Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

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    • Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      3 years ago, on this very date actually, my good friend moved away to Italy. Well, she was more than my good friend; we became good friends early that year, and we ended up liking each other and going out through the summer before she left. I was so infatuated with her, and I know the word is thrown around a lot, and I know we were only 14, but I really felt like I truly loved her, I had never felt about any girl like that. Knowing that she was leaving in the summer we didn't waste any moment, and were together the majority of that holiday, since we met up nearly every day. But then she left, I told her I couldn't have a long distance relationship, so it ended, and about a month later, she and I both had new boyfriends and girlfriends respectively. Mine didn't last, but her's lasted a bit longer, and we gradually spoke less and less. But then at Christmas of the same year I had a kind of blessing in disguise. When I was speaking to her online she asked me if I still loved her, and would I kiss her if I saw her. I told her yes to both of the questions, but then found out that it was her boyfriend who'd said these things. I felt so betrayed, and I refused to speak to her again, as I felt I couldn't trust that it wasn't her boyfriend speaking and not her. Several days later, she turned up at my house, having come back to England for a few days. I was left shaken, I was still angry at her for what had happened before, and then I found out she had left her boyfriend for reasons I can't recall now. She asked if I would come with her into town, and stupidly I said no as I'd only been there with my friends (who were with me at the time) the day before. Anyway, so she left, and I was stunned for the rest of the day. All I wanted to do was to see her again, to talk to her, to kiss her. She finally came back to my house, and we did all those things, then as soon as she'd arrived, she left again, to go back to Italy.

      I realise I've been moping on now for a while about relationship stuff which may be nothing, but it all seems important to me in the long run. Anyway, we went back to chatting online, and she got back with her boyfriend again. However, this time she told me that she still loved me, despite being with this guy. A few months later, I asked her if she really loved me when she had being saying it, and she said no. I had had enough. To be honest, it was my own fault for thinking she really did still like me, but I just got so angry at her that I simply ignored her. I ignored her for a whole year, and it is probably the decision I regret most in my entire life. She had moved to this strange new country, and will have been confused and vulnerable, and I just blanked her, so much for being a friend, let alone a boyfriend. She even tried to talk to me a few months after I started ignoring her, and I was about to reply back with the truth when for some reason I just didn't reply, and I let it slide further and further. All the while I felt so guilty, and looking back on it I can't believe I was so selfish. Then in march last year she spoke to me again on facebook, and I finally replied and told her the truth. I really thought she would just hate me for it, but she just brushed it off, and although our conversation was nothing like what they used to be, it was a start. The next time I really spoke to her was next july when she came to my house with a few other friends. I can't deny that it was awkward, I hadn't seen her for a year and a half, and most of that time I had just ignored her. Just as before it ended as quickly as it began and she went back to Italy again, and still we barely spoke.

      This has been a really long post, I know, and thankyou to anyone who has read this far, but I'm nearly done. So now, over a year since I last saw her, I'm speaking to her on facebook and I've found out she's moved back to England because of family issues, but wants to go back to Italy. I think she's got something really great going on with a guy back there, and she wants to go back. I can't get any more out of her now, I just don't know what to say. I want to see her and just talk to her, just try and make it right, but right now I just don't know what to say. It's just so messed up and I feel so guilty that the amazing friendship we had is ruined. If I'd have made the effort to speak to her regularly it could be so much better, but right now it's like speaking to someone I never knew. I at least want to try and do something to salvage our friendship now, but I've no idea how to do it. I just want to apologise for ruining it, but I don't know how. As I said before, if you've read all this, thankyou, now I need your advice. Please help me try and make this work again.
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Okay, first. I don't think you screwed up at all. Yes, if you could have gone back and done everything all over again, there would have been some decisions you would have made differently. But you can't go back and change them, so stop beating yourself up over them and look to the future. Regardless of whatever has happened in the past, she's coming back and you get a second chance, that's the only thing that really matters right now. You will (hopefully) have plenty of opportunities to apologize for her for everything you did or didn't do before.

      You have been waiting for her for three years now, so now you have your chance. You aren't starting all over from square one, but pretty close to it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It means that you have nothing to lose by trying. You can put every ounce of effort you possess into getting her back, and even if you fail, you are in no worse shape than you are right now in this moment. I'm sure you have given some thought to this, and if you haven't, you should: You are in the exact same position right now as that first boyfriend when she moved to Italy. You are now going to be the one compared to 'the other guy'. The 'other guy' sucks. The 'other guy' is going to be the guy that you are held up against for a long time, because he's the one she really wants to be with right now, just as you were the one she really wanted to be with right after she moved there.

      So the question is: What are you going to do to show that you are better than what she had in Italy? This isn't a rhetorical question. You already know her pretty well, you need to think how you are going to sweep her off her feet. You don't seem to be shy, or unusually self-conscious. Use what you have to your advantage, and don't project ANY MORE NEGATIVITY. If she's around, don't ignore her, don't wait for her to talk to you, you go out and show her that you are still interested in her and that her coming back is the single greatest thing that has ever happened to you?

      Am I laying this on thick? Yup... and so should you.

      Your amazing friendship isn't ruined, it just took a little break. Now it's time to bring it back again.

      When it's over, you might have failed. But if you are going to fail, at least know that you tried your hardest and that you don't regret making the effort.

      I can't wait to hear more about what happens. I wish you the best.
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      I think you're using "friendship" and "relationship" too interchangeably. I understand that you both really had something and she left in the middle of it. So you really want that relationship back, but I think first you need to focus on getting your friendship back.

      Based on how you say you ask her if she loves you and vice versa, you're focusing too much on going straight back into a relationship with a girl who has interests in other guys. You need to focus more on just being a supportive friend.

      Moving to a new country is hard, and while she may be used to it now, she has moved again and may have family problems. Don't add to her problems by being a complication that she is forced to think about. Ask her how she's doing wherever she is and if she's settled in well. Ask her what her plans are and if she's happy with them. Ask her if you can comfort her with her family problems (as a friend).

      Find out more about this new girl who has been through a lot since she lived near you. Don't focus on the old girl who you knew before she left. Her life has drastically changed and you need to find out more about it rather than just who her new boyfriend is, where he lives, and how soon you'll be able to knock him out. ;)

      Long-distance relationships are hard enough to begin with, and they're even harder when there are new people involved. There is no need to try to entangle yourself in a long-distance relationship when she could already be taken. First see if you can even be long-distance friends before you even think of pursuing a relationship.

      Don't make it love-me-or-I-won't-talk-to-you-for-a-year type friendship. That is manipulative and disrespectful. If she doesn't love you, then fine, you need to accept that. Asking her over and over if she loves you may irritate her and only hurts you if she says no, and if she says yes, you now expect her to place you above any other person. But any friendship based on a response to a question is not a healthy one.

      I understand that she has done some things that have confused you or maybe even led you on. I wouldn't dwell too much on them. She may be confused, she may feel lost or lonely, she may miss you, there are endless possibilities. But don't ask about them or bring them up because it's akin to asking if she loves you. Focus on building a solid - platonic if necessary - friendship.
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    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Jenna wrote:

      Okay, first. I don't think you screwed up at all. Yes, if you could have gone back and done everything all over again, there would have been some decisions you would have made differently. But you can't go back and change them, so stop beating yourself up over them and look to the future. Regardless of whatever has happened in the past, she's coming back and you get a second chance, that's the only thing that really matters right now. You will (hopefully) have plenty of opportunities to apologize for her for everything you did or didn't do before.

      You have been waiting for her for three years now, so now you have your chance. You aren't starting all over from square one, but pretty close to it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It means that you have nothing to lose by trying. You can put every ounce of effort you possess into getting her back, and even if you fail, you are in no worse shape than you are right now in this moment. I'm sure you have given some thought to this, and if you haven't, you should: You are in the exact same position right now as that first boyfriend when she moved to Italy. You are now going to be the one compared to 'the other guy'. The 'other guy' sucks. The 'other guy' is going to be the guy that you are held up against for a long time, because he's the one she really wants to be with right now, just as you were the one she really wanted to be with right after she moved there.

      So the question is: What are you going to do to show that you are better than what she had in Italy? This isn't a rhetorical question. You already know her pretty well, you need to think how you are going to sweep her off her feet. You don't seem to be shy, or unusually self-conscious. Use what you have to your advantage, and don't project ANY MORE NEGATIVITY. If she's around, don't ignore her, don't wait for her to talk to you, you go out and show her that you are still interested in her and that her coming back is the single greatest thing that has ever happened to you?

      Am I laying this on thick? Yup... and so should you.

      Your amazing friendship isn't ruined, it just took a little break. Now it's time to bring it back again.

      When it's over, you might have failed. But if you are going to fail, at least know that you tried your hardest and that you don't regret making the effort.

      I can't wait to hear more about what happens. I wish you the best.

      Thanks for your advice, but she hasn't moved back in to where she used to live where I could easily see her, she lives across the other side of the country, so it's not as simple as just being able to see her in person and talk this over and make it better. It's not about my feelings for her any more. Yes I loved her, and there's a tiny bit inside of me that still does, but it's been 3 years now, and all I want as a supposed friend is for her to be happy. Don't get me wrong, if she moved back to her old home near me and things went back to normal I would jump at the chance to get her back, but I've accepted that that isn't normal any more. For her normal is back in Italy where she wants to be, and if that's where she's happy then so be it. I've moved on, and that's not going to change. I've accepted the fact that she'll never live near me again, even if she is in England, but I don't want that to stop us from still being friends. You can't imagine how much I wish it was as you said, that she's moved back to her old home, if only it was that simple...
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Well, she's closer than she was. That's at least a start. She's not across a body of water anymore, she's not in another country. You can call her now without paying a fortune. There are still a lot of negatives to this, but there are definitely more positives than there were when she lived in Italy. Use them to your advantage. Be her friend again, I really think she could use one.

      Remember the times she came out to visit from Italy? Notice how she ended up at your house? Nobody forced her to do that, she WANTED to see you. I think she would be overjoyed to have you back in her life right now. She's alone and probably kind of lonely right now.
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      You can't change her thinking or anything, but if you REALLY love and care for her, be there for her. Try to talk to her, be there for her when everything is great and be there to pick her back up when it's going wrong. Even if she treats you bad, you can make the effort, show her you love her until it's obvious and undeniable that no one will ever love her the way you do. That boyfriend of hers won't last, she told you once she loved you while she was with him, and the first time I promise she did mean it. Love doesn't die, it just fades and finds a place to hide deep inside. It may not be a week, a month, a year, but one day she'll look back and say, "He's been there for me through everything. Even when I treated him like dirt he was there for me." I'm not saying be obsessive, but check up on her, apologize for anything you've done to wrong her. Be there to give her advice when she needs it. I'm really sorry though man. My girl moved from the US to Syria, I know what it's like.
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    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Thankyou for your advice guys, it really means something. I think the first thing I'm going to do is apologise for all the times when I haven't spoken to her, I want to show her that I still care, and that's a start. She obviously really loves this guy back in Italy and she wants to be back there, I just can't help but wonder what will happen if she doesn't go back, so obviously I want to be there for her if the worst happens, but it's difficult. Like one of you said, she's obviously completely changed, and so have I, and it's like talking to a new person I've never met before. It's so difficult for me to speak to her as a friend and get it back to how it was when it's not face to face and just words on a screen. Even our conversation yesterday evening left trailing. She was saying how being back here is ruining her life, and, as the first thing a friend would do, I told her it would be alright. Then that was it, I had no idea what to say to her. If it's this hard to even talk how am I ever going to make this work?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tg4 ().

    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Hello everyone. I am very sad, the fact that I was friends for a long time with a man. We were very close to each other. But then we have a mutual friend. And our friendship with her gone. I do not know what to do.
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    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Yeah, pretty much. You really need to start talking to her, because nothing at all is going to move forward until you do. I don't even think you should have a thought in your head about a romantic relationship with her. Just work on fixing your friendship. The foundation is still there, and just making consistent contact with her will go a long way to getting back into some kind of friendship with her, maybe it's something you can build on from there.
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      I hate to resurrect my old thread, but I don't know how to speak to her at all. She's online on facebook and so am I and I want to so much, but I've no idea how to even begin. I want to just jump straight in there and apologise, but is that the right way to go?
    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      I think in this case, just saying you're sorry and the way you feel might be best. You need to get this off of your chest so do it. Just say something like "Hey, I'd just like to say sorry about...."
      You two were close before. You can jump right in and say you're sorry, explain your actions and what ever else you want to tell her, then slow down a bit and start catching up with each other.
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    • Re: Good friend moved away and now our friendship is ruined

      Exactly what the other Jenna said. If saying you are sorry feels like the right thing to do, then don't second guess yourself, tell her that you are sorry. As I had told you before, you don't have a lot to lose with her. Since you are starting from the ground up again, you really can't do a lot of wrong, you can just hope that you do the right things to improve your relationship with her.