sex with my bestfriend ..

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    • sex with my bestfriend ..

      okay , so the story is pretty clear. i once almost slept with a guy, we got texted by a friend of ours who stopped everything. slight problem is that that guy is my bestfriend. other problem. since the incident happen we promised each other to never go back in a bed together, we just couldnt respect it. since then he is kissing me, he is touching me, he is making me real horny.

      should i take this further ? should i have sex with him ? he is my best friend since 1 year now. and this thing is getting really complicated.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      You both made a choice, that he doesn't seem to be respecting, which means he's not respecting you in my opinion. (Unless you think different, of course you know him better than I do.) This is just my first reaction.

      If you think it's ruining your friendship, then talk to him about it. Actually, talk to him no matter what. Bring your decision to him and if it's that you don't want to go any further with him, then make sure it's clear to him that no means no, and him touching and kissing you isn't acceptable. Your body doesn't always agree with your mind, and at some point if this behavior in him continues, your body can only take too much before it takes over.

      If you think that only the fact that you almost slept with each other and now aren't sleeping with each other is what's complicating things, would sleeping with him be a solution? Would it take the sexual tension you both obviously have for each other?

      This choice is yours, and yours alone. We can't tell you who to sleep with. That's a personal thing. But I hope what I've said has helped you make a better choice yourself.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      minoune wrote:

      okay , so the story is pretty clear. i once almost slept with a guy, we got texted by a friend of ours who stopped everything. slight problem is that that guy is my bestfriend. other problem. since the incident happen we promised each other to never go back in a bed together, we just couldnt respect it. since then he is kissing me, he is touching me, he is making me real horny.

      should i take this further ? should i have sex with him ? he is my best friend since 1 year now. and this thing is getting really complicated.

      A friend is a friend. Sex will only bring you two closer. My opinion is you for you two to get it on and do what both of you desire. Cuz obviously you want him. You are only denying yourself from satisfaction. He wants you too. And besides, have you ever heard of friends with benefits? I have a few girls that are close friends and from time to time, we have sex. No strings attached.

      ---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

      And they are still my best friends.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      Whenever guys and girls are around each other, its natural to feel sexual attraction to one another...but beware, once you go down that road, there is no coming back. Its either going to bring you closer together as friends (like Anti Condom says)....or more.....OR, it will ruin your friendship. Sad to say, but there is usually not a middle ground in these situations.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      So um, you guys are too close to be having sex or something o.O? You say it is a problem that your best friends, why can't best friends have sex? That has always bothered me, I almost had sex with a real good college friend of mine, it didn't bring us down a road we could never go back on. I was already in love with her though before we ever tried having sex, so yeah it was hard for me to let go, but sex didn't make it worse.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      Myabe the two of you should be more than friends. I mean, i've always thought that your bf/gf should turn into your best friend who you can talk to about anything. Thats pretty much what theyre supposed to be, but closer. You two are already half way there. And sex doesn't have to ruin anything, or even make it wierd if you dont let it, but it may set expectations for the future. Either way, i don't see a problem with it, and even though its mostly guys on here saying go ahead and do it, and I'm a guy too, there are many females out there who would say the same.
      Never give in, Never give up, and NEVER settle for second place
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      xxJamiexx wrote:

      Whenever guys and girls are around each other, its natural to feel sexual attraction to one another...but beware, once you go down that road, there is no coming back. Its either going to bring you closer together as friends (like Anti Condom says)....or more.....OR, it will ruin your friendship. Sad to say, but there is usually not a middle ground in these situations.

      i was casual/friends with benefits with my best friend for 2 years, all we did was bicker and it was awful. we'd fight constantly mostly cause i was so into him but he saw me as just a fuck, which was the hardest thing to deal with.
      we ended up not talking for 6 months or so, which was horrible! then i sent him a message at new years, we began talking again that march he got a girlfriend. which was really hard but it's all good now, there are no feelings there at all. We see each other once a week things are slowly getting back to how they were before.
      it's a very thin line you've got to decide if you two will get through it if it ends badly
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      you've already surpassed the "friends" "fuckbuddies" line. You've already reached the point where it's going to affect your friendship one way or another. Just do it. You might as well stop restraining yourselves from doing things you want to do.

      there's just as much of a chance that you're friendship end/changes because you don't go down that road. or for any other random reason as there is from having sex. You'll stay friends/+ because your good friends and get along great, or you'll drift apart because sometimes people change.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      Sounds like he's had some time to think it over and decided he wants you. You should think it over and decide whether you really want it. Something's got to change though, because if he's still pushing and you don't want, you won't be friends for long. Either really assert yourself because you don't want, or jump his bone!
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      me and my best friend are now happily engaged. The guy will do whatever you allow him to do. if you don't tell him no, or if you incite anything then he is going to take the opportunity. You have to talk to him about it and decide where you want your relationship to go. is he honestly a guy you would be happy living with long term/possibly marrying? are you just looking for a FWB? if you are already friends, then there is no such thing as an "emotionless sex-only relationship". Plan carefully, and stick by what you plan; if you decide not to have sex, then you cant let anything be initiated. sex is by nature a progressive thing, and once you pass the line between casual or friendly touch to sex, even in your own mind, then something has changed and will continue to progress. if you want it to, then express that and go with it. just go at a pace that you BOTH are comfortable with and don't get pressured. if not, then make sure it stays strictly platonic.If you decide later to go further its completely fine as long as you decide together, BEFORE anything happens. Don't just be like "i'm horny! lets be more than friends" and go for it, because by that time both of your states of mind will be altered and you are essentially drunk. you are more likely to do something you will regret later. Seeing as he is already sexually attracted to you, you can be 100% sure that he will take any opportunity you give him. Good luck and God bless.
    • Re: sex with my bestfriend ..

      You have to talk to him about it and decide where you want your relationship to go. is he honestly a guy you would be happy living with long term/possibly marrying? are you just looking for a FWB? if you are already friends, then there is no such thing as an "emotionless sex-only relationship". Plan carefully, and stick by what you plan; if you decide not to have sex, then you cant let anything be initiated. sex is by nature a progressive thing, and once you pass the line between casual or friendly touch to sex, even in your own mind, then something has changed and will continue to progress. if you want it to, then express that and go with it. just go at a pace that you BOTH are comfortable with and don't get pressured. if not, then make sure it stays strictly platonic.If you decide later to go further its completely fine as long as you decide together, BEFORE anything happens. Don't just be like "i'm horny! lets be more than friends" and go for it, because by that time both of your states of mind will be altered and you are essentially drunk. you are more likely to do something you will regret later. Seeing as he is already sexually attracted to you, you can be 100% sure that he will take any opportunity you give him. Good luck and God bless. Sounds like he's had some time to think it over and decided he wants you. You should think it over and decide whether you really want it. Something's got to change though, because if he's still pushing and you don't want, you won't be friends for long. Either really assert yourself because you don't want, or jump his bone!
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