Useless thinking.

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    • Useless thinking.

      My name is Sammie,

      I'm shy and understanding (well at least i think so.) I try to break out of my shell, I try to talk to guys, really i have no problem doing so, but i do believe i come off a little rude when speaking to them and scare them away. I really don't know how to go about this really but I'm starting to give up. It seems no one likes me (guys in particular) Like I said before I'm starting to give up leaving my hair curly rather then straightening it, leaving the house with out my "mask" make-up on. (when i mean mask i just mean to cover some blemishes, not caking my face with make-up) Okay well that besides the point. Does me showing that i don't care how i appear show guys that I'm not interested, or worthy to talk to cause i don't care what so ever?

      Ugh when they say female species is hard to understand its really the male species that is the mystery. to show people I'm someone not just some little shy kid in the back of the class. care?
    • Re: Useless thinking.

      Okay, I have one very important word for you:


      You are looking way too far into this, and thinking about it way too much. Too many teenagers, guys and girls both, seem to apply the law of averages to meeting people of the opposite sex. Basically, thinking that if you do as much as you can to appeal to the baseline average guy, then that means that you have the best possible chance of guys talking to you. The problem with this is that it hardly ever works because every person is different, every guy is different, and there is no 'magic formula' to getting guys to talk to you.

      You are being proactive, though. You are already identifying the things that turn people off about you and attempting to correct them. This is a good thing, to a point. You have to be yourself, that's the most important thing that you can do. The reason for this should be simple; the real you is going to shine through no matter what you do. If you put on a completely false facade just to get someone to like you, and then they later find out that the person they met and the real you are nothing alike, then any relationship that comes from that isn't going to last very long. Far better that you look for someone that likes you for you, and you don't need to put on a pretty face for them.

      I was shy when I was in my first couple years of high school, so I have been where you are right now. It's almost impossible to just tell yourself "I'm not going to be shy anymore, dammit!" It simply does not work. Instead, you need to take one day at a time. The way to break out of the cycle is to recognize opportunities and jump on them when you see them. There's no better way to explain it than that, when you see someone that you are interested in talking to, and they are by themselves, DO IT. Don't think about it, don't rationalize reasons why this isn't a good time, just jump in. The first time will be hard, but each time after that will become a little easier.
    • Re: Useless thinking.

      Jenna, as usual, explained just about everything as needed. Other than that I would have to say that all it takes is patience and alot of smiles. You will find someone at some point in time, whether it be a year, 5 years, 10 years, 100 years. Besides, rushing to it reduces the amount of time you are able to discover yourself and enjoy doing the things you have always wanted to do.
    • Re: Useless thinking.

      ComplicatedMind wrote:

      Jenna, as usual, explained just about everything as needed. Other than that I would have to say that all it takes is patience and alot of smiles. You will find someone at some point in time, whether it be a year, 5 years, 10 years, 100 years. Besides, rushing to it reduces the amount of time you are able to discover yourself and enjoy doing the things you have always wanted to do.

      Haha yeah i know that i mean i take up any opportunities I get. I'm in the Debate club, Robotics, and Student Council.

      I believe all those clubs are a piece of me.
      Debate is something aggressive, so therefore i come off as rude.
      Robotics; I program the robot so I'm in this class with only a few (nerdy) peers around me making me shy.
      Student Council makes me understanding and inviting people's opinions and thoughts also making me open minded.

      So i guess i have all those clubs to blame for my weird personality haha.
      Oh well.