Foreign Exchange.....

    • Foreign Exchange.....

      So this year at my school we have a Russian exchange student named Lucia. Her and i have become best friends and both of us like eachother more than just friends. I don't know if i want to get into a relationship with her though, i am afraid that my heart will be broken when she has to leave for her home or that our unpenetrable friendship could be shaken. I love her more than a sister and she loves me back but i just can't decide how to handle the whole situation. Is it smart to avoid my feelings to not break my heart or should i throw care to the wind and be with the girl i love until June?

      Yumm, Abercrombie Abs. They are so perfect.:D
    • Re: Foreign Exchange.....

      This is a tough one, a good friend of mine was in the same situation with a German girl and he asked me what to do then and you just have to look at it for what it is, she is gonna have to go home eventually, so either prepare for a long distance relationship, only have a one night stand or something (like my mate did) or just dont do anything.
    • Re: Foreign Exchange.....

      Either long distance relationship, if you're up for that, or a knowingly short fling. If you were to do the latter, I think if you approached it like that from the start and came to terms properly with what it was, you would ultimately feel happier in the long term then maybe leaving it and constantly thinking of what could have been.
