I don't know if you can just post advice

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    • I don't know if you can just post advice

      Or if you can only ask for it. I just started here, so correct me if this is the wrong section or anything.

      But I'm always hearing people say that looks and fashion is everything for women, and for men it's their muscle and.. "Size", and defines your personality and who you are. That is 100% incorrect, it's your spirit, heart, lovingness, and so on that defines you. And I always see and hear these little "clubs" were if you aren't "cool" or pretty enough you can't join. If they tell you that, or someone says they don't like because of any of those reasons, well honestly I'd tell them to **** off, but just ignore them. It's just them showing how immature and bratty they are, and stooping to their level or feeling bad about it is the wrong way to go. So, don't be offended or hurt when people say that, just ignore them and think about how stupid and immature they are and move on.

      I hope I made sense, and I'm kinda rushing this(I'm dealing with some things in real life) so if I didn't make sense, just tell me.