How much does age matter?

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    • How much does age matter?

      Ok. So, there's this guy, Ronnie. He's 24. I'm 17. I've known Ronnie for a few months now, and we've became pretty good friends. We do a lot of partying together and have a lot of fun. (Nothing sexual though) We've also had some really deep conversations and have a lot in common. He's always being sweet and sticking up for me when some weirdo comes up and hits on me. He was there a lot for me too when I got kicked out of my house this summer. Overall, even though we have argued before; he's always been really good to me. And, I'll admit that at one point I did have a little bit of a crush on him. But, I thought it was probably more of an infatuation. He's older, goodlooking, educated, and a pretty cool dude.

      We recently got into an argument; and I went for a couple of weeks without talking to him. Then, Saturday, he came to the place where I work and told me that I should come out later that night; they were going to have a party.. and lots of alcohol. And besides, he had been wanting to talk to me. So, I went. But, when I got there he had already been drinking and was pretty tipsy. He insisted that I sit next to him so we could talk. He apologized for the argument and explained the misunderstanding. I told him that I accepted his apology and took credit for part of the argument.

      Then, he told me that he had missed me, "More than you would know". He told me that he's always thought I was cool as hell and that I'm just not like other little high school girls. He's never felt this way for someone so much younger than him and he wished we could be closer in age. He also told me that he really did care about me and wanted to be with me. He told me that I'm different; I have a mind of my own, I'm not a slut, and I'm just amazingly cool. (A while back and kid left a comment on my Myspace "You're cute" and he replied to the guy "Don't be a tool. You'll get your feelings hurt that way. Btw, Felicia, tonight's Friday night.. So I'll bet you'll be coming over." I didn't.) But, anyway, he told me the reason he did that was because he was jealous. I asked him why he'd be jealous of some little "emo" kid in another state. He said that it was because he really liked a girl in [insert hometown's name here].

      See, this is where I'm confused. He HAD been drinking. How much of that did he actually feel and how much was the alcohol talking? Even though, I have sensed he liked me before; I just kind of brushed it off.. Could he have just been desperately trying to get a piece of ass? How would I go about asking him when he was sober about his genuine feelings? Or should I just leave it to him to bring up?

      Also, another thing. If he was serious. Would it be a good idea to get in a relationship with someone so much older? It's a hard one to call. Yes, I am mature for my age. But, not as mature as he is. He has been engaged to two different women, has a kid, has been stationed in Korea, and served in Iraq. And he's sooo intellgent. When he was my age he was in college. He was in a gifted program throughout most of his school years. I really don't know how I'm supposed to compete with all that at my age.

      Just leave me some feedback. I'd like to hear your opinions.
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      Try to let him ask you out =. I have a crush a crush on one of my ollder guy friend's but i'm waiting for him to bring up anything about asking me out. (i know he has a crush on me :cool:) Just wait until he ask's YOU out!
      [CENTER][SIZE=5]Everybodys's only human[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      I don't know how mature he is but how he acted on your myspace wasen't very mature, in my opinion. I personally don't go for someone that many years older but everyone is different. There's a chance that he could be having problems finding girls his age or that there's a chance that he was looking for "a piece of ass" as you put it while drunk but there's also a chance that he could have genuine feelings. Since I don't know the two of you well I won't say one way or another.

      My advice would be to not get involved until you're 18 or he could end up in some really big trouble with the law. I know that you're one year away from 18 but believe me. The law doesn't really care how close you are so I'd say wait it out. The other advice I have is to take into consideration why his other relationships didn't work out. If you're interested in him I'd try to find both sides of the story. That way you can be more careful not just that he might hurt you or something like that but to know what to avoid so your relationship doesn't end in the same fate.

      I wish you luck.
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      AyeGautKautTrolin wrote:

      I don't know how mature he is but how he acted on your myspace wasen't very mature, in my opinion. I personally don't go for someone that many years older but everyone is different. There's a chance that he could be having problems finding girls his age or that there's a chance that he was looking for "a piece of ass" as you put it while drunk but there's also a chance that he could have genuine feelings. Since I don't know the two of you well I won't say one way or another.

      My advice would be to not get involved until you're 18 or he could end up in some really big trouble with the law. I know that you're one year away from 18 but believe me. The law doesn't really care how close you are so I'd say wait it out. The other advice I have is to take into consideration why his other relationships didn't work out. If you're interested in him I'd try to find both sides of the story. That way you can be more careful not just that he might hurt you or something like that but to know what to avoid so your relationship doesn't end in the same fate.

      I wish you luck.

      In the state of Missouri, the age of consent is 17. So, as much as someone may try; I don't think he could get into trouble over me.

      And as for maturity goes. Some things are minor. (Like him getting on my myspace.) I'm not worried about little details so much. The thing that does bother me is the fact that he has had a chance to get out and live life and a good deal more of it than even most people his own age.

      I do appreciate all of your helpful advice! =)
      Thank You.
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      Really to me age does not matter. Maybe if you are 10 or 20 years apart yes I can see it being a problem. Just let him come to you and don't try to compete with his brains just be yourself. If he truely loves you it wouldn't matter anyways.

      Yes, I am not good at giving advice or anything.
      There is only one happiness in life,
      to love and be loved.

      - George Sand -:lovey:
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      I_Am_A_Mystery wrote:

      Really to me age does not matter. Maybe if you are 10 or 20 years apart yes I can see it being a problem. Just let him come to you and don't try to compete with his brains just be yourself. If he truely loves you it wouldn't matter anyways.

      Yes, I am not good at giving advice or anything.

      7 years is pretty darn close to 10, dont you think?
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      It was the alcohol talking, hang with him when he's sober and ask if he remembers it.

      And about your age difference, I'm indifferent. My boyfriend and I are 9 years apart, he's 30, i'm 21. We started dating when I was 18.
      [CENTER]Haynes: this internet dies more then tupac[SIZE=6]

      LolGecko;260339 wrote:

      ALL HAIL MissV!

    • Re: How much does age matter?

      You said you two have only known each other a few months... Maybe you should wait a few more months? As for the age difference, i don't think it really matters since you are considered legal. You said you don't want to get hurt, you're 17... you've got a lot more hurting to go.
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      x_Bunny wrote:

      You said you two have only known each other a few months... Maybe you should wait a few more months? As for the age difference, i don't think it really matters since you are considered legal. You said you don't want to get hurt, you're 17... you've got a lot more hurting to go.

      Nah, Dude.. I said I didn't want to be hurt because of my own naivity. I'm not going to be stupid and think that I'll never be hurt again. Being hurt is human.

      When I said a few months.. Like, I've known him since January and started really hanging out with him in May. But, who cares anyway..

      I do see your point, though. If I am still confused about what I should do, I should wait until I personally get things figured out.. =]
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      MissV wrote:

      It was the alcohol talking, hang with him when he's sober and ask if he remembers it.

      And about your age difference, I'm indifferent. My boyfriend and I are 9 years apart, he's 30, i'm 21. We started dating when I was 18.

      Lol! Thanks for the advice.. I went and saw him Tuesday night, I think.. I really didn't bring it up; but he did. He pulled me off to the side and told me that he really did care for me.

      He wasn't sure about all the drunken "I love you's" as the night progressed.. (lmao.. I figured that was only the alcohol talking and was somewhat relieved! I didn't even mention those in the original post, because he kept getting drunker and drunker.. =P And all of that weird stuff happened sooo much later than our conversation..)

      But, he wanted to know if I thought things could work out between us.. Because the other night I really didn't tell him anything at all about my feelings.. I was kind of stunned, so I just kind of listened..
    • Re: How much does age matter?

      Feliciadanger wrote:

      Lol! Thanks for the advice.. I went and saw him Tuesday night, I think.. I really didn't bring it up; but he did. He pulled me off to the side and told me that he really did care for me.

      He wasn't sure about all the drunken "I love you's" as the night progressed.. (lmao.. I figured that was only the alcohol talking and was somewhat relieved! I didn't even mention those in the original post, because he kept getting drunker and drunker.. =P And all of that weird stuff happened sooo much later than our conversation..)

      But, he wanted to know if I thought things could work out between us.. Because the other night I really didn't tell him anything at all about my feelings.. I was kind of stunned, so I just kind of listened..

      :cool: No problem, and hell yeah to HIM bringing it up! :D
      [CENTER]Haynes: this internet dies more then tupac[SIZE=6]

      LolGecko;260339 wrote:

      ALL HAIL MissV!

    • Re: How much does age matter?

      Feliciadanger wrote:

      Lol! Thanks for the advice.. I went and saw him Tuesday night, I think.. I really didn't bring it up; but he did. He pulled me off to the side and told me that he really did care for me.

      He wasn't sure about all the drunken "I love you's" as the night progressed.. (lmao.. I figured that was only the alcohol talking and was somewhat relieved! I didn't even mention those in the original post, because he kept getting drunker and drunker.. =P And all of that weird stuff happened sooo much later than our conversation..)

      But, he wanted to know if I thought things could work out between us.. Because the other night I really didn't tell him anything at all about my feelings.. I was kind of stunned, so I just kind of listened..

      Congrats? =] Hope it all works out for you.