are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

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    • are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      if so, did anyone have a planned pregnancy?
      would you recommend pregnancy?
      me and my partner (well, we aren't together YET its comoplicated...) are thinking of trying for a baby, we have everything needed...
      but i know what being young might do...
      so. do not judge.:confused:
    • Re: are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      My sister was pregnant at 18. Married after she found out she was pregnant. Divorced when she was 21.

      Actually, today is my nephew's birthday.

      But from what I've seen, it's not a good idea to have a child unless you have some sort of stable family and stable income. Trust me on this.

      What exactly do you mean by you having "everything you need"? Other than having, well, a penis and a vagina, do you have what is needed to raise a child? Will you be able to stay up all night tending to the baby or just not getting any sleep if it happens to be a crier? Will you be able to take care of it all day, teach it to potty-train, change its diapers, feed it, bathe it, eventually teach it to walk and talk, etc? Do you have the money for it?

      Considering you two are still young, I highly doubt you have enough income to support your child.

      And that's not even mentioning the fact that your partner and you aren't even in a stable relationship yet.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by lilith ().

    • Re: are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      Those are all fair points and its true...
      but the only reason we aren't together yet, is because, like i said, its complicated.
      he lives in newcastle, and hes trying to find a place closer to me. plus our families are uptight.
      i'm 16, and he's almost 20.
      he has a job,
      and i have depression so i don't go in school much or socialise much.
    • Re: are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      Honestly this is going to sound harsh.

      I'm sorry you have depression, that really sucks.

      Go to school.

      No offense but imo if you want to have a kid at 16 you are stupid. You realize that you're life will be essentially over. Sure, you'll have a kid and maybe you'll be able to provide that bundle of joy with a lot of love...but why do that now? Why not wait ten years and in the meantime do all the things you want to do. Once you have a child that child is your responsibility.

      It's needs, it's wants are way way more important than yours. You can fend for yourself, your kid can't. Please think about this.

      Also again with the depression. Would you want to be the child of a very depressed teenage mother?
    • Re: are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      Rosie wrote:

      if so, did anyone have a planned pregnancy?
      would you recommend pregnancy?
      me and my partner (well, we aren't together YET its comoplicated...) are thinking of trying for a baby, we have everything needed...
      but i know what being young might do...
      so. do not judge.:confused:

      Let me stop you right there. There's no way you can say don't judge when there's a lot of things to point out. First off you're in a relationship, you don't have any stability for this child. This child needs a relationship between two people that isn't complicated. You're just 16! Enjoy your teenage years while you can! You won't be 16 forever. You need to find something to make you socialize with other people and not so depressed.
    • Re: are there any teen mums on here, or pregnant teenagers?

      If you are a teenager, I would not recomment trying for a baby or having a baby AT ALL. You're young, carefree, enjoy it as much as you can. Once you have a baby you whole life changes, you need to put yourself second and think about what's best for your baby at all times, even if it means doing things you don't like.
      Having a baby means you're no longer a little child, you're a grown up, you need to make grown up decisions and that can be hard for a teenager.
      Being a parent is not a job for teens our age, you have your whole life to have babies, but only several years to be a carefree teen. Don't make yourself lose that.