Family moving away

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    • Family moving away

      Ok everyone.

      So, I'm currently in college and my family (tomorrow) are moving to a different state that is 9 hours away from where my college is. Now, I could care less about the moving part because I will spend most of my days in the college dorm and I have moved a lot throughout my life.

      Anyways, we have absolutely no family or friends in this new state. So how do I go about making friends? No one I know in college lives in the new state so that isn't a viable option.
      Neither is meeting people at my summer job (I'm not working at a job where you would find other high school/college kids).

      I've tried using the internet to find some 'meet people sites' but they all seem to focus on dating (not that I'm not interested in dating but I'd rather not narrow my search).

      Anyways, heres a tl;dr
      In college, moving to a different state and know absolutely no one. Whats a good way to get friends? Also, are there any good websites I could try or are they all a waste of time.

      Any help yall can give would be appreciated
    • Re: Family moving away

      Just remember that a large portion of your college's population is in a similar boat as you. They may have moved away from their families or their families are several hours away. Like you, they are starting anew and don't have any connections or relationships where they are at.

      Think of that and try to approach people who you think might be interesting. People sitting alone are also great to approach - a lot of times they want attention, but don't actively seek it out, so they love when it's willingly given to them. If you're really picky, be very observant and look for visible clues that someone may share similar interests as you. Look for T-shirts, bracelets, fashion style (that maybe seem shallow, but it can't be denied that people meeting a certain criteria often have a specific outward appearance), and things like that that might provide clues as to what the person is all about.

      Don't feel dejected if any of these people shut you out. You can be sure they won't remember who you are, so don't think you're making a fool of yourself. Once you find someone or people you want to spend time with, you'll be glad you tried.
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