A wolf in sheep's clothing.

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    • A wolf in sheep's clothing.

      Ever hear the term; pulling the wool over someone's eyes?

      Well this girl... a friend of mine always seems to do that to people. They like her for he stupity, her "use" of big words (when she doesn't use them in their correct term), and her fake green eyes. (contacts). I know I'm bitching but I cant help! She gets praised for "being" nice to someone, and as I'm always nice to people and I get the once over. Ugh gosh do I hate it. She told me one "I'm done playing fake nice." just cause she felt like being a bitch. Never have I had that thought go through my mind, so why is it that people adore her so much?! It drives me insane. Oh but if I was to tell people that they would hate me. So why is she the exception? Oh and she uses that "innocent " voice, yeah you know the one you use when meeting new people or meeting your parents friends for the first time, the "I'm nice" voice. Yeah that one I've heard her real voice when it's just me and her at her house and honey it ain't sweet. Oh and she says "why don't people say shit to my face, I would say it to theirs." oh but that back fired when she said shut behind my back and I went up to her and asked her "so what not going to say shit to my face now?!" I yelled cause I was angry. The reason she was talking shot was cause she left her extra shirt at my place and I forgot to give it back. Oh and she posted up on facebook that I was a "fat cunt that needs to grow up..." um excuse me? She's telling me to grow up when she's using the word Cunt to insult me? Wow just wow. Ugh and people still fucking side with her!!! I just don't get it! Why?!
    • Re: A wolf in sheep's clothing.

      You did the right thing by stopping yourself from talking to her. Sometimes, it's best just to walk away, despite your anger, and to forget about whoever is making your blood boil. She's obviously a petty-minded person with no significant moral standards, and you know that you are better than that, so just walk away and surround yourself with people who are not as shallow as her. It will help you now as well as in the long run.

      ~Anna x
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"][CENTER][I]
      Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned,
      Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.