This Unkknown Feeling

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    • This Unkknown Feeling

      Im not really sure if this was fit to be under the depression,self-harm,suicide section because Im not sure what im feeling is even depression, and i tend to stay away from those forums anyway.

      I wouldnt call myself a loner or anything, but im aware that i dont really go out of my way to make friends. IDK if this is anxiety or whatever. But i have a good hand full of people at my college (this is my fisrt year) that i would call acquaintances but not friends. I still K.I.T. with my buds from HS and we are all still fairly close but lately I havent been feeling as comfortable with them as before.

      Maybe stress would be a better way of explaining how Im feeling. Basically I dont feel up to getting out of my comfort zone enough to feel in the gap between the people i call acquaintance at college, and i dont feel the same that i use to with my older friends (not because we've grown apart) but because it's too much of a hassle on my part to try and meet up with them.

      Staying by myself is starting to become more and more applying to me, and im becoming more and more withdrawn from the ones i consider myself to be very close with . . .idk whats going on with me as a person. I guess i need better coping skills???

      ideas of wats going on?
      similar expreiences?
      . . . tramlaw ni xes gnivah ekil stI :wink:

    • Re: This Unkknown Feeling

      I've always been a loner too, and it isn't as negative as people paint it to be. You just need to find a few people you can do some things with so you keep the skills necessary to interact with people.

      I don't have any really close friends in college, I have someone I work-out with, someone I study with and someone else who I eat/talk with. I'm not super close to any of them but, together they fulfill all the people interaction I need.

      What I'm trying to say is don't look for the perfect friend because it's hard to come by, look for people who share just one or two things with you that you can do with them. It will keep you grounded and maybe you will find someone who you'll be close with again but, if you shut yourself out you definitely won't find anyone.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: This Unkknown Feeling

      Maybe you need to set some time apart from school a couple days a week, and hang out with these aquintances. Make them actual friends. Maybe if you made friends to where you live at and go to school, it'll be more suited to keep walking forward, and have a clear mind.
      [SIZE=3][SIZE=3]My heartis taken <3[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]What can i say? [/SIZE][SIZE=3]i'm just different ")[/SIZE]