Need some advice

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    • Need some advice

      I need help, I'm 13 and there's this one girl I really like. But there's one thing. She's completely out of my league. She's a cheerleader, and I'm sitting in class programing a robot to lift a can. But I have hope because from what i here, there is almost nothing we don't have in common. I have a bad past, I never liked my father( neither does she in fact) so only spending time with my mom, I was a pissed off little crybaby. But ever since 5th grade I've changed. I'm a calm mellow, in all available extra ciricular classes. Am really talented in all sports, exept basketball, I'm not tall, yet, same size as her though, am a green belt, a great magician, and play guitar. And I'm not one of those inconsiderate jocks. I need some advice on how to show how talented I've become. Or how to show my feelings for her without fear of rejection and public humiliation. Please help!!!!!!!!:confused:
    • Re: Need some advice

      It drives me insane when people say "she/he's out of my 'league'." There really is no such thing, its just a concoction that people make up in their minds. No one person is better then the other, we're all equal. If you're scared of public humiliation, then don't bring up your feelings to her in public. Take it slow with her, don't jump right in to you exposing your feelings to her. Ask for her number, hang out a few times, see how she acts around you with that. If you don't want to wait, then try to catch her at a time where she's by herself. You can always give her a note for her to meet you in the library at a time where you both have free time and ask her out too.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling