US Education System

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    • US Education System

      I really want to have a discussion about the public school system in the United States. I'll start by asking a few questions to hopefully get the debate going. I would also like you to post here even if you don't live in the US. ID like to have an idea of what school is like in other countries.

      Alright, lets get started.
      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.
      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?:lolz:
    • Re: US Education System

      I would just increase funding (yeah yeah, money out of no-where lol) if I could change my school. I'm in Texas and and rural-ish area (a lil over 400 in my H.S) so we don't get a whole lot of funds. I think our system tries to treat everyone the same, which I don't think is plausible. Some kids learn better than others; we should accept this. More classes for advanced students would be great. I think school is "fun" the way it is, though.
    • Re: US Education System

      trizzle wrote:

      I would just increase funding (yeah yeah, money out of no-where lol) if I could change my school. I'm in Texas and and rural-ish area (a lil over 400 in my H.S) so we don't get a whole lot of funds. I think our system tries to treat everyone the same, which I don't think is plausible. Some kids learn better than others; we should accept this. More classes for advanced students would be great. I think school is "fun" the way it is, though.

      Hahah! I wish I went to a high school with only 400 student. Have you even seen 1100 kids try to exit a building at the same time? It's hell. I wish we could go to school in shifts. (i.e 350 go to school at 7:00am and leave at 1:30pm, 350 go to school at 9:00am and leave at 3:30 and the rest go to school at 11:00am and leave at 5:30) BUT we can't because that would conflict with bus schedules with other schools. xD
    • Re: US Education System

      I hate the math classes though in which we have to learn how many pecks are in a bushel and such and how much grain can be sold on a market with a profit margin, etc.
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    • Re: US Education System

      I can only speak from my high school experience and from what I know about other high schools in the province. I live in Canada, so here we go...

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school.
      My school was blessed with a fantastic bunch of staff, I don't really have many complaints with my school.

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      Yes. I won't lie, throughout high school I constantly asked myself what the point of learning this or that was (math, history, etc.), but now that I'm out of school I have no complaints. It's not necessarily the specific knowledge that you need, but there's a lot of general knowledge and skill sets that you gain.

      My only criticism is that it's too easy sometimes. Rules are too easily bent and high marks are too easy to get. People come out of school with 95-98% averages and struggle through their first year of university because they were (as my dad puts it) "spoon fed" through high school.

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      I don't think I have a distinct learning style, but throughout school we took a ton of those "what way do you learn?" quizzes and teachers were very flexible in the way they taught. You can't please everyone, but things can be taught quickly and effectively in a variety of ways - no one is saying we're all forced to learn the same way.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      School is fun if you want it to be. :)

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.
      People are held back in elementary school if teachers or parents don't feel they're capable of moving on. It's just a general plan for "normal" cognitive development - no one is saying that everyone fits into the system perfectly.

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?
      Schools aren't exactly the same way they used to be - they've shifted focus in different ways a lot in the past. There are tons of groups and committees being made now to meet between students, parents, teachers, and school divisions - people just don't get involved. There are people that are willing to listen if you seek them out, it's not "old farts" that are running show on their own.
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      The cafeteria lunch food can be improved. I'm a vegetarian, so it's hard to accommodate to my diet anyway, but the food that we have here is pretty much processed foods that are genetically modified and artificial. In other words, it's unhealthy and after eating it - you'll feel gross.

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      Although I strongly believe that how successful a public institution such as schools vary from city to city, state to state. Every state controls their own system in public education. Here in California, though, it's pretty much more liberal. As far as public education here, I like it. They keep us in track of college and it's really helpful.

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?

      I'm a visual learner, so I learn from examples and doing. I think the teachers do their best to accommodate everyone's learning styles, though. Plus, the teachers teach contemporary material to catch us up in the real world. My English teach two years ago taught us something not from the CA curriculum. She assigned us reading assignments that had some importance or relevance to us, so I thought that was cool.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      More school spirit would be nice. More games, more bonding time. I don't know.

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.
      This is a very good question. I don't really have an answer to this.

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?
      My teachers never teaches us what they think is right, but rather what we need to know.
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    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)

      Learning more up to date stuff

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.


      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?

      I learn best by myself, without a teacher, no joke.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?

      Fun subjects.

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.

      No Idea, thought at my class they separated the ones with better grades.

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?

      yes and no, some teachers do own at teaching, but they are rare, I had this maths teach, dude was awesome, he could teach a rock to count.
    • Re: US Education System

      Raxal wrote:

      Well shoot. It seems like most people are fairly content with school. I was hoping for something a little bit more like "______ SUCKS, IT SHOULD BE CHANGED NOW" xD
      I guess only thing that really needs changing is government funding.

      It's not perfect, I just don't think it's that bad. There's lots of people (not just teenagers) who think otherwise, but schools are giving people plenty of opportunity to have their voice heard. The opportunity is there, it just has to be used. :)
    • Re: US Education System

      Raxal wrote:

      I really want to have a discussion about the public school system in the United States. I'll start by asking a few questions to hopefully get the debate going. I would also like you to post here even if you don't live in the US. ID like to have an idea of what school is like in other countries.

      Alright, lets get started.
      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      Less emphasis on HW, more personalized in school teaching.. As in, each student has equal time with the teacher, but no or little homework.. I like college a lot better, I have some classes twice a week, and I still learn as much as I did in HS.
      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      No, considering the US is one of the 'least educated' countries in the world
      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else? I dunno, I didn't pay much attention in HS..
      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      More hands on projects, labs, ect..
      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending. Because the public education system expects you to perform as well as your classmates, I dunno..
      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?:lolz:
      No.. But before we worry about the suburban public schools, its time to focus on inner city schools first..

      Fact remains, us as a country, we're behind most countries in 'testing' but then again, most countries don't have the same principles as ours.. America is based on how well you do as an individual, if you don't do well in school, thats your problem..

      I was a non student in HS.. I still don't care too much about my grades in college, as long as I pass..
      "I'm gods lonely man"
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      (I'm out of school now, by the way. And I'm from the UK)
      Essentially, my school suffered from a discipline problem. We didn't have low results because of poor teaching as such, just that there was no firm discipline structure from the top, as our headteacher was rather a fan of second chances (a bad symptom of some rather admirable traits he had that you don't often find in a headteacher). When I came into 6th form, there was also a problem in that our administration seemed arbitrarily split in parts between the school and the college on the same campus, (I should point out this is by no means a normal arrangement at all) giving us a rather translucent sense of identity and leaving us confused about who had responsibility over what services there were that were provided to us.

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.

      State services can always improve, and like most state services right now, there's plenty of room. At the moment, state education is still far schismatic, with good schools seemingly able to continue their meteoric rise and poor ones only wallowing, bar special cases. Essentially we need to set up a system that provides every locality with good schools, rather than a choice between very good and poor ones. Then, and only then, will we be in a position to make all our schools very good.
      Unfortunately, the current education reform being put through seems to be only going backwards on this aim.

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      This is a loaded question, clearly. No one is such a destiny-laden individual as to be under 'The Man' and having learn the same way as all the other hopeless, ignorant masses who obviously don't feel like they feel.
      After taking questionnaires I've invariably been told I'm a visual learner, but I'm still not quite sure what this is meant to entail and I think these quizzes only serve to spread generalisations about what are in fact individuals.
      We have the methods of education we do from trying and testing. Obviously schools should be able to broadly cater to different, established learning styles, but it would be impractical for them to pander to whatever you demand in order to learn. The majority of people are adaptable.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      For me, it doesn't take much. As long as the teacher is inspirational in their subject and I'm learning something I'm interested in, I'm fairly satisfied.

      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.
      Because school isn't just an education box. It's also a box that takes a fair bit of our social skills as well. Also, I think it's far fairer not to rank children in such delineated ways. It's all very well and good to take that kind of ranking when your older, but as a child?
      Besides, have you never encountered a setting system? In primary school, we were all in the same class but did some work in smaller groups based on ability, and later into secondary school we were in classes according to ability within each year. I think this is a very good compromise that allows more able students to excel but also fosters a feeling of cooperation within a group of mixed abilities.

      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?

      No one, on a deep level, knows what things they ought to know about. But I'd say that the educating generation knows a little more than the generation being educated. Village elders, no?

    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      Stop putting all the attention on the dumbest kids, or at least allow a greater proliferation of smart kids into advanced classes without all this prerequisite bullshit. If a student wants to take a class and risk getting in over his head, then so be it.

      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      Fuck no.

      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      Lecture type classes are the most effective way to teach a large portion of students quickly. If that's not your "learning style", then you need to augment your education to keep up; the teacher should set the pace and difficulty of the class, not the weakest link.

      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      School shouldn't be fun, at least, not for the educational portion. Trying to make school fun greatly devalues the quality of education you are handing out. Who cares if you get all the students involved if you aren't teaching them shit?
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: US Education System

      Dr.Carter wrote:

      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      School shouldn't be fun, at least, not for the educational portion. Trying to make school fun greatly devalues the quality of education you are handing out. Who cares if you get all the students involved if you aren't teaching them shit?

      Fun, maybe not. But chances are you're not going to learn much or as well if you're not at least inspired in education.

    • Re: US Education System

      That's very true, but I would differentiate between "fun" classes and "interesting" classes. I get very engaged in classes where the topics discussing are interesting to me, but I wouldn't claim those classes are necessarily fun. I do agree that part of education is to engage the pupil though. Saying "who cares if you get all the students involved" probably isn't the right phrase to use, but rather who cares if everyone is having fun if they aren't learning?
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school?
      I would get rid of Freshman Academy and Tech. High. My class was the last to have the normal high school experience, then they started FA. Honestly, they just lower the standards, so of course everyone does well. They get excessive help and extra credit, and I think that it will prove to be more harmful in the long run. Same with TH which is completely project based. You can't baby people all the way through school.
      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is?
      I don't think it's horrible, but there are definitely some things that could be improved.
      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      I like lectures and notes; most people, however, do not. For the sake of being realistic, though, there's only so much that teachers can do. Everyone learns differently, but there's not enough resources to teach that many individuals. They have to do what is best for the group.
      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      I don't think school should be fun. Maybe elementary school to get kids interested in learning, but after a certain point, no. I do think teachers should try to make their classes interesting, though.
      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending?

      That's not necessarily true, at least at my school, but I would guess it's more about not embarrassing people. It you're in a class with younger kids, I think you'd feel pretty stupid. And if you're in a class with older kids you might not be able to make friends. That's just how it is.
      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?
      Younger people like to criticize teachers and administrators, but really, they probably know what they're doing. The education system isn't perfect, sure, but it's changing all the time in an effort to improve it.
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is.
      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending.
      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?

      1. Clear out the teachers who can't teach. And clear out the teachers who are too old. Also clear out the teachers who get mad easily, and obviously don't enjoy dealing with the youth. Give people jobs and let people retire.
      2. No. The basic general consensus of Standardized testing is beyond retarded. Sure, it gives a general idea of how a school teaches it's students. But where's the motive for students to excel?
      3. I learn best by watching a video. It's relaxing, and you can watch what's going on as well as listen to the narrator. I am in no way a multi-tasker, but it almost comes naturally to listen to both. Honestly, it's because most teachers are lazy. Most of the teachers at my school went to a shitty college, and became a teacher because it was easy way out.
      4. Going outside more and playing educational games that are fun as well as rewarding.
      5. That's something I have been thinking about a lot. And the main reason is a reason that I agree with: Safety. Is it a good idea to match a 17-year old violent fuck up with a 14 year old genius? I think not.
      6. Whatever works. I'm getting sick of traditional learning.
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    • Re: US Education System

      Dr.Carter wrote:

      That's very true, but I would differentiate between "fun" classes and "interesting" classes. I get very engaged in classes where the topics discussing are interesting to me, but I wouldn't claim those classes are necessarily fun. I do agree that part of education is to engage the pupil though. Saying "who cares if you get all the students involved" probably isn't the right phrase to use, but rather who cares if everyone is having fun if they aren't learning?

      I used to think this way about sports; how could running 5 km as fast as you can or throwing your body in harm's way to save a point or two ever be fun? It's not in "normal" terms, but really, it's just a different kind of fun. The thrill of competition is fun. In school, things can be fun just because they're interesting and interactive - just because we're not laughing and joking and playing doesn't mean it isn't fun, and it's not devaluing the information. Instead of trying to FORCE fun into things, maybe we should just emphasize the idea that learning is fun? :)

      Obvious Champion wrote:

      1. Clear out the teachers who can't teach. And clear out the teachers who are too old. Also clear out the teachers who get mad easily, and obviously don't enjoy dealing with the youth. Give people jobs and let people retire.

      Man old teachers are usually the better ones! All my favourite teachers have been close to retirement age. Just because someone gets mad easily doesn't mean they don't like kids - there's nothing wrong with commanding respect, I love teachers who don't let people get away with anything.
    • Re: US Education System

      1. What would you like to change about YOUR school. (basic I know)
      Separation of education and state.
      2. Do you think that public education is fine the way it is?
      3. In what ways do you learn best and why should you be forced to learn the same way as everyone else?
      You shouldn't.
      4. What would make school more "fun"?
      Separation of education and state.
      5. Why are we all sorted into classes by AGE rather than by what we are actually capable of comprehending?
      Presumably because a 30 year old playing with a 5 year old at recess is dost kripi.
      6. Should we continue to learn the way some old fart thinks is right or "best"?
      No. Hence, separation of education and state.
      Sweet dreams.