Help me out girls, pretty please

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    • Help me out girls, pretty please

      Alright, well not over night or anything, but in the past year or two i've noticed that older girls are getting more and more attracted to younger guys. I would have thought that they would be interested in older guys with more experience... :S so confused.
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      -George S. Patton :cool:
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      I personally am dating a "younger guy".. not really, haha. we're pretty much the same age. But it is somewhat about the cuteness factor, plus with a younger guy there is less to worry about in the baggage, exgirlfriend, and sexual past. If you date a guy who is younger than you, chances are he has slept with less people than if he were older.
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    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      personaly im attracted to older guys :) hahaha
      when i see a younger guy, i think aww hes adorable
      and cute but like a little brother cute. lol
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    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      Nesmaha wrote:

      Alright, well not over night or anything, but in the past year or two i've noticed that older girls are getting more and more attracted to younger guys. I would have thought that they would be interested in older guys with more experience... :S so confused.
      You think there has been a sudden, noticeable shift in the male-female age ratio in relationships in the past year or two? Yeah, not too likely. More likely it's the same as it's always been - depends on the girl's preference and the guy's personality/maturity level.

    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      Personally, i don't like JUST younger guys but when i do, it's because i feel like i can be the dominant. It's nice to have a little bit of power in a relationship every once in a while. With older guys it's a bit harder to be as "agressive" in a relationship, but with younger guys, it's like you're teaching them, you get to be dominant.

      hope this helps!
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      I personally don't get why girls are attracted to younger boys. It just looks weird for me, but it's true since I know a few girls who are. Perhabs it's because girls like cute things? Or they like to be the dominating part which they typically are with a younger guy. Dunno.
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      I really HAVE noticed this, though I suppose I haven't given it that much thought. That and how pop cultural seems to have latched on to the term 'cougar' to describe an older woman who goes after younger men. (the term itself irritates the hell out of me, and almost every figure in the media seems to feel they need to use it at every opportunity just to show how 'hip' they are.) Maybe it's that I'm old-fashioned, but I just don't get it.
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:


      Wow, that's fucked up. But not at all surprisingly coming from a Twilight fan.


      how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power.

      And the twilight comment. really uneccessary. i mean, what i just said is absolutely opposite of what those books are! And by the way, i'm not much of a fan anymore. i just don't feel the need to change things on a website where i don't know anyone, considering i thought that you really shouldn't judge. You don't know me.

      oh, and maggot, do you have something out for me? cause i'm pretty sure that you've only ever posted negative comments about my posts. If it's the twilight thing (cause you've mentioned it every time) that is very juvinile. I do wish you would actually think about my posts and why i feel that way about a certain topic before you attack on the twilight level. Perhaps then i will start having respect for your opinions about my posts. Thanks!
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by team jacob ().

    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      team jacob wrote:

      how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power.

      And the twilight comment. really uneccessary. i mean, what i just said is absolutely opposite of what those books are! And by the way, i'm not much of a fan anymore. i just don't feel the need to change things on a website where i don't know anyone, considering i thought that you really shouldn't judge. You don't know me.

      Coming from a male perspective, it's just like guys that go for really young girls, except possibly worse because a lot of the time girls are just as mature if they're a year or two behind. If you want to be the aggressor, you could always.... earn it? That's sexier too. Just sayin'

    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      ok, here's a thought. perhaps girls don't see the age, they just see the guy. and if he were the same age or older, it wouldn't matter because this guy caught their eye. And when they find out his age, it doesn't shake um, cause this guy, there's something different about him, something intruiging, something that they can't quite figure out. So age plays no part in it. it is, afterall just a number that after a while, doesn't mean a thing.
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      team jacob wrote:

      how is that fucked up?! guys always get to be the dominant in a relationship and i think that for strong girls, that's hard to just sit and not have any power.
      Ha. Guys don't always get to be dominant. In fact, in actual, healthy relationships (ie not fictional ones involving Bella) the two people are equal. That's the entire basis of a healthy relationship - equality. And saying you go for younger guys so you can be dominant? 1) That means the basis of a healthy relationship (equality, as I already mentioned) isn't present. And 2) that means you're obviously going out of your way to, choosing people specifically for the purpose of, dominating the relationship. And, uh, newsflash: it's not good to want to dominate your partner.

      team jacob wrote:

      And the twilight comment. really uneccessary. i mean, what i just said is absolutely opposite of what those books are! And by the way, i'm not much of a fan anymore. i just don't feel the need to change things on a website where i don't know anyone, considering i thought that you really shouldn't judge. You don't know me.
      Oh well, I'm alright with judging when it comes to Twilight. :)

      team jacob wrote:

      oh, and maggot, do you have something out for me? cause i'm pretty sure that you've only ever posted negative comments about my posts.
      I don't recall ever seeing you before, so obviously I have nothing against you. Apparently you just say things I find stupid.

      team jacob wrote:

      If it's the twilight thing (cause you've mentioned it every time) that is very juvinile. I do wish you would actually think about my posts and why i feel that way about a certain topic before you attack on the twilight level. Perhaps then i will start having respect for your opinions about my posts. Thanks!
      Got nothing to do with the Twilight thing. That just makes you look worse than your actual posts already do (apparently? I don't remember any besides that one I addressed.) It's funny you think I'm out to get you or something, though. It amuses me that you think you're just that important that I not only remember you, but am determined to harass you. In reality, I have no fucking clue who you are, and therefore I care nothing for whether you respect my posts or not.

      dusk wrote:

      Coming from a male perspective, it's just like guys that go for really young girls, except possibly worse because a lot of the time girls are just as mature if they're a year or two behind. If you want to be the aggressor, you could always.... earn it? That's sexier too. Just sayin'
      If a guy said he went for younger girls so he could dominate them in the relationship, people would fucking flip shit.

    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      Nesmaha wrote:

      Alright, well not over night or anything, but in the past year or two i've noticed that older girls are getting more and more attracted to younger guys. I would have thought that they would be interested in older guys with more experience... :S so confused.

      I actually think that this is quite silly to be honest with you. It may be something that you are experiencing, but if you ask me, age has nothing to do with it. It all depends on what the girl is looking for. I don't care how old someone is if they have the personality and qualities I look for in a guy. Maybe you just end up liking girls that happen to be into virgins. I'm not sure...I wouldn't sweat it though. A nice girl will come along =]
    • Re: Help me out girls, pretty please

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      And, uh, newsflash: it's not good to want to dominate your partner.
      Oh well, I'm alright with judging when it comes to Twilight. :) That just makes you look worse than your actual posts already do


      First, i never said dominate. there's a big difference between being a dominant (ie. making the plans, adressing things up front, being more forward in the relationship) which, believe it or not, most healthy relationships have one, and dominating (ie. forcing acts unwanted by the partner, threatening, violent behavior).

      Second, if you seem so alright with judging people based on what they read, i feel that you would also be ok with people judging on their hobbies. So, in my opinion, being an equestrian makes all your posts seem ditzy and biased with no real facts to back it up. This is not only a completely false judgement about the majority of equestrians, but also goes to show that you can't make false accusations about people just because of the name they choose because AT THE TIME they liked something.

      Finally, as you seem to have not noted, i am no longer a fan of those books, therefore all your judgments about my posts being "worse" just because of the Twilight name on them are then out of place and in all reality, null.
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D