not your usual relationship advice

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    • not your usual relationship advice

      Okay. So i see so many guys in my school with girlfriends, and i want one so bad. I'm generally picky about my choice of girls. In my school, all the hot ones are bitchy, and the nice ones i'd totally date, if they were at least cute, are well, ugly. So i don't know what to do. Girls don't even look at me though, the ones who matter. My friend said i'm setting my standards too high, but when i pick a girl to like i'm so worried about what others will think. I have a mild acne, that i'm really self concious about. My overall look is so weird. I guess I'm preppy? I wear some american eagle, some billabong too. I'm kind of transitioning from shopping at A.E., aber. and fitch, aero, and hollister, to zumiez, and pac sun. So what do i do people? change my style? change my haircut? what do i do to get girls to like me? i've had girlfriends before, so i guess i'm not a total turn off. help? from guys, what they do? girls, how they look at guys?
    • Re: not your usual relationship advice

      Within the first 2 seconds of reading your post I could already tell where this was going. You're shallow, thats your problem. Also, you shouldn't want to date a girl because everyone else is dating a girl. If you like someone then you should date them, but if you're dating them just to be part of a crowd, then the relationship is just destined to fail, because your heart wouldn't be in it. Looks are NOT the most important thing in a relationship like you're making it out to seem. You're basically saying that the ugly girls are de-humanized because they're not what you think is attractive, and thats just ridiculous. Another one of your issues is that you care about what people think. You shouldn't. If you like a girl, then that should be the end of it. You shouldn't need your friends approval, it would be YOUR feelings, YOUR girlfriend, and YOUR relationship. If you like someone, don't worry about what the popular crowd thinks. Thats another thing that will make the relationship fail. I don't think you need to change your looks, you need to change your attitude and your ego.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: not your usual relationship advice

      One of the writers on the staff for the new TeenHut Magazine wrote an article that I think you should read. It's called 'Girls value Personality More Than Looks' Girls Value Personality More Than Looks

      Why don't you give that article a try, it points out the fact if you stand behind your personality your social activities will be more open.

      With that being said, the fact that you are classifying a social relationship into groups is what is getting you into trouble. If you start viewing people, particularly females as the same class as every other female, you will have an easier time trying to connect with them as a friend (always start a relationship as a friend first and for most - You get the best of the relationship that way). Don't worry about changing yourself, or the way you look (keeping in mind that good hygiene is important, as well as clean clothing), what your trying to get here is a good foundation and lets face it, practice for the future.

      So to point out the key factors here, don't put the female on a pedestal and don't knock your ability to attract woman. Instead focus on your skills as a person and use those to get the attention of females.
      Good social skills are a plus as well, but I'm trying to keep this as short as possible. If you have any more questions or want more suggestions, don't be afraid to ask. =D
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]Je voudrais pouvoir oublier le passé, oublier ce que j'ai vu et ce que j'ai fait, que j'ai rencontré et que j'aime. Ha, j'ai fait des erreurs et fait des appels mal, n'est-ce pas lintastic? Oh bien.
    • Re: not your usual relationship advice

      To sum things up, I have to agree with the first two. It may be difficult to accept (you may be swearing quietly at the screen XD) but seriously, you're in school! You have your WHOLE life ahead of you! Trust me when i say this is just the beginning! But, of course, a less egocentric view would be good.

      Top tips from me; be fun, take risks, smile; have good hygene; stop being so serious about it! True relationships, those things that actually mean something, happen spontaneously. When you experience it, you'll know. :) chin up, mate!
      [SIZE=2]Come on, seriously, would I lie to you?[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=1]...don't answer that.[/SIZE]
    • Re: not your usual relationship advice

      Hey clothes arnt ur problem.... if u really shop at all those stores THATS HOT! Do u play sports? I know i like guys who play football.... Hey go to ur dotor and ask for a referral to see a dermatologist .....Or buy some over the counter acne cleanser....have a routine skin regimen. And yes girl shy away from guys who have acne and yes we do know thats low..sry But Make her see how sweet of a guy u her i side she hasnt seen.....girls love that txt her goodmorning and goodnight.....compelment her.....i love it when my boyfriend tells me that what makes me so cute is my little flaws.....Like when i think i did something wrong i giggle and i hate that about me i dont meen to but i get flussterd...he thinks thats the cutest thing...pick up on little things like that.....