Wanna Be a Rockstar

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    • Wanna Be a Rockstar

      I've never told anyone this before because I'm afraid to, but I want to be a rockstar.
      Seriously. This isn't one of those childhood things, like becoming a princess, or a teenage dream.
      I'm serious.
      And I'm not doing it for the fame or the money. I look at all the classic legendary musicians (Bob Dylan, Beatles, etc) and I think "What happened to all of that?"
      I want to be a rockstar because I want to be legendary like them. I want to make my generation proud, so that we can hold our heads up high when older people tell us the music of this age sucks. I'm sorry to say that I agree with these older people, and I want to change that. I want to be an icon for my generation. I want to make a difference somehow.

      I'm a sophomore and everyone tells me I have so much "potential." But not the kind I want.
      I'm on APs and just about every other academic thing you can get into and it's taking up a lot of my time. I wonder everyday if I should just drop it all and go straight for my dream. Practice my instruments for hours a day and just live in music.
      But I know that not everyone makes it. And I don't want to throw away all my education because I might not make it.

      Everybody wants me to become a doctor or a lawyer, they tell me I can be anything I want to be because I'm so smart.
      I don't care.
      I don't have anything against being a doctor or lawyer, but I know I'll never be happy being one of them. I know I'd always wonder what could have been.

      I'm just scared. I don't know what will happen.

      I've never told anyone this, because I know what they'll say. "Oh, why?" and give me a weird look, because everyone expects me to cure cancer or something.
      I wanted to be photographer before, and I told only one person about it. She said, "OH.... Well... you have to be very creative for that. I think you'd be better off being a scientist."
      Luckily, we were talking online, so she couldn't see me cry. Needless to say, my photographer dream has gone out the window. I haven't told anyone about being a rockstar, but if someone doesn't even think I can be a photographer, I wonder how I can be a rockstar.

      I really want to do this, to be SOMEBODY, but I don't know how or what to do. I'm really scared and I don't really believe in myself that much anymore.

      Any advice?
    • Re: Wanna Be a Rockstar

      Woodstock wrote:

      I've never told anyone this before because I'm afraid to, but I want to be a rockstar.
      Seriously. This isn't one of those childhood things, like becoming a princess, or a teenage dream.
      I'm serious.
      And I'm not doing it for the fame or the money. I look at all the classic legendary musicians (Bob Dylan, Beatles, etc) and I think "What happened to all of that?"
      I want to be a rockstar because I want to be legendary like them. I want to make my generation proud, so that we can hold our heads up high when older people tell us the music of this age sucks. I'm sorry to say that I agree with these older people, and I want to change that. I want to be an icon for my generation. I want to make a difference somehow.

      I'm a sophomore and everyone tells me I have so much "potential." But not the kind I want.
      I'm on APs and just about every other academic thing you can get into and it's taking up a lot of my time. I wonder everyday if I should just drop it all and go straight for my dream. Practice my instruments for hours a day and just live in music.
      But I know that not everyone makes it. And I don't want to throw away all my education because I might not make it.

      Everybody wants me to become a doctor or a lawyer, they tell me I can be anything I want to be because I'm so smart.
      I don't care.
      I don't have anything against being a doctor or lawyer, but I know I'll never be happy being one of them. I know I'd always wonder what could have been.

      I'm just scared. I don't know what will happen.

      I've never told anyone this, because I know what they'll say. "Oh, why?" and give me a weird look, because everyone expects me to cure cancer or something.
      I wanted to be photographer before, and I told only one person about it. She said, "OH.... Well... you have to be very creative for that. I think you'd be better off being a scientist."
      Luckily, we were talking online, so she couldn't see me cry. Needless to say, my photographer dream has gone out the window. I haven't told anyone about being a rockstar, but if someone doesn't even think I can be a photographer, I wonder how I can be a rockstar.

      I really want to do this, to be SOMEBODY, but I don't know how or what to do. I'm really scared and I don't really believe in myself that much anymore.

      Any advice?

      Story of my life, bro :cool:
      I play the guitar and want to write meaningful songs that will make my generation and past generations proud :)
      I want to play live and make a very intimate connection with the audience

      I'm an honors student too..
      I am also told what you are told.. (be a lawyer, doctor, etc..)
      But I think 'The hell with that"
      but, at the same time, I know that not everyone makes it..
    • Re: Wanna Be a Rockstar

      I think you have your head in this the right way. You at least recognize that you must have something to fall back on in the extremely likely chance that your dreams don't work out. I hope that you always keep that in mind, because there are way too many people in this world that throw any real future away on a long shot pipe dream.

      But at the same time, only you can decide what to do with your life. If this is what you really want, you should pursue it wholeheartedly. There are going to be plenty of people that will helpfully tell you what careers they think you 'should' be interested in. Don't hold it against them, they are trying to be helpful. I've long since found that you tell these people something neutral and non-dismissive like "Well, that's something to think about". In then end, you will NEVER be happy with any career that isn't of your own choosing, no matter how much money you are making.
    • Re: Wanna Be a Rockstar

      Hey, go for it! =D I'm quitting school to pursue a career with my heavy metal band, Iron Winged Chaos. Anything's possible. But you have to remember that you need the drive as well as the talent. Take a couple of minutes to yourself everyday to research the music industry and such. Figure out what you need, where to start, and if you need any help whatsoever feel free to message me. I know exactly how you feel.

      [center]I'm not just an arrogant sonofabitch,
      I'm an arrogant sonofabitch who's damn good at EVERYTHING he does. [/center]