Love VS money

    • Re: Love VS money

      ThailandTom wrote:

      exactly sweetcrimefighter, my point entirely. Well dexter, you live in a society where it is bred into you that you need to have money to be successful, you need money to be happy, you need the new gadget to feel accepted and up to date, thus happy. Basically this is a big steaming heap of bullshit. Consumerism was founded to make money, for fat cats to get even fatter and advertising targets people via ideologies, I studied graphic design at university so I know a thing or 2 about it.

      "Consumerism" has nothing to do with the necessity of money, and wanting money does not a consumerist make. Since the dawn of time, it's been an accepted fact that people who have money generally have an easier time in some areas of life than people who don't. (Note that I didn't say they are happier!) To be honest I don't see how this thread is turning into a "money doesn't buy happiness" argument. We know that, and I even made the point of saying that it doesn't. My point here is, there's a difference between being a greedy, selfish consumerist and someone who wants money.

      ThailandTom wrote:

      Come to certain parts of asia where they live a simpler life, where they do not focus on such matters. There is barely no depression, no suicide or much violence at all, just peace and happiness. Trust me, the way the west does things is backwards and has causes many problems, many many problems.

      If happiness truly comes from within as you insist, then I shouldn't have to travel to a certain part of Asia (wherever that is) to experience it. Also, the concept of "true happiness" is kinda vague anyway. What is "happiness" anyway? Also, there is not a single society on Earth that is not without its problems, and I'd be willing to bet that it would be simply trading some problems for others.

      ThailandTom wrote:

      If you read my other post dexter, you will see there are plenty of people living with no money and happier than all of us here, enough said I think. You obviously are so conditioned as most people in the west are that you need all of these material things to be happy, HAPPINESS COMES FROM WITHIN. Soemthing beyond your understanding, and it is not your fault, just the way you have been brought up and the society you live in. I won't judge if you cannot comprehend this understanding.

      Happiness has nothing to do with one's possession of material things, or lack thereof. I currently have no money. Am I truly happy? No. Back when I had $3K saved up, was I truly happy? No. If I were to win $50 million tomorrow, would I be truly happy? Nope. As I said earlier, money is a means to an end in life, and that's all. Nothing more. People who make it into something more are obviously foolish, but that's their choice, and I'll just be over here being responsible and careful with mine.

      ThailandTom wrote:

      The buddha was a hindu prince, (this is fact and buddha was never or is never going to be a god, he was a person). Anyway, he was born into a very 'privileged' state of life a little over 2,500 years ago. He could have all the food he wanted, all the sex with however, listen to music when he liked as in those days it was a rarity, he could have all of the gold he liked and anything else. He soon realised that he was not satisified or ever properly happy even though he had 'everything'. So he ventured off into the wilderness and left this life behind.

      Yes...Buddha...he was rich and then one day...dun dun DUN...he realised money doesn't buy happiness. Again, we know that.

      ThailandTom wrote:

      I bet if I gave you a million dollars now you would be over the moon, crazy with excitement. If I came back 4 years later I am sure you would not still be feeling the same way

      I could take a million dollars, carefully invest it, and in 4 years I'd have 5 million. Would I be happy? I don't know, but that's not the mothafawkin' point here.
    • Re: Love VS money

      Well that's a hard decision. The thing is, when/if I fall in love/marry, I wouldn't want my wife to be poor =/. I'd want her to have everything she needs.

      Money and love shouldn't be mutually exclusive, one is a feeling and the other is something you earn for your work to be able to live.

      Also, OP you forgot to say if the love is returned.
      If it isn't, I'd like to be filthy rich. What's the point of being in love , alone and poor?
      If it is, I'm not sure.

      " Money will not buy you happiness, but it is better to cry inside a ferrari."
    • Re: Love VS money

      David! wrote:

      The snobby people who buy $3,000 handbags and $10,000 dresses and $400,000 cars may seem happy, but they are miserable inside.

      That's an unfair generalization, don't you think? Spending money is no less reputable a hobby than any other, it's just a lot more broad. If I had the money, I would buy a Ferrari, because that's my dream car. That doesn't mean I am miserable, that means I enjoy the finer things in life.

      Rich people aren't any more miserable than your everyday Joe.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: Love VS money

      "Consumerism" has nothing to do with the necessity of money, and wanting money does not a consumerist make. Since the dawn of time, it's been an accepted fact that people who have money generally have an easier time in some areas of life than people who don't. (Note that I didn't say they are happier!) To be honest I don't see how this thread is turning into a "money doesn't buy happiness" argument. We know that, and I even made the point of saying that it doesn't. My point here is, there's a difference between being a greedy, selfish consumerist and someone who wants money.

      I refer it to being happy because in life basically everything we do is to feel happy or to avoid feeling bad. If you are trying to choose between having love and no money, or money and no love then you are obviously wanting to try and see which one would bring you the most joy/happiness. Why do you buy a flash car or expensive clothes? Mainly for the purpose of feeling good, not being cold so you are then happy and looking good.
      Maybe the majority of people with a substantial amount of money have it easier for some aspects, but they probably have it harder for other aspects.

      If happiness truly comes from within as you insist, then I shouldn't have to travel to a certain part of Asia (wherever that is) to experience it. Also, the concept of "true happiness" is kinda vague anyway. What is "happiness" anyway? Also, there is not a single society on Earth that is not without its problems, and I'd be willing to bet that it would be simply trading some problems for others.

      Of course you do not have to live in asia lol, I was merely using it as an example to show how the pace and way of life differs and thus has different impacts on the people. True happiness can be attained by realising that there is no 'self', that everything is impernanent, by lettign go of all attachments, by practicing loving kindness to everyone, even those who have come to hurt you and by understanding that we cannot comprehend the true nature of reality and act under sheer delusion.
      1) We spend much of our lives working towards these goals that are hard to control (accidents, delays, break-ups, etc.)
      2) Everything is subject to impermanence. Whatever we have obtained this current moment - wealth, fame, beauty - it is a guarantee that you will have to part with it eventually.
      Think about our experiences with loss.
      Every time we lose something that we think belongs to us - be it an object, a lover, our reputation, money - we feel jealous, angry, hate. And often times we devote great energy and effort acting out of our jealousy, anger, pride, hatred completely ignorant of the fact that it is precisely these feelings that causes our suffering.
      Because of the unstable and erratic nature of external circumstances, we are tossed constantly between waves of hope and fear, love and hate, attraction and repulsion, excitement and boredom.
      When we learn to act out of empathy and concern for others, our personal dramas become simple and light because our view has broadened to include the world around us. When we are less invested in our own self-interest, anything that occurs in our life becomes manageable. Our internal peace and happiness is no longer at stake whenever something does not go our way.
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''
    • Re: Love VS money

      I'm kind of going with the money thing here too - in most places nowadays it'd be exceptionally difficult to get by without it. It doesn't mean you need expensive clothes or fancy gadgets; you can still live frugally even though you're rich if that's what makes you happy.

      If it's more of a case of marrying a rich guy you hate or marrying a poor guy you love, I'd go for the poor guy in that situation - but I can also provide for myself/the both of us. If it was love and just enough to scrape by, that'd be okay. But not no money at all.
    • Re: Love VS money

      I would have to choose love.

      In the end, even with all the money, I know the thing I'd really want is someone to love and love me back. A soul mate.

      "It's weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of global economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone."
      -Chris Martin
    • Re: Love VS money

      lol @ alexandr again. You think that SHOULD be the ONLY goal? I guess you are entitled to your own opinion, however silly it is lol. Sure that can be the goal of some people, but the only goal... what kind of place would the world be if everybody was only out to make a profit. The hospitals would be poorly run, there would be no shelters, nobody would do a good thing for anybody, there would be more crime and murders, that world would totally suck.
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''
    • Re: Love VS money

      ThailandTom wrote:

      lol @ alexandr again. You think that SHOULD be the ONLY goal? I guess you are entitled to your own opinion, however silly it is lol. Sure that can be the goal of some people, but the only goal... what kind of place would the world be if everybody was only out to make a profit. The hospitals would be poorly run, there would be no shelters, nobody would do a good thing for anybody, there would be more crime and murders, that world would totally suck.

      Just have the government make crime illegal and the fact that the hospitals need to be competitive, the ones that are poorly run wouldn't have customers and fail as a business. Plus you can have some type of loose regulation.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: Love VS money

      If life was about making profit to everybody, so many corners would be cut. Greed affects people to different degrees so the building you live in may be shoddy and fall apart, )this happens anyway in some cases) you may send your kid to school where they skimp on spending and has a poor education, when you need help from somebody they will opt to go and make that quick buck instead and leave you in need of help, the list goes on. I think it goes without saying that if everyone was intent on making profit as the single most important thing in life, then the entire human race would be utterly selfish, cold and it would not be a very nice place to live at all. We are lucky that it is only a minority that are totally greedy and self centred puttign money before human life, but that ratio is growing...
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ThailandTom ().

    • Re: Love VS money

      Love, just like money is a man made thing, I believe in the parent-son love, but woman-man love is made by hollywood, and the cinematic industry, in places where they don't use money, women are simply a means to having a kid, they have harems, they trade cows for women, there's no such thing as love there, except the parent-son kind of love.
    • Re: Love VS money

      like I have said on several occasions little dex, what is love? You said 'love' on the title of this thread and that could mean so many different things. The love for chocolate or the love a man has for his pipe, love between mother and son, love between a man and a woman, the love for a get away location, the love for a pet, there are so many ways 'love' can be used.

      Throughout this thread I have taken the word 'love' as 'compassion'. True love to me refers to caring about someone or any living being in a way that is totally unselfish and pure. Where you put that being before yourself and have no attachment, no jealousy or anger towards it, this is the true nature of love. True love is not when your gf cheats on you and you go crazy and smash something or someone, that is far from it. But yea, it depends on what you mean by 'love'

      So when you ask what would you prefer, money or love, I would opt for having compassion for living things and myself as apposed to having a hefty bank balance
      ''there is no way to peace, peace is the way''

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ThailandTom ().