Male 16 and curious

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    • Male 16 and curious

      Hey I am a 16 yr old guy and unsure about my sexuality. I would really like to experiment with a friend. I am tall, masculine, and somewhat of a homophobe :S. The thought of gay porn and anal sex is a complete turn off for me, However I am turned on only by the Justin Bieber kind of guy:
      - Cute
      - Not fully developed
      - feminine- but straight acting, I hate guys that dress gay and speak with that stereotypical gay voice
      - Not hairy
      - doesn't like talking about bodily functions farts burps etc

      There is this guy at my school who is 17 which I just cannot stop thinking about who fits this exact criteria. I am not sure what sexual preference he is- he is quick to deny that he is gay when I call him a "fag" sometimes. He has only got with one girl, I have got with many and done more than just hook up.

      He is just so cute. I wish I could just get on my knees and suck him off. I talk to him a lot, but we are not exactly the closest of friends but friends (im trying to build our relationship further.) The thing is, every time we are talking and looking at each others in the eyes I feel that there is some kind of connection and my gay/bi radar subconsciously tells me that hes not straight. I hug him everyday, he kinda goes along with it and I have kissed him on the cheek on numerous occasions where I have pretended to be drunk where he has not cared. Also when he is with his friends he tends to distant himself from me but when his friends are not around he tends to be closer to me.

      Why am I into this kinda of guy?
      Are there any more signs other then the ones I have outlined?
      How do I ask him whether he wants to experiment without losing him as a friend or how can I somehow initiate this?

      Im so desperate and I hurt everyday thinking about him.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Mate just because I am attracted to one guy at my school doesn't mean I am not straight. I came to this site looking for answers not your bs.
      Im 6 ft 6, 90 kilos with a muscular build with a black belt in brazillian jiujitsu and could kill you no worries. Tell your homophobic shit to someone who cares cunt or I will put a hole in your face.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Makis4 wrote:

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      Only a prick would say this!
      It doesn't matter if its your opinion or not; this guy is obviously explaining something that he is finding quite hard to deal with and insulting him isn't fair by making him feel like his "not normal" for having these feelings, jerk.

      I wouldn't ask him directly that you want to get together because if he is straight; you might lose your friendship. You should investigate lightly weather he has feelings like that for men and if there is no signs of it, then theres not much you can do. Although, if he seems to get your hints then maybe try flirting with him a little. You don't want to ever go up to someone and ask them straight out if they want to have sex. Has to happen natural. Anyway, hope you sort it out. xx
      [email protected]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bint ().

    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      As I type this Makis is probobly f**king a guy somewhere.

      Don't worry man. If you want to suck him, chances are you're bi or gay. There is no need for other signs. However, for the confronting him on experimenting, that I'm not too sure of. If you really want to though, I would do what Bint said. I'd hint to being gay/bi and once he catches on or at least starts to, throw a flirt his way.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Makis4 wrote:

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      what a bigot, get with the urban times; being gay is nothing to be ashamed of, and the original poster never claimed to be gay. being "curious" is completely normal and is human nature. yes, "god" originally made adam and eve so they could reproduce and create more, that was the purpose, you're obviously not truly religious and are only bringing that up due to the convenience. your opinions basically contradict themselves. because if you were religious as implied, you would also realize that "god" (who i do not particularly believe in), apparently "loves everyone".

      okay moving on. it seems you are pretty masculine and are only attracted to feminines. but calling him a fag is definitely not a good way to build a friendship. try being nice for starters.

      why are you into this guy? you may be attracted to the male's general anatomy, but only if they're smaller and less masculine. seems like he may be potentially gay as he's accepting any flirtatious vibes. and gay relationships commonly made of a "dominant", and a "submissive" role. it seems you're probably the dominant as you're masculine, and him being submissive as more closer to feminine. it's also pretty common that if you were gay or attracted to males, that you would happen to like guys like the one you're describing.

      to be honest, the easiest way would be asking him to chill somewhere, get to talk to him 1/1, and just hint it in.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by minaj ().

    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Bender wrote:

      Hey I am a 16 yr old guy and unsure about my sexuality. I would really like to experiment with a friend. I am tall, masculine, and somewhat of a homophobe :S. The thought of gay porn and anal sex is a complete turn off for me, However I am turned on only by the Justin Bieber kind of guy:
      - Cute
      - Not fully developed
      - feminine- but straight acting, I hate guys that dress gay and speak with that stereotypical gay voice
      - Not hairy
      - doesn't like talking about bodily functions farts burps etc

      There is this guy at my school who is 17 which I just cannot stop thinking about who fits this exact criteria. I am not sure what sexual preference he is- he is quick to deny that he is gay when I call him a "fag" sometimes. He has only got with one girl, I have got with many and done more than just hook up.

      He is just so cute. I wish I could just get on my knees and suck him off. I talk to him a lot, but we are not exactly the closest of friends but friends (im trying to build our relationship further.) The thing is, every time we are talking and looking at each others in the eyes I feel that there is some kind of connection and my gay/bi radar subconsciously tells me that hes not straight. I hug him everyday, he kinda goes along with it and I have kissed him on the cheek on numerous occasions where I have pretended to be drunk where he has not cared. Also when he is with his friends he tends to distant himself from me but when his friends are not around he tends to be closer to me.

      Why am I into this kinda of guy?
      Are there any more signs other then the ones I have outlined?
      How do I ask him whether he wants to experiment without losing him as a friend or how can I somehow initiate this?

      Im so desperate and I hurt everyday thinking about him.

      I forgot to actually reply to the original post :D

      Haha dude I actually get what you're saying, there was a guy like that at my school last year except he was 19 (I thought he was 14 or 15 when I met him, and he actually had to show me his drivers license to prove he was actually 19 because I didn't believe him!!) And just from reading about how you two act around one another, it does indeed sound like he's bi. I would just make a move, it doesn't sound like anything could go terribly wrong! Just do it and report back. :D
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      bahahaha! don't let the haters get to you. being curious is a natural feeling, but its up to you if you want to progress in that direction. like hipster said, get him away from everyone else, and just ask his little questions about situations surrounding a gay situation. That's how I got my old friend to tell me. well...i did get him drunk first, so he might've been more suseptable...anyway, good luck!
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Bender wrote:

      Mate just because I am attracted to one guy at my school doesn't mean I am not straight. I came to this site looking for answers not your bs.
      Im 6 ft 6, 90 kilos with a muscular build with a black belt in brazillian jiujitsu and could kill you no worries. Tell your homophobic shit to someone who cares cunt or I will put a hole in your face.

      im gonna have to say i kinda worship you for saying that lmfao not that many people have the balls to stand up for themselves haha and i think you should be honest just tell him you think your like bi curious or something see what he says and go from there if youu wanna talk morre inbox mee hah
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      ok guys I need a bit more? I caught him staring today haha
      Its hard to find him 1 on 1 because hes always around his friends and warms to them. How should I initiate this and hint? I playfight with him with a headlock n stuff but its not really doing much. Also when he is alone and im walking withhim its really awkward cos when i try to start a conversation its about lame shit and he kinda gives the impression that he might not be interested but I think he may just be shy or something. There is definitely something because of the staring and when we look into eachothers eyes its like we both want it but where not sure whether the other wants it. I think he is like that because he has seen me hook up with lots of girls in the past fortnight at a party and he probs thinks when I hug him its nothing srs because I talk about girls with him a lot. I dont have the balls to just bring it up with him unless we are both drunk so technically that is out of the equation.

      Should I be more touchy? like if we happen to get in a 1 on 1 situation hug him and slowly move my hands down is body to you know where and see what he does because I really don't know how to hint. :confused:
      any suggestions?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bender ().

    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      i suck with hinting as well. but yeah, you could probably be a bit more touchy if you're ever 1 on 1, and see if he blatantly pulls away.

      or as lame as it sounds, you could probably use puns where they apply. ones that could be taken sexually or in an alternative manner, and see which way he takes them and how he replies; and pay attention to facial expressions.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Makis4 wrote:

      Be straight, get a life.
      Gay is not normal.
      God made Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE!
      Good Luck, just saying my opinion.

      1. Science happens to disagree with you.
      2. God does not exist.
      3. There was no Adam and Eve. We evolved from apes (and apes are also known to have homosexual encounters as well). This is one of the cases where Google is your friend.
      4. Okay, if you say so man.

      See, you made me pull out the atheist card, and I did not want to do that. Now you made me look like a prick.

      Seriously troll, if homosexuality disgusts you, why do you bother coming here?
      I bet you are bisexual or :gay:, and you wants to faks with me or one of us but you're feeling guilty. It's okay, we accept you.
      :love1: too

      ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

      Bender wrote:

      ok guys I need a bit more? I caught him staring today haha
      Its hard to find him 1 on 1 because hes always around his friends and warms to them. How should I initiate this and hint? I playfight with him with a headlock n stuff but its not really doing much. Also when he is alone and im walking withhim its really awkward cos when i try to start a conversation its about lame shit and he kinda gives the impression that he might not be interested but I think he may just be shy or something. There is definitely something because of the staring and when we look into eachothers eyes its like we both want it but where not sure whether the other wants it. I think he is like that because he has seen me hook up with lots of girls in the past fortnight at a party and he probs thinks when I hug him its nothing srs because I talk about girls with him a lot. I dont have the balls to just bring it up with him unless we are both drunk so technically that is out of the equation.

      Should I be more touchy? like if we happen to get in a 1 on 1 situation hug him and slowly move my hands down is body to you know where and see what he does because I really don't know how to hint. :confused:
      any suggestions?

      I think being a bit more touchy will help. But I think a more romantic hug, because a hug is normally a friendly gesture. So yes, I think be a bit more touchy. See how he reacts to that. If he is okay with it, you might have a chance.
      But personally, I would just casually ask if he was ever bi curious and sort of mention you are.
    • Re: Male 16 and curious

      Tombgeek wrote:

      1. Science happens to disagree with you.
      2. God does not exist.
      3. There was no Adam and Eve. We evolved from apes (and apes are also known to have homosexual encounters as well). This is one of the cases where Google is your friend.
      4. Okay, if you say so man.

      See, you made me pull out the atheist card, and I did not want to do that. Now you made me look like a prick.

      Seriously troll, if homosexuality disgusts you, why do you bother coming here?
      I bet you are bisexual or :gay:, and you wants to faks with me or one of us but you're feeling guilty. It's okay, we accept you.
      :love1: too

      ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

      I think being a bit more touchy will help. But I think a more romantic hug, because a hug is normally a friendly gesture. So yes, I think be a bit more touchy. See how he reacts to that. If he is okay with it, you might have a chance.
      But personally, I would just casually ask if he was ever bi curious and sort of mention you are.

      You're acting incredibly strange. Are you so sure that you're a Boer? How can you say that God doesn't exist, you're a fellow Calvinist for Christ sake.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!