Girls...Don't you hate it when...

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    • Re: Girls...Don't you hate it when...

      Linda wrote:

      Are you on seasonique now? I'm not on birth control right now, I'm to scared haha.

      I'm in Australia, so I don't think we have seasonique. I take one called Levlen Ed. Basically, it comes in a box with a four month supply. 28 pills are the active ones and then there's a week of sugar pills. If you want to skip your period you just don't take the sugar pills. It's perfectly safe to skip on all the pills in Australia, at least to my knowledge. If you talk to your doctor they will be able to help more with the American brands. If you do get any bad side effects from any particular pill you can always get a lower dose
    • Re: Girls...Don't you hate it when...

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      yeah I hate it when that happens to me

      Thanks Kevin =p

      ---------- Post added at 05:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 AM ----------

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      Omvek is Kevmo backwards?

      Whoa!...I just noticed that. He's a creeper! lol

      ---------- Post added at 05:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 AM ----------

      keywee wrote:

      hahah yeah I get the same thing, she always seems to be horniest when she can't do anything T_T

      That's exactly what I'm talking about! I think my hormones are confused.

      ---------- Post added at 05:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 AM ----------

      Linda wrote:

      I honestly get so horny before my period, and then I get it and can't do anything about it, most annoying thing ever. I wanted to go on that pill too, so I looked up reviews, and the things people said about it were awful. They said they gained like 30 pounds, their hair fell out, crazy shit like that. I heard some people just skip the period pills, have you tried that?

      I have 4 pills that I'm supposed to take during my period, but they don't induce my period they just don't have any hormones. They are simply iron pills and I don't take them cuz they taste really bad.

      ---------- Post added at 06:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 AM ----------

      Jenna wrote:

      I use the ortho evra patch, and I can't say enough great things about it. No need to worry about remembering to take the damn pill, I just have a patch on my back that I change once a week. I have never had any side effects from it at all.

      I tried that and for whatever reason it made me lose weight. My doctor thinks that it was some sort of allergic reaction to it, so I just switched to the pill. I'm usually pretty good about remembering to take it.

      ---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------

      ivaiva wrote:

      Ruin what fun?
      If you want to have sex or masturbate you still can.

      It doesn't feel the same. I can't cum and I can't orgasm either. Not to mention the fact that it's kind of gross.

      ---------- Post added at 06:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 AM ----------

      SugarLips wrote:

      Nope, don't bother me one bit.
      If any one were to touch me, while I was on my period i'd royally hurt them. But then again, i'm usually stuck in bed for 3-4 days, :P

      I used to get writhing pains when I got my period, but my birth control has completely fixed all of that.

      ---------- Post added at 06:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 AM ----------

      Linda wrote:

      Are you on seasonique now? I'm not on birth control right now, I'm to scared haha.

      There is no need to be scared. I'm on Loestrin24Fe and it is a low dose BC that has like 0 side effects. The most weight you can gain is like 5lbs, but I didn't gain any. For the first month I had loss of appetite and fatigue, but other than that it really wasn't bad.

      ---------- Post added at 06:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 AM ----------

      morphine wrote:

      anwyay. nature is a bitch. :)

      nuff said lol
    • Re: Girls...Don't you hate it when...

      one time a few years ago with my ex, we were going to have sex with her on her period. we were both like "well who cares why should a little bleeding stop us." yikessss big mistake, that image being covered in nasty period blood is forever BURNED in my memory. and the smell oh god.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by California Livin ().

    • Re: Girls...Don't you hate it when...

      California Livin wrote:

      one time a few years ago with my ex, we were going to have sex with her on her period. we were both like "well who cares why should a little bleeding stop us." yikessss big mistake, that image being covered in nasty period blood is forever BURNED in my memory. and the smell oh god.

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    • Re: Girls...Don't you hate it when...

      California Livin wrote:

      one time a few years ago with my ex, we were going to have sex with her on her period. we were both like "well who cares why should a little bleeding stop us." yikessss big mistake, that image being covered in nasty period blood is forever BURNED in my memory. and the smell oh god.

      I thought guys pride themselves on being tough, yet a little bit of blood makes you all squeamish. Just lay down a dark colored towel under the two of you and take a shower afterward. Problem solved. :rolleyes: