How do I tell them?

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    • How do I tell them?

      I've been going out with my boyfriend for like 6 months now, and even though I'm only 17 he's already asked me to marry him.
      Now, of course, there are those people who would ask if he did that because he had to or because he wanted to. He wanted to.
      He's 19 and he's been with plenty of girls before, but he's one of my very few and I lost my virginity to him just over a month ago. I'm the first girl he's ever loved and he wants me to move in with him.

      So, here it goes. The hard part.

      We were safe when we did it using either condoms or spermicide inserts. And we've only done it a couple times. But now my period is 3 days late and I'm starting to worry. It might be nothing, I mean, I'm still feeling the symptoms of my normal period, I just haven't bled yet. And I'm probably just paranoid because I have recently become sexually active, but if I am pregnant....

      My parents don't know that my boyfriend and I have started doing it... How would I tell them if I'm pregnant?
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      your not pregnant, its just normal, after you have sex the first time, or the first couple times, things about your body change, because its new to it, so its normal for your period to be a bit late, I mean your vagina has just been through something completely new, its gonna have to get used to it.

      Also, dont marry him, 6 months is just way too fast, give it atleast a year, you guys might be in love but its just too soon, also, I think your parents might not agree with it, or with moving in with him
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      I have periods that come like clockwork, and I STILL have the occasional late one every now and then. Three days isn't such a big deal. Just push it out of your mind until you hit around a week late, then that's when I would seriously start considering going down to get a pregnancy test. But if you find yourself unable to let it go, then go down and get one now and just take it. The piece of mind alone might be worth the money the test costs.

      It's very unlikely you are pregnant, though. Just keep that thought in mind.
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      dont get married D: its a huge mistake i was engaged once when i was 17. rings everything dated her for over 2 years . we thought it was perfect we thought it was real. your just young and ur inlove for the moment. do u rly think u could love him for 50 more years? sur eu say yes now and u might even say yes forever . but think about what a huge mistake that will be. u dont have to get married to stay together its just more of a head ach
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      whynotjustgiveupalready wrote:

      It's negative!

      ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

      And he didn't propose and we're not engaged... But he wants to be.
      Even if we did get engaged we wouldn't be getting married for a couple of years at least.

      Wait till you are 25 at least. Anything before that and you cannot possibly say you have lived life to the fullest before settling down.
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      So, you think your parents are going to be okay with you moving in with your boyfriend of 6 months, or MARRYING HIM... when they aren't even okay with you two having sex.


      I can already tell your not mature enough to be doing any of these things your claiming to be getting yourself into. Not even knowing facts about your own menstrual cycle.
      Kids these days...
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      Alright, first of all DON'T MARRY HIM

      You are too young, yeah, I know, I sound like a father, but it's for the best. You are too young to get married, don't give up your life just because he's feeling like he loves you. He is young too and you say he's been with some other girls... what makes you think you'll be the last? Sorry if it sounded too rude...
      If you are pregnant, just sit down and delicately explain the situation. They are your parents and above everything, they love you...

      I hope everything comes out ok.. If you need anything, feel free to PM me :)

      GOOD LUCK!
    • Re: How do I tell them?

      Right, its up to you who you marry and when. A bunch of people on the internet dont control your heart or your life. But thats aside from the point.

      If it had come to it that you need to tell them that you were pregnant, here's the ultimate method:

      "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
      "I dunno"
      "I'm pregnant"