I don't understand

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    • I don't understand

      I've been friends with this girl for 10 years and she's basically replaced me with someone else (Another girl who I THOUGHT was a good friend). We got into a fight and we hadn't talking for a long time.

      This summer we made up. She told me about how I was the only person she'd ever try to contact when high school ended, and how great she thought I was. I thought things would go back to normal, but she just smiles at me in the halls and never makes an effort to or do anything with me outside of school. We used to hang out every weekend.

      We've gone trick or treating every year since we met and I was waiting for her to call, but she never did. Then she made comments to other people about how "it was the first time we hadn't gone trick or treating". Well if she had such a problem with it, why didn't she invite me instead of the other girl?! I miss her so much and I wish that she would talk to me.

      Then she invited me to her horse show, said she's call, and didn't. I spent all weekend waiting and I find out I missed it when I saw pictures of her, her new best friend and a bunch of dumb boys at the show.

      I can't really trust anyone but her. I made new friends, but they're sort of bitchy.

      And I know that when New Years comes around, and during the summer, she'll call me and ask to do stuff with me, and then when it's over she'll go back to her bitch of a friend.

      I can't just let 10 years of friendship go...
    • Re: I don't understand

      You have to set a time, to meet up, and talk to her. Literally tell her how you feel. Make sure she is listening, and talk to her about it. Get things straightened up! Even if it turns out bad, you'll feel better telling her how you've felt since this 'new bestfriend' came into the picture, and took your spot. I know it's not a nice thing to do, and claim someone, but i understand where your coming from. But i took a different road, and moved on.
      [SIZE=3][SIZE=3]My heartis taken <3[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]What can i say? [/SIZE][SIZE=3]i'm just different ")[/SIZE]
    • Re: I don't understand

      When I was really little, I think in third grade. I had a friend named Taylor. I absolutely loved her and wanted to be her friend forever and ever. We just got along and had so much to talk about. She would come over to my house every day over the summer and we would play barbies and dress up and what have you. We promised that we would always be friends and we both meant it.

      Whatever happened to Taylor? Beats the hell out of me.

      We drifted apart. She eventually got her core group of friends and I had mine. We went in different directions mostly because we had different interests. One of the hard lessons to learn as you move from middle school, to high school and beyond is that all of those wonderful people that you grew up with and can't see yourself without... they will mostly fall by the wayside as you enter adulthood. Some of them, the closest ones, may still move on to the next parts of your life with you, but for the most part, everyone scatters and goes their own way after high school.

      Don't feel bad about this, it's just life. It's a hard thing to recognize when you no longer have much in common with friends that once meant everything to you. It's obvious that she's causing you a lot of grief by the way she's acting, maybe it's best if you recognize that maybe this is a sign that the two of your are drifting apart. Perhaps the best thing you can do right now is just let her go and see what happens. Maybe she will drift back around to you given enough time, maybe she won't. But walking away under the assumption that your friendship has just come to the end of its natural course may be the least painful thing you can do in the long run.
    • Re: I don't understand

      I know it is really hard to let go of friendship of 10 years. Trust me, I have had that happen to me before. But you need to realize that people grow up and as they grow, there are changes that happen to them and shape them into the future person they grow up to be, you know? As people get older, they change. It is as simple as that. As they grow, they look for a different type of friend for their own liking that will probably help them look good in society. Unfortunately, it is all about society in this world. If she is a true friend, she would of done things with you all the time still right? I would talk to her about it face-to-face. And if she doesn't want to hear it, than maybe it is time to let her go.