Is this wrong???

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    • Is this wrong???

      I met him online. We've talked seriously everyday for 3 months, pics/sext/text/2 skype calls. Casually for 2 months prior. Is it wrong for me to be in love with him & want a relationship with him?? Why does this SCARE HIM?

      ---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

      And he told me he liked me alot.
    • Re: Is this wrong???

      Well feelings develop overtime, not just over night.
      Yeah it was 3 months everyday, but maybe he just wasn't there yet.
      If I don't recall... he just got out of a 4 year relationship so feelings for his ex could still be there, and he doesn't want to start something with you before he's completely over her.

      Long distance can be hard and maybe he's just not into that. Maybe he's scared to get hurt, or maybe he wants to be with a girl there. I've been in the same situation and I can tell you that talking everyday for 3 months is completely different than say... 3 years or so.
      It will take time to grow those feelings on his part. Right now you could be more infatuated with the idea of him rather than him himself... if that makes sense. Be patient.

      If it's meant to be it will be... no matter how impossible it seems.
      Don't force it. :)
    • Re: Is this wrong???

      You feel the way you feel, no changing that. Truth is though, three months really isn't that long. I would wait to try to establish the whole girlfriend/boyfriend titles, considering you haven't really had that big of a chance to get to know him. He may be scared because he thinks everything is moving too fast? Or maybe he just wanted to be friends with you? I'm not really sure, I guess that's something to ask him.

      Just remember, good things come to those who wait. Most of the time anyways.
    • Re: Is this wrong???

      Kat_B wrote:

      I met him online. We've talked seriously everyday for 3 months, pics/sext/text/2 skype calls. Casually for 2 months prior. Is it wrong for me to be in love with him & want a relationship with him?? Why does this SCARE HIM?

      ---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

      And he told me he liked me alot.

      First question is, how old are you? Are you sure it is LOVE? Why do kids these days LOVE words? Second question, where does he live? Are you in USA and is he in Australia? If so, there is no chance that it will work out. Answer and then I will give you advice, but I gotta tell you, this is a no go. Tootles.