Long Time Best Friend in Trouble?

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    • Long Time Best Friend in Trouble?

      I have a friend that I've known for years. We've known each other since elementary school.. except now, I'm not sure if we're really friends. I know things change and people move on, but sometimes it hurts thinking on the past and how we used to have fun and talk all night.

      It started with when she got a job. She started to get into drinking and smoking. Then she started going out with a guy that was four years older and got a tongue piercing which scared away most of our other friends.

      The people that she hangs out with now are really into the drinking and smoking thing. She's always out really late and never tells her parents anything. They've called me a couple times at midnight, wondering if I knew where she was. They also get in trouble with the police sometimes. She used to tell me about a few times when she was part of it. She's only turned sixteen and I kinda worry about her.

      I probably shouldn't be butting into her business but I don't want her to get into trouble and do something that she'll regret for the rest of her life. She seems to be heading in that direction.
    • Re: Long Time Best Friend in Trouble?

      daddy7860 wrote:

      well dusk YOU'RE very helpful...

      Kind of funny that you say that while being less helpful than I am.
      It is helpful, go ahead and try to restrict your friends, see how long you can call them that. Drinking and smoking is nothing, you don't know whats best for her and even if you did, its her choice what she does.
      The only time you should butt in that much is if your worried about her life. Even then, its still her choice if she doesn't want to take it.


      The post was edited 2 times, last by SMOKE. ().

    • Re: Long Time Best Friend in Trouble?

      Hey :)

      Like the above poster has suggested, you could try talking to your friend about your concerns. They may not realise that you are concerned about their recent behaviour and I'm sure that if you talk to them about it that it should help you to understand what has been going on. If they aren't willing to talk to you about it, perhaps you could tell an adult you trust about your concerns. Also, I'm sure your friend will appreciate that you feel concerned about them because it shows that you care about them. :)

      Good luck, and let me know how things go.

      dusk wrote:

      Its none of your business.

      It is totally her business, they're friends and friends look out for each other. I'm sure if you were concerned about a friend that you'd known for a long amount of time you would be concerned and certainly say something like that.
      "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read." - Mark Twain

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Gonebyfar ().

    • Re: Long Time Best Friend in Trouble?

      Gonebyfar wrote:

      Hey :)

      Like the above poster has suggested, you could try talking to your friend about your concerns. They may not realise that you are concerned about their recent behaviour and I'm sure that if you talk to them about it that it should help you to understand what has been going on. If they aren't willing to talk to you about it, perhaps you could tell an adult you trust about your concerns. Also, I'm sure your friend will appreciate that you feel concerned about them because it shows that you care about them. :)

      Good luck, and let me know how things go.

      It is totally her business, they're friends and friends look out for each other. I'm sure if you were concerned about a friend that you'd known for a long amount of time you would be concerned and certainly say something like that.

      Like I said, drinking and smoking is nothing and In case you didn't notice, she says; "I'm not sure if we're really friends.", and no I wouldn't "say something like that" because the only time I fuck over my friends opinions and personal choices is when its life or death. In which case I'm busy dealing with shit, not making a thread about it. I'm actually trying to give advice here, and that advice is: like it or not, people don't like being babied, your friends are equals, they make their own choices just like you do. Don't try to control them, love them or hate them, just let them be the way they are and give them advice if they want it. Be there in case they fuck up, that's a real friend, that's Looking out for someone, not trying to restrict them for their own good.
