Move on...?

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    • Move on...?

      Nardo, my best friend, have known each other for about two years now. When I first met him, I knew somehow we clicked. So after about five monthes, we were dating. And since then, it's been kind of on and off. He's cheated in the past, and there's been quite a bit of drama between me and the girl. We've gotten along with each other, then after a while, I cut it off and just had had no contact with her at all. And I've just been distant. Well, right when school started me and Nardo had gone out again. And then I had found out that they had gotten back together to. So of coarse I was pissed, and confronted him about it. He claims he didn't cheat, but whatever. And ever since then, we've kind of been just friends with benefits. And then this short girl, (really short, like a leprechaun. No lie.) had just started talking to him. They just barely met. And they flirt a whole lot, and he doesn't talk to me as much anymore. And then I had recently found out, that they're dating. And it really hurt me bad. I was really depressed, and even cried in front of him when I found that out. I couldn't hold it in, and I couldn't believe it. He says he loves me, and cares, but he's always with her. And ignores me most of the time. Everyone's telling me to move on, after all the crap he put me through, but I love him to much to let him go. And which makes it worse for me, is that this will be my last week here at the school with him, then I have to switch schools. I'll be back in January, but I can't even imagine the things that will happen while I'm gone. I really just hate love right now, and want him back more than ever. He barely acts the same around me, and the last thing I want to lose from him, is our friendship, and the love he had for me. People say I should move on, but my heart tells me different. Some friends say to wait, and that they won't last, since they barely met each other. But some friends say he's moved on, and will be happier without me. One of my best friends say that I don't love him, and I'm to young to know what that is. I know how it feels, and I really do love him. We have had some good memories, and we get along great. We tell eachother EVERYTHING. And we're always there for each other. We have had our fights, but we really don't fight as most people do. We've shared great moments, like hugging, kissing, and holding hands. Like any other good couple. And evryone's always said how much we get along, and how cute we look and act together. I just really miss that. But I can't move on, I've tried, and just can't. I've never really loved someone this much. But I want advice on what to do. Move on and hold off on relationships, or wait for him, and see if things will get better between us.
    • Re: Move on...?

      You can not be friends right now....if you still have these hard feelings for him you need to cut him off and actually the fact that you will be changing schools is a good thing.

      He hasnt been faithful to you before, and do you actually he will be faithfull to you know that you change schools.......i dont know......

      Anyway, you werent together so its no problem for him to start dating another girl, short or werent in a relationship, friendship with benefits is a great relationships for guys but only heartace for you......

      Its never a good solution.....

      Definetly move are worth more than this.....
    • Re: Move on...?

      Instead of looking at the move away is a bad thing, look at it as a positive thing.

      You should really move on, i mean even if you guys were serious he would most likely cheat on you, so I think you really should.

      When you move away you could use it as a chance to let him go and try find another guy who will treat you alot better :)

      I think you need to realise the pain all this is causing and that you should just put it all behind you, I mean, really now after all this, would you just jump into his arms?
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