What is he thinking? :/

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    • What is he thinking? :/

      im confused, ive been talking to a guy over the internet, for about half a year now.
      im not gona go into much detail about that, its just that we clicked so well. im an unbelievably shy person usually, i have maybe 2 people in the world that i can be not shy around and with that im never totally me. but around him, i have always been able to be me and him the same with me.
      i am going to uni next year which is actually close to him so we are gona see how things go.
      the thing is lately, he has been being a bit weird. some days he is the usual him, chatty and charming and so nice. but other days he is just like so negitive about everything and distant. its just not him.
      do you think that maybe its just the waiting around thats making him be a big negetive about things? because i still have 8 months till i go to uni and we are waiting till then.
      do ye think maybe i should explain to him that i dont want to hurt him in us waiting for so long and let him go? i dont wana do that and he really doesnt wana do that either but maybe it is the best thing to do? what do ye think? :/:confused:

    • Re: What is he thinking? :/

      And also, don't second guess yourself so much over what is likely to be a very minor thing. One of the biggest problems of an internet-based relationship is the lack of face-to-face communication. We can easily lose sight of exactly how much body language plays into our day to day conversations. It's very easy to have misunderstandings over seemingly minor things when you can't actually see the person you are talking to. When in doubt, assume that one out of character thing for him to do is nothing more than a misunderstanding.