Alcoholism is killing me.

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    • Alcoholism is killing me.

      For aslong as I can remeber my mother has been an alcoholic.
      When anyone tries to tell her, she denies it.

      My father workes for oil companies so he moves alot (usualy taking us with him). Our last move (our 7th move so far) has been to Brittany, France. It it very remote here and allthough I do speak french there are no kids my age in this area. Several months ago my father had to go away for work leaving my mother and I here on our own.

      My mother has beacome much worse. Allthough I have been with her alone before for long periods of time, this has been the worse. She drinks about 4 bottles of wine a day. When she gets drunk she gets violent and nasty. She has said stuff that has hurt me badly. She has hurt me phisicaly though not as badly as she has mentaly.

      One of the worst things is that I can't tell my friends. If they find out i'm worried that they might change toward me. I feel cut off from the outside world. I think i'm depressed. I need someone to talk to or somewhere I can direct my feelings.
    • Re: Alcoholism is killing me.

      hey. you can talk to me if you want. I'm not sure if I can make any suggestions how to help your situation, because you're in a different country and how I got help with this sort of thing was with organizations in the U.S.

      What I can suggest is talk to your friends if you can. That's what they're there for. To help you, and not judge you. Explain to them you need to talk to them about something, but you don't want it to change how they are with you. You need to do something for yourself.

      But, my dad is an alcoholic, and I know what it's like. If you want, just PM me anything you want to vent, talk about and just overall say what you feel.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Trillium ().