Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

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    • Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      So, here's the story: we are both single teenagers, and we've been best friends for 3-4 years. In the beggining we didn't like each other that much, but our relationship grew, and she became my best friend of all time. She is more than a sister to me! Our friends always told us we would get maried one day :P But lately, things changed between us, because I've kind of fell for her. I tought it was only a crush, but it was different, it was strong.
      Then, she kind of started acting strange, giving me what i thik we're hints of a possible crush from her side, she says dirty things when we are alone, etc. We always talked about sex, but not the way she does now!
      My friends told me she really did have a crush on me, so i started to get courageous to take a step foward. But a friend of ours sayd she is actually into another dude (that used to study in our class LAST YEAR) and that she's is moving away, to another school. I got sad to the point I had to go the hospital. I really love her, and I really want things to work out, I want to talk to her, but I don't know what she'll say! And in the end, I preffer having a long lasting friendship with her, than a failed love story...what do you guys think? Should I talk to her? What should I say? Please help, I'm almost dying of love here...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by irishkappa208: Adicional information ().

    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Love is something i don't really have a clue about, but all i can say is.... It is hell when the other person doesn't think the same way.

      Perhaps she was talking more dirty because of hormones and that she is sorta growing up? Was it funny dirty talk? And most of all, was it directed at you?

      You got two choices, get over her and deal with the heartache (note that talking to her will make things worse for you unless you intend to do the second option) or be open to her and try and work something out between you two. You seem quite comfortable together so if you talk about it carefully then she will understand, or maybe she also like you, if so then great.

      Up to you what you're going to do :/
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Welsh Prophets are Lost wrote:

      Love is something i don't really have a clue about, but all i can say is.... It is hell when the other person doesn't think the same way.

      Perhaps she was talking more dirty because of hormones and that she is sorta growing up? Was it funny dirty talk? And most of all, was it directed at you?

      You got two choices, get over her and deal with the heartache (note that talking to her will make things worse for you unless you intend to do the second option) or be open to her and try and work something out between you two. You seem quite comfortable together so if you talk about it carefully then she will understand, or maybe she also like you, if so then great.

      Up to you what you're going to do :/

      The talk was serious and it was directed at me that's for sure. BTW even the friend who told me she was into another guy said I have a lot of chance with her, but thanks for the advice
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      If this is true then it could be fixed quickly, you really need to talk to her about it. If she suspects it then it won't be a suprise. If she was totally sure that she knew then she might come to talk about it. I really don't know how some people behave in this situations and i don't know how i do sometimes. I also like my friend, but i know it's best to totally forget about her because she has a boyfriend and because i'm so confused with everything in life, it is easy for me to get carried away with my beliefs.
      The World is heading for mutiny, when all we want is unity.
      We may rise and fall, but in the end, we'll meet our fate together!
      One. Oh One. The only way is[SIZE=4] ONE.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      just talk to her, you dont have anything to lose, if your friendship is that strong it will be fine.

      Im not saying get down on one knee and confess your deepest love for her or anything, but break it to her gently;
      she says she feels the same = awesome, congrats and have a good ride!
      she says she doesnt feel the same = shit luck man, but you werent together in the first place so cary on the awesome friendship.
      she says she doesnt know = glare at her in disbelief and carry on playing on the emotional see-saw of not knowing where you stand.

      Ultimately the great unknowns of 'what if' will hurt you waaaay more than a reality slap, ego wounds are easy to lick. so just fucking go for it! At least you will know what the situation is!

      Oh and dont leave it ages either, yours truly did this and she felt the same...but im leaving in a year so she doesnt want to take things further. *facepalm* all those holidays and years of being 'friends' :P
      "I love slippers so much that my wife once jokingly suggested I change my name to Arthur Slippers, how we laughed when I reminded her that it was, in fact, already my name!!"
      - Arthur Slippers.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      Hey man, I seriously know how you feel at the moment, I was in the same situation about 18 months ago, in love with my best friend. I ended up telling her, and it turned out that she was into some other guy (whom she is still with today and is very happy), but it did not effect our friendship until i obsessed over it and ended up driving her away, but what im trying to say here is that any strong friendship will be able to sustain anything if she does not feel the same as you do. But I certainly know that the not knowing would have been much more painful than the pain of her not wanting to be with me, like we can get over heartache after a while, but the not knowing would stick with you forever.

      I would definitely tell her how you feel, the worst thing that will happen is she says she does not feel the same, which will hurt, but you will get through it, and if she is any true friend, it will not affect how close ye are. But if she does feel the same then you get everything you have wanted. I think when it comes down to it when we look back when we are old and grey is that, we would hope that we grabbed even the slightest chance of being with the person we loved with both hands. I hope this helped man. The best of luck to you. :)
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      You seem like you've made your decision, but I thought I'd add my two-cents.

      She has been your best friend for years? Which probally means by now you guys can talk about anything, so don't make this any different. If people around you say shes into you, don't wait for a second chance!

      On a personal level, I was in the exact same situation as you, my best friend throughout my entire schooling was a girl, and now shes the love of my life. We both moved away from each other but, if its meant to be, you'll do anything to stay together.

      Good luck and be sure to let us know how it turns out!
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      irishkappa208 wrote:

      ^Thanks, dude, every advice is welcome here, and your's is really helpfull ^_^, but I'm sorry things didn't work out.... anyway, I've decided to talk her, I hope things end up well...

      No problem mate, glad i could help in some way. Hope things work out for you man. Let us know how you get on. If you ever need to talk, feel free to pm me. Good luck.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      So, here's the story follow up: Today we had one of the final exams at school and the we we're dimissed from school. I found her waiting for her sister to pick her up, at the entrance of school and told her I needed to talk about something in private. I told her she was my best friend for years but i liked her more than a bestfriend should. She said she already new. But then all of our friends started to show up and we couldn't talk anymore. She said she would talk over here I am, waiting....
      People think Brazil is just about carnival, soccer and asses, not true! We also have boobs...
    • Re: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend?

      irishkappa208 wrote:

      So, here's the story follow up: Today we had one of the final exams at school and the we we're dimissed from school. I found her waiting for her sister to pick her up, at the entrance of school and told her I needed to talk about something in private. I told her she was my best friend for years but i liked her more than a bestfriend should. She said she already new. But then all of our friends started to show up and we couldn't talk anymore. She said she would talk over here I am, waiting....

      Ahhh well, at least she already knew, soo thats a good start, at least you didnt take her by suprise or off guard. Im sorry that her friends showed up, that must have been very frustrating. And at least she wants to talk about it, this way you can think of what you want to say to her already knowing that she knows you like her. Just make sure that ye talk about this either today or at the latest tomorrow, because the longer you leave it the worse it will get in trying to tell her. Im really rooting for you, I hope it works out for you man.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.