how do i talk to someone i'm mad at?

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    • how do i talk to someone i'm mad at?

      About a week or so ago my friend said some pretty hurtful things to me that i didn't like. she had been hinting at them for a while but i finally got fed up with her after she said it in front of some of my other friends, she had no respect for me at all. i told her to quit it and that she obviously didn't know a thing about me if she thought what she was saying was true. I told her don't take it upon herself to just assume things.

      Well she acted like what she said wasn't wrong even when i told her it clearly bothered me. I said im not asking you to change your view but could you at least respect mine and apologize for offending me.

      She claims she doesn't have a reason to apologize for. I told her I need sometime to cool of because she wasn't being fair and she agreed. but when i brought it up yesterday and she played dumb.

      I can't ignore what she said and i want to straighten things out but if she just keeps brushing me off im going to lose my cool and get mad instead of fixing things.
      . . . tramlaw ni xes gnivah ekil stI :wink:

    • Re: how do i talk to someone i'm mad at?

      Maybe you take a break from your friend for a while and let things cool off. Your friend might come back and start out with apologizing and things can follow naturally from there. Maybe your friend will recognize that she was out of line.
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    • Re: how do i talk to someone i'm mad at?

      Ultimately, it's on you to just retain your self-control. Present your case to her. Try to have her let you let it all out before she starts in on it, just so you can say everything you wanted to say without getting sidetracked in non-issues. But stick to the point. She said something that hurt you, and you feel like she doesn't respect you.

      Then let her reply. If she still thinks she did nothing wrong and refuses to apologize, then clearly she's not that great a friend anyway.
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    • Re: how do i talk to someone i'm mad at?

      thanks, but id feel wrong leaving a friendship to wither away even if she didnt apologize. I mean yes i want her to know what she said hurt me, but if she does decide to be stubborn I can't just leave it be. I still want to be friends with her . . . am I making sense here? Its hard because if i do let this go and look past it I know it'll come up again.
      . . . tramlaw ni xes gnivah ekil stI :wink: