Long Distance Relationship from college.

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    • Long Distance Relationship from college.

      I have been with my girlfriend for two years. We have had our ups and downs like every other relationship. I love my girlfriend more than anything in the entire world. I really really do.

      She just left for college, its a few hours away. Its only been a few days now but they have been awful. I never realized how much I REALLY loved her and how very much she meant to me until now. I feel like I did at the start of our relationship again. I'm always thinking about her. I wish I could be next to her again. I really really realllllly miss her already.

      She never really has had many friends, so I understand she wants college to be different and I hope she's making a ton of friends. But I feel like shes forgetting about me. We really haven't talked much.

      We've text-ed a few times, and skyped twice. But most of the time she will stop text-ing me, wont answer/return my phone calls. I messaged her on facebook and sent her a few bumper stickers, but she didnt respond. I sent her a ridiculously long text (like 14 pages) and didn't even get a text back.

      I'm going to visit her on Friday before I get deployed (Army) until December, I'm kind of scared she might want to break up with me. I can't wait to see her. If everything goes well, I'm planning on maybe shopping for an engagement ring when I get back.

      Anyway, do you think she is just enjoying her new independence at college? Its just a phase, and all will go back to normal soon enough?

      Thanks for your thoughts.
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship from college.

      I think you should try to relax and not jump to any conclusions. If you freak out about it, you may start to feel like you're losing something when you really aren't. It's only been a few days. She needs time to get settled and get her own routine going. It's going to be an adjustment for the both of you, but let her handle her business and get situated at college. I know you miss her, but try not to smother her. Maybe let her come to you for a change. Just give it a little time and if after a while you still have concerns, talk to her about it. See how things continue to go first.

      Just my opinion. I hope this helped.
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship from college.

      You will be fine. I know it hurts right now, but it does get better. Your feelings for her are strong and it's going to take some time for you to move on, but as long as you are willing to move on and let go, you can. You're going into the army, so I'm sure you'll make some pretty good buddies there. And it can also be a good thing, because you'll have something else to focus on. It's always good to be able to keep yourself occupied, when going through a break up. It's hard and it sucks, but she's not the only girl out there. You'll find someone else. This one didn't work out, but something better lies ahead. Focus on yourself for now and just pick yourself up and keep going. Put all your energy into what you'll be doing in less than a week.
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship from college.

      sorry to hear that ye broke up man, it wont be easy by any means, it will take a long time, but it does get easier with time trust me, im going though a break up aswell and its hard, but i think that its a good thing that you are going into the army, like you will be kept doing stuff. just keep at it man, there are tons upon tons of girls out there and you will be even happier in your next relationship. take what you have learned from this relationship and use now. dont dwell on what could have been and cherish the time ye had and try and move forward with positive thinking, in a few weeks/months you will be feeling soo much better trust me.
      i hope this helped mate, chin up.