Acne or accutane/regimen stories

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    • Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      Has anyone dealt with or is dealing with acne? What are you doing about it? How does it make you feel? Is it getting better or worse? Post before/after pics if you're comfortable with it.

      I think I started getting acne back in 2006-2007. I remember when I first got a few pimples, this girl I played French horn in band with was like, "Hey! Your pimples make a triangle!" She always insults people in the happiest tone; I'm not sure she knows it's rude. Anyway, not exactly a great way to start of my acne adventure.

      My acne started to get much, much worse and ended up in cysts - and all those other scientific terms - all over my face. I was depressed and ashamed of myself, because it was much worse than most people's few pimples or minor acne. I thought people thought I was disgusting. I didn't talk to much of anyone for a year or two because I assumed they didn't want to be close enough to talk because of my face.

      Besides being emotionally depressed, I was in physical pain. My face hurt constantly and I could do absolutely nothing to make it better. In one ugly and painful situation, I popped every pimple I could one night. It took two hours and I cried for about three more because it hurt so much. My dad let me skip school the next day. Popping them didn't help at all anyway; they just kept coming back.

      I saw a dermatologist and got started on all sorts of medication over time. (I had tried all those topical creams, sulfur, proActiv, etc. in the past.) I used specialized, prescription strength acne creams (I can try to get the exact names of these if anyone wants). I used Bactrim and a few others. This went one for about a year, but nothing worked.

      My doctor kept saying there was this medicine called Accutane that was supposed to be a last resort for acne. This is because of the novel-length list of side affects, including depressive and suicidal thoughts.

      My parents looked up the list of affects online and refused to let me take it. My dad repeated told me it would "get better over time" and I didn't need medicine. I hated him for it. I hated both my parents because they didn't seem to understand what it was doing to me. Maybe that's because I'm so good at hiding my emotions. But in the end, I forced them to let me take it and that was probably the best thing I could have done.

      I started in the summer, probably not the best time to do it because you're supposed to avoid sunlight, but I was in marching band. My face was sunburned constantly but I kept taking the medicine. I was extremely uncomfortable the entire course of treatment. My body hurt, my back hurt, my lips were always dry, everything was dry, I had nose bleeds, and other stuff. That went on for six months, but I could see my face getting gradually better.

      My acne went away and I thanked God, my doctor, and my family for helping me. I was so much more confident and I actually thought I looked good.

      Sadly, my back pain always remained from the treatment. It started immediately after I started the medicine and never went away when I finished. I've had several body scans and all those things to find out if there's a problem, but they just say they don't see any problems and that I probably have a weak back. I know that's not true because I do a lot of things that require back muscles. It hurts chronically but it's less apparent when my mind is on other things. But I would gladly take on back pain in exchange for acne any day.

      One maybe negative thing that came out of it was that I think I'm much for self-centered now. I went through hell trying to make my face look good, so I always try to make the rest of myself look good or else I feel like all that work was wasted. That's probably not even logical but it's how I feel.

      I've linked to a couple pictures of how I used to look. They're links because I think it's disgusting and I don't want to offend anyone who scrolls down the page and has to see how disgusting my face was.

      Before pics:

      Here's how I look now:
      Golden Enterprises, Inc. - CEO
      Iconiplex, LLC - Managing Member
      Emerald Summit Capital Group, LLC - President

      The post was edited 2 times, last by artizhay ().

    • Re: Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      Scars from acne can seem like double punishment — first you had to deal with the pimples, now you have marks as a reminder.
      It helps to understand the different kinds of acne so you can figure out what to do about different types of scarring: Acne lesions or pimples happen when the hair follicles (or "pores") on the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. A plugged follicle is the perfect place for bacteria to grow and create the red bumps and pus-filled red bumps known as pimples.

      Acne comes in different forms:

      - mild acne, which refers to the whiteheads or blackheads that most of us get at various times

      - moderately severe acne, which includes red inflamed pimples called papules and red pimples with white centers called pustules

      - severe acne, which causes nodules — painful, pus-filled cysts or lumps — to appear under the skin

      Most serious scarring is caused by the more severe forms of acne, with nodules more likely to leave permanent scars than other types of acne.
      The best approach is to get treatment for acne soon after it appears to prevent further severe acne and more scarring. If you have nodules, see your doctor or dermatologist for treatment.
    • Re: Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      damn dude! I can't believe you made it through that! It looks really painful!

      I had moderate acne. It wasn't very painful so I didn't care much. But by the time I actually started caring how I looked (I got it in 7th grade) it gradually slipped into a very mild acne (the end of 10th grade) and now if I keep clean I only get the occasional pimple.
    • Re: Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      My best friend had it, and hated it ridiculously. At the best of days, she would be depressed and wear her hair so that she could hide in it. She only recently found her cure for it (she refused accutane). Have you seen the commercials on tv about how it causes cancer now? Accutane shuts down parts of your skin production, healthy and unhealthy. My sister used to be on it too. But she had to stop, because her hair was falling out. But back to my friend. She didn't want to die just from acne, so she just kept trying the massive list of other things that caused it. For her, it was blood glucose levels.

      You look great, though! Congrats on getting your cure. For some people, even the big guns don't work. :(
    • Re: Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      plax77 wrote:

      damn dude! I can't believe you made it through that! It looks really painful!

      I had moderate acne. It wasn't very painful so I didn't care much. But by the time I actually started caring how I looked (I got it in 7th grade) it gradually slipped into a very mild acne (the end of 10th grade) and now if I keep clean I only get the occasional pimple.

      It was extremely painful both physically and emotionally.

      I guess you got off lucky then. ;) I'm glad to hear that.

      Baal wrote:

      My best friend had it, and hated it ridiculously. At the best of days, she would be depressed and wear her hair so that she could hide in it. She only recently found her cure for it (she refused accutane). Have you seen the commercials on tv about how it causes cancer now? Accutane shuts down parts of your skin production, healthy and unhealthy. My sister used to be on it too. But she had to stop, because her hair was falling out. But back to my friend. She didn't want to die just from acne, so she just kept trying the massive list of other things that caused it. For her, it was blood glucose levels.

      You look great, though! Congrats on getting your cure. For some people, even the big guns don't work. :(

      No I haven't seen that. Though I'm sure that may have something to do with the sun. You're supposed to avoid the sun at, like, all costs. Haha. Which would have been fine with me since I hated going out with my face anyway, but I had marching band...xD
      I'm happy she found her cure. =]

      Thank you! Some people have to go through two to three courses of the 'tane. I'm glad I didn't, though I would have gleefully. Lol.

      Treebark2268 wrote:

      I had it man.. I used accutane, got rid of it in roughly half a year.. The doc gave me some anti scar cream, idk if its working. then again, i used it twic..

      I wouldn't worry too much about the scars. They heal themselves over time. How long have you been on the cream? The only really effective way for scar removal is laser removal and I don't think the pain, money, and having to look like shit (inflamed/swollen/red face) for a few weeks is worth it since you'll look fine after about a year as the scars heal for free.
      Golden Enterprises, Inc. - CEO
      Iconiplex, LLC - Managing Member
      Emerald Summit Capital Group, LLC - President

      The post was edited 2 times, last by artizhay ().

    • Re: Acne or accutane/regimen stories

      I wouldn't worry too much about the scars. They heal themselves over time. How long have you been on the cream? The only really effective way for scar removal is laser removal and I don't think the pain, money, and having to look like shit (inflamed/swollen/red face) for a few weeks is worth it since you'll look fine after about a year as the scars heal for free.[/QUOTE]

      I'm honestly not sure, maybe 5 or 6 weeks.. I probably should be using it, but I keep forgetting..

      The scaring on my face doesn't look too bad, in fact it probably makes me look tougher.. LOL
      "I'm gods lonely man"