How to talk to this guy?

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    • How to talk to this guy?

      I'm new and didn't know where to post this so I'm posting this twice:

      I'm a 16 year old guy.

      So this is a long story, but I really need some help. I've known this guy for two years and we have been pretty good friends until a while ago where we kinda lost contact. This last month, we both did a summer musical theater camp and it has been awkward between us for one reason in particular. In the show we had to kiss one another. We never talked about it and on stage we all of a sudden just did it. It was kinda of a shock. So that kinda made any conversation we had awkward. To make it worse, I'm starting to think I might be gay. Not neccisarily for him (a little, I'm really confused right now) but just in general and I'm pretty sure he and his group of friends, who I've tried to hang out with have thought that for a while. Anyways, now I'm really good friends with his girlfriend which just makes it even more awkward. I just want to be friends with him again. I've had his number for a while cause we used to text but now I think it might just be awkward if I text him cause we haven't text each other in for about a year. I've "talked" to him at the summer camp thing but it was really awkward and quick conversations. I just want to have have my friend back. Not a boyfriend, but a friend. I have trouble talking to guys for some reason. I don't know why. I think it's just conversation in general for me but particularly with guys. I don't know. Any advice? Please help.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Connor.Hummel ().

    • Re: How to talk to this guy?

      Just tell text him and say "hey" when you guys start talking tell him that you want to be friends with him, and that you miss hanging out with him, and stuff. Don't be all like over excited with it, just casual convo, it will stop being awkward sooner or later.
      [SIZE=3]I walk this lonely road!!!!!!!![/SIZE]:cries: