My sleep schedule is f*cked up completely

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    • My sleep schedule is f*cked up completely

      Normal Sleep Schedule
      - Wake up at 6 AM for school, get ready, then suffer through school
      - Get home at 3 PM, maybe take a 30-60 minute nap
      - Start homework, or whatever
      - Go to bed at 10-11 PM
      - Wake up at 6 AM again

      Current Sleep Schedule
      - Wake up at 6 AM for school (if I slept), get ready, then suffer through school
      - Fall asleep during a few lessons, for maybe an hour total
      - Get home at 3 PM, hit the bed, and go to sleep
      - Wake up at 8-9 PM
      - Start homework or whatever
      - Go to sleep at about 4 AM or not at all
      - Wake up at 6 AM again (If I'm too tired, I won't go to school)

      Any tips for "fixing" this?
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    • Re: My sleep schedule is f*cked up completely

      Rather then go to sleep at 3, stay up until about 8-10 pm. That'll guarantee that you'll be tired for bed, and make it so you can sleep throughout the night, and get up for school with some sleep in your system. If you absolutely need to sleep when you get home, take an hour nap at the most, it'll recharge your body, but not to much to the point where you can't sleep later that night.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: My sleep schedule is f*cked up completely

      LLLCoke wrote:

      Well the thing is, when I stay up in the afternoon, I can't do my homework because it's difficult to focus if I'm that tired.

      So like I said, take a little nap during the afternoon, it'll recharge you for a bit. Even though it doesn't sound like much, it will help your body, and it'll make it so you can better focus. If the nap is only a temporary fix, then a few hours later (if its not to late) take a 30-45 minute nap just so you can finish your homework.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling