part of their personality, meaning that they are genuinely helpful people who like seeing everyone happy. Of course, it is completely possible that a person is very carefully projecting an image of friendliness so that she is liked by others. Whatever the cause is, the bottom line is that these people are nice to everyone and hence everyone likes them. And this liking turns in to an ongoing popularity where everyone chooses her and then votes for her to become the homecoming queen.
      So if next time you meet a person you really don't like, try being nice and helpful and see what that does to your popularity with others.