What does this mean?

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    • What does this mean?

      Right this girl i like knows that i like her, she told my and her best friend how she wants me to talk to her and get to know me better but she doesnt talk to me too much. She would often throw things at me to try and get my attention and asked my friend why i am ignoring her and i wasnt i just didnt talk to her, plus this was the first day she knew that i liked her. It often seems very awkward when we are together but we do talk occasionally. For example last night she had to go home early so i walked her to the bus stop where we began speaking for a bit. At this same time all of my mates were walking to the takeaway and she was like you dont have to stay with me go enjoy yourself and get pissed, then she offered to walk me halfway so she did. I just dont understannd what she wants, also would the face that she has never been in a relationship with anybody
      before be a factor?? Thanks for any help or advice
    • Re: What does this mean?

      grewks wrote:

      can you elaborate a bit more on 'trying to make me try' please? :)
      Make an effort to talk to her. If she's throwing stuff at you, don't ignore her; that just says you're not interested. Go up to her and engage in conversation. If your friends are going by, DON'T leave her to go hang with them. Show her that you're interested in her at the moment, and other things can wait.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!