Need Help Helping a Friend

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    • Need Help Helping a Friend

      One of my closest friends, who I've known for 10 years, is going through a really tough time.
      Her mother died of a car accident on Saturday and I was with her in the hospital when she found out. She was so shocked and confused until her dad came and took her home.

      I can't even begin to imagine what she's going through at this time, and I want to help.

      I know that right now the pain is ripe, so that I need to give her some space and leave her with her dad for a while.

      But I want to find out how to help later on. School will be hard for her, if she decides to come back, because her mother was a teacher there and I know that they had so many memories.

      I really want to help her get through this and be a good friend, but I'm not sure how or when to do this.

      Any advice?
    • Re: Need Help Helping a Friend

      I'm really sorry for your friend's loss. Yeah, it's a tough time for her and so far - it seems like you've got the right idea. Give her time, give her her space to cope with this loss. And when she does come back to school, just let her know that you sympathize and that you're available for help when/if she needs it. Reassure her that you want to be her friend and that she's always got someone to talk to. That's pretty much all you can do right now.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Need Help Helping a Friend

      First of all, I am very sorry for you friends loss. I can only imagine what it must feel like to lose a parent for good. :(

      I think the best thing for you to do in this moment in time is to try to talk to her, with just a simple "How do you feel?" I feel, would sufice. Shes hurting alot, especially because it was her mother, and they most likely had that special bond, as most mothers and daughters do... So try not to be too pushy about the subject and if she dosnt want to talk about it then leave it at that. She might also just need some space, and although it might be tough for you, you should probably just give it to her.

      I hope that helped :blush:
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm urgin' all daughters to kiss they mothers, with those lips that all that lipstick covers, your never to grown up to miss and hug her♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]