Self Defense

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    • Self Defense

      So it has been brought to my attention that I should have some kind of way of protecting myself on campus while attending classes.

      I've never really even thought of the fact that i could be attacked by a person at school. I feel pretty safe on campus at school. It's leaving school thats got me worried.

      I take the bus. And my bus is always crowded and full to the point where if you have personal space issues this isn't the bus to take. After taking the bus I take the metro that runs on the freeway on the train tracks. Then I walk the rest of the way. (the walking doesnt bother me because them I'm in fimilar terrotory).

      But the bus and metro system isn't the safest and some of the people you meet are just troubled. I've seen my fair sure of things on the bus and metro system. I'm not the strongest person and that tends to worry me now, I should have some way of defending myself besides a small can of pepper spray.
      Being crazy isn't enough
    • Re: Self Defense

      lmao you wimps, learn kickboxing or MT, some grappling, maybe take an anti rape class, etc.
      Don't carry a knife unless you know how to use it, pepper spray and alarms won't do shit to someone who really wants to hurt you besides be irritating. If you're determined to use gadgets and things like that, get a tazer or a spring baton.

      EDIT: I should probably clarify, pepper spray will do its job in some scenarios, but it's not "legit" enough to be relied on all the time, people who have been through intense trauma or are on drugs will keep going if they're properly motivated. Same concept as someone who can break peoples noses easily and quickly, one day they get overconfident, break the victims nose, and drop their guard, little do they know many people can fight with a broken nose.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by SMOKE. ().

    • Re: Self Defense

      First off, can I just say, simply from a legal point of view (I am not a lawyer, nor is this legal advice) that you should be careful how you defend yourself.
      Only ever defend yourself in situations you genuinely feel like you will be attacked in, and should you choose to defened yourself, only use as much harm as is required, using too much harm can land you in trouble, as well as your attacker.

      In terms of self defence, DO NOT CARRY A KNIFE (or any weapon for that matter) , in most places simply carrying one is illegal, the UK ifor example, even if you never intend to use it, apart from for self defence. (Although check with your authorities as to what you can and can't carry)

      I suggest going by what others have said and getting familiar with a certain type of combat, granted it can be impractical to learn something that takes years of determination to learn, for what will be a 1 in 1,000,000 attack.

      I suggest just learning where to hit/kick et,c to stop yourself being attacked, such as points on the human body, that if struck correctly will render the attacker immobile or in too much pain to put you in more danger.


      if you feel yourself being attacked, just run, flee the scene, bolt it, and run, get it ?
      All of this silly "pride " and "be a man" stuff aside, this is the safest option as it avoids confrontation.

      Again, just check what you can and can't carry for self defence, and use common sense.

      Good luck and stay safe.
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]we each owe a death, [/SIZE][SIZE=3]there are no exceptions ,[/SIZE][SIZE=3]but sometimes, oh god, [/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]the green mile seems so long.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
    • Re: Self Defense

      What SMOKE said.
      You do not need to be strong to use the techniques of MT/kickboxing effectively.
      Learning grappling( Brazillian Jiu jutsu, Judo) might be your first priority though, as most people will try to kinda overwhelm a weaker person with their body weight. It also teaches you to fight from compromising positions and how to use your attacker's momentum/strength to your advantage.

      Muay thai or boxing or some other striking art would come next...

      But you should try to avoid being put into situations where you might be in danger in the first place...

      I just noticed you are from Mexico. =O
      Que onda. :p
      Hello JC - Cade
    • Re: Self Defense

      Alex wrote:

      Scissors? :)

      A pen can even do the trick if you get into trouble. Spray him with pepper spray and stab him in the neck with a pen in the main artery. It works, I've seen it on 24.

      Pepper spray is good to carry but it shouldn't be your main weapon for self-defense.

      Don't xD
      Stabbing someone this way is pretty hard for a person with 0 training and an unsuitable weapon. The guy will just grab your wrist lol.
      If he gets stabbed, he'll just get pissed off as you will more than likely miss.

      A better strategy would be to use the pepper spray as a way to distract him or make him a less effective combatant so you can either run away, or try to hurt him.
      Don't just stand there.
      Hello JC - Cade
    • Re: Self Defense

      Number Juan wrote:

      Pepper spray is good to carry but it shouldn't be your main weapon for self-defense.

      Don't xD
      Stabbing someone this way is pretty hard for a person with 0 training and an unsuitable weapon. The guy will just grab your wrist lol.
      If he gets stabbed, he'll just get pissed off as you will more than likely miss.

      A better strategy would be to use the pepper spray as a way to distract him or make him a less effective combatant so you can either run away, or try to hurt him.
      Don't just stand there.

      Don't try to fight someone who's been pepper sprayed if it's the kind that gets in the air a lot though lmao
