do i have a right to be mad?

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    • do i have a right to be mad?

      so this guy i liked (bisexual yet acts totally gay sumtimes, really flirty and fun but then ignores u the next minute even though he says he likes me too) didn't text me to wish me a happy birthday and the day came and went. i tried to brush it off giving him the benefit of the doubt maybe he forgot, we only had known each other for about 8 months more or less and been close for about 4 months more or less. I was out of town for my birthday and the day I returned my friends threw me a surprise party totally sweet, of course he wasn't there.

      My friend the one who coordinated this party told me they had planned it a few days before my actual birthday and he was invited through text, facebook, and was called but he didn't respond to any of them nor did he have the courtesy to wish me a happy birthday via text. i sent a text to those friends who couldn't make it and told them i missed them and asked why they couldn't make it. all of my absent friends sent a reply with an excuse which i dont care was real or not they at least had the care to reply. He didn't. It's been a week and a half and not a word from him. I feel mad and hurt by this, do I have a right to or am i overreacting?
      [COLOR="Indigo"]Chuck Norris knows what Willis is talkin' about :o[/COLOR]
    • Re: do i have a right to be mad?

      He sounds a little flaky. If he were really interested he'd be all about keeping in touch with you and wouldn't miss a chance to show he remembered your birthday. Perhaps, if he's bi, he's going through some confusing times on his own. I understand why you'd be upset, especially since you like him, but you can't expect people to like you back, even if they are flirty, or to behave the way you'd like them to behave. You have the right to feel however you like, but it sounds like you might be wasting your time on him.
    • Re: do i have a right to be mad?

      a bit of an update:

      i got a new phone and was texting a few ppl in a group message, still figuring out my phones quirks i accidently sent him the group text. and he replied an uber cheesy and sweet message about how he's sorry he couldn't make it but he wanted to wish me a happy birthday.

      typically in the past, he woulda had me after that but somehow I feel he doesn't really care. if he did wouldn't he have txtd me himself rather than wait til i sent him something and then sent it as a reply? i replied telling him okay but i still wasn't happy with him. he replied asking me why i was upset. i just ignored it, and i assume he did too he hasn't asked anymore. i think you guys are right, he's wasting my time and i can't talk to him without him winning me with some line so I think I need to stay away from him as best as possible until I get myself over him.

      You guys agree? Or disagree?
      [COLOR="Indigo"]Chuck Norris knows what Willis is talkin' about :o[/COLOR]