Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers (Improved version of Rebuild TT)

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    • Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers (Improved version of Rebuild TT)

      This is an improved version of another Twin Towers Thread I made.

      Do you think they should rebuild the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center? Me, personally, I think they should. Here's why:

      It'll restore the New York skyline back to its previous beauty.

      The Twin Towers were a symbol of America.

      The freedom Tower(I refuse to call it 1 World Trade Center) is just stupid. More like Free-dumb tower.

      It'll show terrorists they cannot win.

      Don't build this.

      Build this.

      So, what do you think?:D
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Paper Gangsta wrote:

      They should just build the same thing exactly how it was. Memorials are a waste. When you see the memorials about World War 2, do you think of our soldiers or Germany/Hitler?

      This, sure lots of people died, I had an uncle that was inside the building when it happened but he was just about to get out, and this is from someone across the ocean, so it was a big disaster, but seriously, we have to get over it, I'm not saying some human lives are worth less than others, just saying that they are gone, and remain in people's memory, and won't be forgotten, so the towers should be rebuilt.

      Oh, the towers themselves could be the memorial.
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      I think the Freedom Tower should go up. It will forever stand as a fateful memory of that fateful day.

      Won't it be the tallest building in the U.S. until Chicago stops procrastinating and actually starts construction of the Spire itself? (No underground parking lot crap.)
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      I'm more surprised that they haven't rebuilt them already. It's not like we don't have the industrial power, and it'd give people some jobs. Besides, wouldn't that shut up all the people who are saying that the Islamic community center shouldn't be built, if there's two bigger ones right next door that are basically a "fuck you" to those who blew it up in the first place? It's a win-win.
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Aannddyy wrote:

      The Twin Towers were an absolute eyesore. If they're going to build any sort of skyscraper, at least make it look decent.

      I have to agree.

      Horrible tragedy aside, the old Twin Towers look like a massive stack of papers. The proposed design is actually modern, and interesting.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      The twin towers should be rebuilt. If they were to be rebuilt then its meaning would serve the purposes that everyone wants it to. Not only would it restore one major symbol of America's superiority, beauty and power, but it would also serve as a reminder to all of America concerning all of those who died in the terrorist act, as well as be a big ass "fuck you" to the terrorists behind it, because it would show them that fear will not be struck into the hearts of people of the world just because one religion can't get its own way. Rebuild the twin towers, and show everyone that America will not give up. Show everyone that no matter what happens, no matter how hard it gets, America will always pick itself back up, rebuild its strengths, and keep on fighting. :) And yes; I agree with the above, make it look prettier this time lol.
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      If you want to show 'the terrorists that they can't win', it would be better to look forwards and not wallow in a Twin Tower replica.

      Paper Gangsta wrote:

      When you see the memorials about World War 2, do you think of our soldiers or Germany/Hitler?

      Err... The soldiers? It's the people who died in the War who are by far most worth remembering.

    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Esmo wrote:

      Err... The soldiers? It's the people who died in the War who are by far most worth remembering.

      I thought that was a little weird too, considering the fact that most Americans see World War II memorials and think a great deal about the Pacific Theater as well, if not equally as much as the European one.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Paper Gangsta wrote:

      They should just build the same thing exactly how it was. Memorials are a waste. When you see the memorials about World War 2, do you think of our soldiers or Germany/Hitler?

      well i was at the holocaust memorial in berlin, and it wasnt just the jewish people who were killed that i was thinking of, it was every person that had been hit in some way by WW2, and i think memorials are a perfect way for people to just think even for a few minutes about the innocent lives that were/are hit by wars and terrorism. memorials are there so that people can have a place to grieve, soo many bodies were never uncovered after the towers fell soo by having a memorial it will be some kind of an outlet for the people who lost someone that day, and it will also be a reminder for soo many generations down the line of the horrors of terrorism, i feel it was built over then it will be another history story, but when you can visit a memorial it just brings it home that this actually happened, and hopefully by them seeing that will inspire them to make a change and make sure such an act can never happen again.

      ---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

      Esmo wrote:

      If you want to show 'the terrorists that they can't win', it would be better to look forwards and not wallow in a Twin Tower replica.

      my sentiments exactly. if they are going to rebuild something on ground zero it should be a new idea.
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Why not build this?

      Inspired by Mount Fuji, Taisei Construction Corporation has completed designs for construction of the world's tallest building. The X-Seed 4000 would stand at approximately 13,123 feet (4 km), nearly 700 feet (213 m) taller than the real Mount Fuji. The next tallest buildings don't even break 2,000 feet, how puny! While likely to never be built, the X-Seed would have up to 800 floors, and be capable of housing between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people.
    • Re: I Should they rebuild the World Trade Center Towers(Improved version of Rebuild T

      Kopite, when you said:

      well i was at the holocaust memorial in berlin, and it wasnt just the jewish people who were killed that i was thinking of, it was every person that had been hit in some way by WW2, and i think memorials are a perfect way for people to just think even for a few minutes about the innocent lives that were/are hit by wars and terrorism. memorials are there so that people can have a place to grieve, soo many bodies were never uncovered after the towers fell soo by having a memorial it will be some kind of an outlet for the people who lost someone that day, and it will also be a reminder for soo many generations down the line of the horrors of terrorism, i feel it was built over then it will be another history story, but when you can visit a memorial it just brings it home that this actually happened, and hopefully by them seeing that will inspire them to make a change and make sure such an act can never happen again.

      What do you mean?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Megatron ().