Showering at school after P.E.

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    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      Are you required to get a shower? If you are, I'm sure you can talk to your coach about it and tell him your concerns. If he doesn't do anything, go to the principal. No one can tell you "You have to take your clothes off and get a shower!" Well I guess they could, but if you fight back you will be able to get some kind of special permission to not take showers there.

      If you really can't get any help from your coach or a school authority, then just realize that the rest of them probably all feel the same way as you. But if they are comfortable with it, then you're just another guy in there and they don't really care.

      I remember I used to be terrified of even undressing to change into my PE outfit in intermediate school. And I hated doing it for band too when we changed into marching uniforms or tuxedos. But we had bathrooms for that so I just used a stall.
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      The post was edited 2 times, last by artizhay ().

    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      This is one of those occasions where going with the flow has its advantages. To me, it strikes me as counter-intuitive. The time you are most likely to get noticed while showering with your peers is when you are trying hardest NOT to. If you just get it over with and do the shower, chances are that nobody's watching you closely and nobody really cares anyway. It's when you make it obvious that you are uncomfortable or unwilling that you attract the most attention to yourself. That's why I think it would just be easiest to do it and get it over with. Everyone's body is different, and I'm sure that no guy is overtly making comparisons anyway.

      Note that this is a feminine perspective though. For some reason, most guys seem to be more self-conscious about such things than girls are.
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      Kitty Boo Boo Fuck wrote:

      I would feel awkward showering with a bunch of dudes.. in one big shower...... NO ONE can make you do something you don't wanna do .. Just say no .

      Tiz what I do, I change my clothes obviously, but showering is just meh, I don't sweat much anyway, clean my face and its done basically.

      And jenna, I'm not self conscious at all, I'm comfortable with myself, just don't feel comfortable undressing in front of others('cept girls :D)
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      Dexter. wrote:

      It seems I'm the only one that doesn't feel comfortable undressing in front of everyone, we don't get individual showers, it's kind of weird.

      STFU you're the luckiest person on Earth. Seriously, S the F U. :mad:


      No but really, that would be awesome. Next time you have to shower just think of how jealous I am of you and you'll feel better :D
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      Dexter. wrote:

      And jenna, I'm not self conscious at all, I'm comfortable with myself, just don't feel comfortable undressing in front of others('cept girls :D)

      Well, I didn't think you were self-conscious... at least no more than every other person in the shower with you. I mean, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be at least a little bit uncomfortable (shut up David :D ) I have fortunately never been exposed to that situation, but I would be a little bit wierded out.
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      David! wrote:

      STFU you're the luckiest person on Earth. Seriously, S the F U. :mad:

      Haha really, I had a gay friend who played football and he said it really wasn't that great or special to be in the change room with a bunch of other guys, "I mean, unexcited penises aren't really much of a turn on." :lol:

      In all seriousness to OP, just don't shower if you don't want to. Our changeroom had curtained showers but there was only 4 of them so it sucked waiting in line. If I was in a hurry I'd just rinse my face and use a damp towel to wash the rest of my body. No nakedness required! :)
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      I'm in the same position, except the school's saying if I don't take a shower, they're going to knock my grade down. They're not doing it for the guys, only the girls, and the P.E. teacher sits there watching you shower. o__O

      I haven't taken a shower after P.E. yet, and they can't make me. I straighten my hair in the morning, and it looks really messed up if it gets wet. Plus, I don't do much in that class since I had surgery on my knee before, and the teacher makes me do different things than the rest of the people in that class. I don't get that sweaty. I don't see the point.

      Complain to your school should be the first step, it's what I'm doing too. :)
    • Re: Showering at school after P.E.

      i have to take showers when u do it its not as bad as you think just relax and take a shower if anyone is starring at you chances are there not going to run to there friend and be like *that guy has a small penis* because then he would sound gay and people would make fun of him. just dont get a boner because some kid in my gym had a boner when i went to take a shower and he acted gay.
    • I am relaxed while showeing in the school showers after P.E usually with my 3 friends. There was no chance for any one to make comments on my penis while changing , as mine is 6+ . I will not comment on any boy with small penis. I know it is natures gift.
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