How to Overcome Depression

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    • How to Overcome Depression

      Now first of all, let me say that this story isn't my own. But it has inspired me to become more positive. The person who wrote this article reminded me of me when I was depressed (which, honestly, was just a few days ago). So, yeah, here's the story.

      It isn't difficult these days to wind up depressed. I know it wasn't hard for me. With the hard economy, the numbers of people being depressed are rising at an alarming rate. While there are many liable reasons why you may be depressed, there is one reason that is often overlooked. What is this reason you ask? Positivity. Something depressed people are lacking of…

      I know what you're thinking, this is coming from someone who has no issues and has never experienced depression. But in truth, I know the feeling of depression all too well. It wasn't that long ago that I found myself depressed; not realizing that just a change of attitude could bring me happiness.

      I had only one friend, and one day they started ditching me at school. I was by myself almost all the time, and had to embarrassingly sit alone at lunch. At home, things weren't better. I lived alone with my mother who was always working, and would go out drinking and smoking on the weekends. I spent a lot of time worrying about money too; my mom didn't make much money and my dad never pays child support. Also, I have had sleeping issues most of my life, like my father, and it isn't uncommon for me to stay up for days at a time. After dealing with a whole year of this mess, I let it get the best of me and soon became depressed. I got so depressed I would often sit in my room and cry; the simplest remark would bring me to tears. Getting out of bed was exhausting, as I hardly slept. And I would often miss school because I would make myself sick from being so stressed, which led me to fail the majority of my classes.

      At that time, I refused to say something good about anything. I thought that nothing in my life was worth living for. I never seriously considered suicide, but I don't know if that would have changed if it got much worse. I didn't realize it then, but my life could have been a whole lot worse. And being negative didn't help my situation either.

      It wasn't until almost a year of depression that I decided to finally look on the bright side of things. If telling myself that the day was going to be horrible, it would be horrible. If I told myself positive things, they would turn out good. Through being more positive I began to be more social. People actually wanted to hang out with me because I didn't look so depressed. I now have many friends that for once ask where I am if I'm gone, or invite me to social gatherings outside of school. Through having a positive outlook on things, I no longer feel empty and numb inside. Going to school is no longer a chore, and I actually have things to look forward to. It wasn't easy, and I had to take things day by day, but it was more than worth it.

      Happiness is 100 percent achievable no matter what your situation; you just have to want it.
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    • Re: How to Overcome Depression

      breakboy wrote:

      Repression does not conquer depression

      you need to physically change whatever it is that makes you sad

      There are a lot of things that are impossible to change that are causing depression (the economy, living in a broken home, having an abusive father, people talking shit because they feel obligated to troll everything). There are people in this world who are less fortunate than others and become depressed because of changes that are out of their control. Being positive is the only way these people can overcome it.
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