Should I break up with her...?

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    • Should I break up with her...?

      So... for me, relationships don't last long. Most of the time it's because the people I date go psychotic. However because the only relationship I've ever had was with a dude for two months, I don't want to have another short dinky little relationship. But.... I dunno. This girl I'm dating is driving me up the wall.

      There are three things that are bugging me the most. 1. She lives fairly far away, so we communicate mostly through facebook, and for some odd reason, she feels the urge to befriend all of my friends and tell them that I'm the coolest person ever. Even people I don't know. (My friend's, girlfriend's, friend that I'm not even friends with for example) 2. ... she keeps saying I'm awesome. And cute. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And it's kind of hard to continue or start a conversation after "you're so cute!" "I LOVE YOUR SMILE." "you're so awesome" 3. We went on a date, and the main thing we talked about was her fucked up relationship that ended a few months ago. She's 15, and apparently she was in a 2 year long relationship and got reeeeally serious... o0 Aaaand other random things of her past that freaked me out.

      Plus just... little things she'll say will make be do a double take. Like, "Dude, you actually said that?"

      I feel bad that I most of my relationships never work out, and that unlike most other high school students, (I'm 17 and a senior) I've never fallen in love. (I really don't mind it that much, but people like to point it out whenever the topic of relationships come up... it's just kind of annoying. It seems like a pleasant experience to fall in love and be loved back...) It's all especially difficult being gay.... should I wait it out and see what happens? Maybe she'll cool down after a while? We've been dating for about 2 1/2 weeks and I don't want another short relationship, but this seems so be going nowhere.

      I only dated her because she is one of the few people that have shown interest in me in the past year... I guess I'd hoped that I would, in turn, start to like her as much as she liked me. :/
    • Re: Should I break up with her...?

      If shes 15 and your 17 then maybe thats your problem. She sounds like shes a bit clingy.. and shes probably like that because shes dating an older guy and she thinks that is "really cool".

      Have you tried talking to her about your feelings yet? If so what did she say? And if you haven't maybe thats the first step of just being straight up and honest with her. Tell her your not comfortable with her talking to all your mates on facebook (because to be honest thats a bit lame and stalkerish). Then tell her the rest.

      You clearly haven't found "the one" yet.. and it doesn't come around easy. Maybe you have been unlucky but there will be a time when you do meet someone who suits you perfectly. Next time your single, just be really picky with the girls you date.. make sure there right for you and if not, take your time to find someone who is. Try seeing them before hand.. to make sure that your not completely committed yet and you don't get in situations like this until your 100% sure. Good luck though. :)
      [email protected]
    • Re: Should I break up with her...?

      It doesn't really sound like this relationship is right for you. You're only dating her because she had interest in you, and that's not really a good start for a relationship. If you don't want to be in this relationship, don't stay in it. Forcing yourself to stay in it just because you don't want another short relationship isn't fair to either one of you. You have to be happy with your relationship or else there's really no point.

      You haven't found the right one yet, but you don't have to try and force it. Not everyone falls in love right away and a lot of times teenagers mistake feelings of lust for being feelings of love. Falling in love just happens. You should at least be interested in the person you're dating. If not, don't carry on with it, because she may end up even more hurt.

      Just think about it and decide whether or not staying in this relationship is worth it to you. If you're not interested in her and you think it's going nowhere, then I think you know what to do. If you want it to work, then tell her what's bothering you.