Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

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    • Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      My mom is got to be one of the fakest people I have ever known, it’s ridiculous! She can be a total bitch about the dumbest shit and still find a way to make it seem like she was in the right. (Ugh!) My mom just got her dream car after waiting for ever she just couldn’t hold out anymore. She got herself a brand spanking new white Lexus that she’ll be regretting for the next five years of payment -__- anyway she goes out flossing to her close friends and then keeps it a secret from her friend of 30 + years who just so happens to be my god mother. When I asked my mom how come we hadn’t gone over to my god mother and her mom’s house my mom says we haven’t been close or speaking for like 2 years. Wtf could my mom think was important enough to avoid her close friend for two years when they’ve known each other for practically ever and should be able to get over this? “Oh, well she stop calling over here as much as she use too, so I just stop trying to get a hold of her.” “WHAT?” I deadpan. “You’re holding a grudge because she stopped randomly calling you?” With my mother’s freakin genius logical she said yes. Why should I bother calling her if she can’t find the time out to call me? (sus -__-) “Mom that’s ridiculous.” I tell her. “Okay that’s fine with me.” *brushes me off before walking out the room to avoid the conversation* Well she’s had the car for a total of a week and yesterday I got off the green line late from school so when I was walking home I ran into my god mother. She picks me up and I chill at her pad for like three hours so now its like ten at night. I call my mom and she sounds upset because of the fact that she has to pick me up now. (Not even in the damn car she’s trying to keep hush hush about) so then my god sister offers to take me home. I’m game so I tell my mom don’t worry about it. She grunts and hangs up in my face. So my god sister is driving me home and she pulls up to my house and notices that not only is my step dad’s car there, my moms truck, and my aunties two cars, but one car she's never seen before at our house is smack dab in the middle right in the center and in front with a cover on. Naturally she asks who’s new car? I mean it was right in front of our damn house! And im not one to go out of my way to lie for such a stupid reason so I tell her. BUT I tell her to keep it to herself for now. And I trust her. Well my mom begs to differ she thinks my god sister told everyone and that they think she is better than them and now she’s pissed at me because she bought a new car and I was suppose to respect her and her damn wishes in keeping it from my second mom.

      Seriously my mom is running out of reasons to fuck me over with
      . . . tramlaw ni xes gnivah ekil stI :wink:

    • Re: Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      I don't understand how that would "fuck you over". If she wanted to keep it from that lady, then you should have respected that. If anything , you're doing exactly what you're accusing you mother of doing.. when it really isn't your business.

      People will always talk about you
      Might as well give them something to talk about
    • Re: Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      I don't think you did anything wrong. Unlike what SugarLips seems to believe, "respecting" someone's wishes does not mean you should feel forced to lie for them... ever. If you felt uncomfortable lying to either your godsister or godmother, then there is no legitimate reason you should feel you are being pressured to by your mother. Honestly, for someone that is as old as she is, your mother sounds like she has some serious maturity issues. If my mom acted like that, I would tell her straight out that she needs to get her head out of her ass. (but I have been accused of being blunt from time to time :) )

      Bottom line: nobody, not even a parent, should have the right to coerce you into doing something you see as morally questionable.

      Now, that being said, it does sound like you go out of your way to find things to be pissed at your mom about. I sense that there are maybe other issues going on here beyond just the purchase of a white Lexus.
    • Re: Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      She didn't say she *HAS* to lie,
      "I was asked not to tell anyone just yet, sorry" is something she could've said.

      Its like if someone asks you not to tell anyone they're pregnant yet, and someone asks you 'Oh hey.. she's getting a little pooch, is she pregnant' you don't just and spill everything, right?

      People will always talk about you
      Might as well give them something to talk about

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bella ().

    • Re: Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      I'm glad to know there are people like you out there who aren't fake even though they have such superficial parents. It seems to me like your mom is childish and does feel superior to others just because of her new car. That's really sad to me. I think your mom is probably a really unhappy person, and wants to make everyone else feel that way. She also seems really codependent and has to have everyone always praising the things she does or has.

      It's really sad that your mom can't see the beautiful things in life. So many of them are FREE! Maybe she needs to take time to stop trying to show off and reevalutate her priorities. It's not your fault she bought a new car and it's wrong of your mother to expect you to lie for her. Most parents don't condone lying. Your mom really needs to take some time to reflect on the things that truly matters (i.e. family, friends, her relationships with them) than trivial things like a car. If she doesn't I'm afraid she's going to end up losing all of the important things. Apparently, she's pretty close to losing you if she hasn't already.
      [CENTER]"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." ~Marilyn Monroe[/CENTER]
    • Re: Sorry mom for not lying to my god mom about your new damn car

      SugarLips wrote:

      I don't understand how that would "fuck you over". If she wanted to keep it from that lady, then you should have respected that. If anything , you're doing exactly what you're accusing you mother of doing.. when it really isn't your business.

      my mom wouldn't know respect if it slapped her in the face, all she worries about is herself and how to make herself seem righteous. I dont really expect you to understand how that would "fuck me over" because you don't know the extent of my relationship with my mom. But yeah it wasn't just some lady, it was my godmother and I don't see how im being doing exactly what i was accusing my mom of doing, because Im not fake :/ and yeah it IS my business if Im in the car and am the one expected not to tell.
      . . . tramlaw ni xes gnivah ekil stI :wink: