should i get a tattoo??

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    • should i get a tattoo??

      i have always wanted a tattoo, even when i was younger. being around my family in LA and seeing all my tios, tias and primos:cool: (aunts, uncles, and cousins in spanish) with tattoos made me really want one too. but just a small one. my mom was beat by my biological dad for 5 years and has had breast cancer for the last 2 years, and if there's anything i learned from her is to be stong like she is and to trust in God. so i was fantasizing:rolleyes: about getting a tattoo on the back of my neck that says "The Lord is my strength and my shield" and then one on the front of my left shoulder thats says "stay strong" in cursive. What do you guys think???

      give me some feedback(:
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      Do whatever you want, this really isn't the place (the internet in general as well as TH) to be asking about something that will undoubtedly alter your appearance for your whole life. If you decide it's what you want to do, keep fantasizing, and try to get it exactly the way you envision it.

    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      dusk wrote:

      Do whatever you want, this really isn't the place (the internet in general as well as TH) to be asking about something that will undoubtedly alter your appearance for your whole life. If you decide it's what you want to do, keep fantasizing, and try to get it exactly the way you envision it.

      well what i meant by posting this was i just wanted to know what everyone thought about the tattoos im goin to get. im not literally asking strangers should i get a tattoo, k? :)
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      Why not look for advice in a teen forum, i mean if you cant talk about it here, where can you talk about it?

      As for whether you should get a tattoo, thats absolutely up to you, but i wouldnt do it just because you like the idea of having one, remember, its very painful to take off, and honestly not worth the pain.....

      As for what you want to tattoo, well it has a good meaning, i like the idea, however make sure its a tattoo for you and not for your mum....make something you feel has to do with your personality with your experiences....its nice to do what you said, just make sure its for you...

      Good luck...keep us updated :)
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      I think the meaning behind the tattoo is great and I hope your mum remains strong and comes through the situation :) I think however you should contemplate the matter for a while, do you want it on the back of your neck? For one you will never see it, secondly once it is there it stays there unless you have loads of money for surgery, so having a tattoo is not something to be taken lightly in my opinion. My flat mate had 3 tattoos on his face lol, he was quite crazy, but after a year it sounds silly, but I kept forgetting they were there, even if they were on his face. I got so use to them that I didn't notice them anymore.
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      Milanist wrote:

      Why not look for advice in a teen forum, i mean if you cant talk about it here, where can you talk about it?

      As for whether you should get a tattoo, thats absolutely up to you, but i wouldnt do it just because you like the idea of having one, remember, its very painful to take off, and honestly not worth the pain.....

      As for what you want to tattoo, well it has a good meaning, i like the idea, however make sure its a tattoo for you and not for your mum....make something you feel has to do with your personality with your experiences....its nice to do what you said, just make sure its for you...

      Good luck...keep us updated :)

      My point was that getting advice from anyone is unnecessary, only one person has to live with it. I'm not trying to look down on anyone, but there are also better places to talk about pretty much everything than a teen forum.
      Just sayin'
      Go for it if you want to.

    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      Getting a tatto is a great idea! Its definatly a different way to symbolize something that has happened in your life. Im getting one this week that will be a portrait of my cousin who died from a sickness he got while patroling chemicle weapon caches in Saudi Arabia in 2005. He died when he was 24 after going through some extreme doses cemo, radiation, ect. to try and stop the sickness. To this day no one in the family knows exactly what he had and apparently it was something so rare no one he saw knew what was going on. But anyways go for it!!
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      Whatever you do, make sure you tattoos can be covered up by a dress shirt (I guess the female equivalent for business attire would be a blouse? I'm not sure, someone else would have to verify that for me), because having a visible tattoo like that greatly reduces your chances at a good job. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it certainly doesn't help.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      The Lord is my strength
      and my shield? It sounds like youre a christian. And being a christian too, you should know that tattoos are not allowed. Unless well, youre not a christian :)
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    • Re: should i get a tattoo??

      tHeJok3r wrote:

      The Lord is my strength
      and my shield? It sounds like youre a christian. And being a christian too, you should know that tattoos are not allowed. Unless well, youre not a christian :)

      ok lets take a look at the bible then, shall we?. :)

      Verses 26 - 28 of Levictus state :
      26 " 'Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it.
      " 'Do not practice divination or sorcery.
      27 " 'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
      28 " 'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

      now, in this certain passage it is dealing with the pagan religious rituals, and how God wants us to turn away from the pagan worship and sorcery which imitates the heathens.

      however, i'm pretty sure Cristians these day eat non-kosher meat and get hair cuts with out participating in the forbidden worship.

      so as long as the tattoo has nothing to do with pagan worship or heathens or anything(which it clearly doesn't), and its to either glorify God or show contention for a family member (which both of them are), theres nothing wrong with it.:)

      dont be too upset;)
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]