eating disorbers suck.

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    • eating disorbers suck.

      hey guys. i'm new on this site, so a lil intro: 14 years old, live in the US, freshman in high school....blah blah blah(;
      so, i will be the first to tell you guys that...i am anorexic. i'm 5'3 and 90 pounds. a few years ago, i was up to 95, but over the summer i lost 10 pounds, and that's where it began. i guess you could say i'm not a full-blown anorexic, because i still eat when i am hungry (usually) but i eat diet food, won't eat junk food, spit out food that i know is bad for me, stay away from things with high calories...all that jazz :P. i eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and try to stay as much away from carbs as i can. i'm known in my house to never eat a full candy...even if it's "bite sized." i'm very active, which definitely contributed to the weight loss...i do horseback riding 5x a week, run track, and play soccer.
      my mom always tells me how skinny i am, but i don't see it at all. i have gained some weight in the past few months, and i hate it. people used to tell me all the time how thin i was, and now they are telling me how healthy i look...which, if i was sane, would be a good thing. but, in my mind, this translates to "you are so thin...ooh, you gained weight!"
      i do go to a therapist for this, but she doesn't yeah. any tips or helpful shtuff for getting over this and feeling better about myself is luffed(;
    • Re: eating disorbers suck.

      Get 2 lets say apples.

      Inject one of them with a shitton of sugar. Let your friend switch them up so you dont know which one is the one full of sugar. You then pick one and let your friend shove it down your throat.

      You can skip the first 2 parts if you like and just start with having your friend shoving it down ur throat.
    • Re: eating disorbers suck.

      Eating disorders are serious deals... I was around your age when I also had an eating disorder. I got help and things are better now. I'm still pretty self-cautious about food, but it doesn't affect me like it used to. You are a beautiful girl, don't destroy your body. Try to keep your head up and please stop doing this to yourself... it is not going to end well if you continue this...
      [FONT="Century Gothic"]♥ I loved you Yesterday, I love you today, and I always will ♥[/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: eating disorbers suck.

      horsecrazy35 wrote:

      90 pounds. a few years ago, i was up to 95, but over the summer i lost 10 pounds

      Here 95 - 10 = 85.

      I have been telling myself I don't have an eating disorder, but it seems I do, I hate eating, I just feel food is so processed and gross, that it's just horrible, I love eating fruit though.

      I'm 140 pounds at 6'1''... not terrible, but not that great.
    • Re: eating disorbers suck.

      If you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and refuse to eat candy, that's not a bad thing. However, not eating enough and not having enough variety can put you at risk for vitamin/mineral deficiencies so be sure to try and include more protein-rich foods (fish, lean meat, nuts, etc.) and maybe a multivitamin.

      That aside, I hope you know that depriving yourself of food only makes your body go into "starvation survival mode", where it'll slow down you metabolism and try to store more food as fat, which can have a long term impact on weight maintenance when you're older. You get hungry because you need energy to function! Especially if you're playing sports -- not getting enough food in the first place means physical activity isn't benefitting you at all, and you certainly won't be able to play at your full potential.

      If you're only 14 you're most likely still dealing with puberty, so you can expect a little weight gain. It's normal and certainly nothing to worry about if people are telling you that you look healthy. Perhaps you should work on taking that as a compliment, because it is - many people have a "too skinny" standard and there is a point where being thin can become unattractive. Don't focus so much on the scale and just work towards being healthy, you'll feel better and people will continue to notice (in a good way). :)

      I'm not very experienced as far as eating disorders go so I'm not sure what you can do to overcome the mind block, but those are my thoughts!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Scaredycrow ().

    • Re: eating disorbers suck.

      I'm a guy. Was 220 lbs before college (6'2"). Dropped to 180 lbs during my first year. Basically wasn't eating junk food or fast food as much because I didn't have it available. Also only ate 2 times a day because that's all I could. Everyone I know was telling me how much weight I lost and asked what my secret was. I had no idea how I was loosing this weight.
      I had really bad depression before that year so I think that's what contributed to it, because I was very self consious. Anyways I reolized this, and decided that instead of thinking I have this eating disorder that was unintentional for the most part, I was going to start working out.
      I started a workout program (I wont name it, pm me if you want to know) to build muscle and loose more fat. The first time through I had built much more muscle than I had on me. Also lost a ton of fat. I thought it was a good thing but almost everyone was telling me I was too skinny. I would look in the mirror and see a 6+pac that I had always wanted... skinnier arms than I would like, but wouldn't see what everyone was talking about. Anyway... then that got to me and I started eating more than normal. Gained a little weight.... now I'm at 168lbs. Sooo lost 52lbs in 1 year (had lost it in like 6 months though, just maintained weiight).
      Since then I've learned a lot about nutrition. I know what to eat to build muscle, keeping the fat off, and looking / feeling / being healthier. It's helping a lot. I'm getting the body I'm wanting.

      Basically, moral of the story. It's okay to loose weight, just make sure you're being healthy about it. Don't try to loose weight by not eating, do it by exercising and having proper nutrition. Easier said than done, but I'm doing it, you just need to find something to keep your self motivated. Not being anorexic and feeling good about your body should be motivation enough though. ;)