"That" Girl

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    • "That" Girl

      So a friend of mine was talking to me recently and he used the phrase "Your 'that' girl". A 'That' Girl is the girl that you crush on in highschool but never dates you and becomes the standard for what you look for in a girlfriend.

      For example, if your 'that' girl is particularly short, you will always be even more attracted to girls who are particularly short.

      For me, my 'That' girl was extremely flirty with me, but very skittish when I asked her to be my girlfriend. To be honest, I'm not really sure what was so attractive about her. I guess she's more of a cute girl than a "babe". She's not the most "model-ish" girl, but she's deffinitly a cutie. I think I'm more attracted to cute girls.

      I don't know what I'd do with myself if she ever wanted to date me. I'd be so happy!

      Do you have a 'That' Girl?
      Have you asked her out?
      What about her do you look for for in other girls?
      Did you ever end up dating your that girl?