A midnight kiss on NYE.

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    • A midnight kiss on NYE.

      So, I've once again returned to the point where I fancy my friend. We've been close to getting together in the past, but we never got there, and we just moved to the friend zone. After not seeing her as much over the past few months I'd begun to miss her, so now that she's started to hang around with me and my friends again, it's nice to have her back. So much so, that I think I'm beginning to fall for her again. Now what I'd really like to do is have a midnight kiss with her on New Year's Eve. However, we're friends, so it's not like I can just turn around and ask her. If she was drunk she might say yes, but if she said no, then our friendship would just become awkward, so I'd rather not run the risk of that. Would there be a good way of hinting to her that I still like her and then getting a kiss without just blurting it out to her face?
    • Re: A midnight kiss on NYE

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      why does it have to be NYE?

      Honestly, ive never understood this

      Well, I think it's the perfect time. It's traditional, and then any friends who are couples will be having a midnight kiss as well, so it wouldn't feel awkward or out of place. That's not exactly a convincing argument, and I never used to see the appeal either. But after thinking about it, there's something romantic about it for me.
    • Re: A midnight kiss on NYE


      I think you need to look at this in terms of a time frame. New Year's Eve is fast approaching. To warm up to someone who might just think of you as a friend would definitely take some time, you know? Sure, it would be extremely romantic to be able to snag a kiss from her on a night like that, but this isn't something you can rush. To answer your question directly, there isn't much else you can do than flirt and hope for the best. It's tough with friends, they're probably the hardest people to swoon. It can be disastrous, but if you're confident and persistent enough, I think you might be able to pull it off.

      Good luck :)
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: A midnight kiss on NYE

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      hmm I understand, ive never done it, I always spent NYE with my good mates having a few drinks and a laugh about stuff

      do you know if she likes you?

      I'm not sure. My main issue with her over the past year or so was actually because she always seemed to show little flickers of liking me every now and again, but never anything concrete. I doubt she properly likes me, but I like to think there's still something there.

      To be honest, I want to have some drinks and some laughs as well, and if it doesn't seem to be going well with her then I'll just try and enjoy it with my mates.
    • Re: A midnight kiss on NYE

      I really want to text her, to show her that I'm interested in her, but I've no idea what to say, which I feel a bit stupid about to be honest.

      I texted her on monday night while at a party which she wasn't attending, saying "you should be here" etc. etc., nothing too suggestive. It was nice because it was the first time we'd texted in a while, and we struck up a quick conversation on tuesday night after I finally replied to her response. I was surprised, because, knowing her, she was likely to say "I'm off to bed now" or just fall asleep anyway, but no, she stayed awake and we had a nice little conversation about how our christmas was and all that. Even though it was a relatively petty conversation, something felt different. Earlier times in the year when we would text, it felt really stale, sometimes it felt like I had to try and keep dragging it out just to keep the conversation going. But tuesday night's texts felt special, even though they were perfectly innocent topics of conversation. She was texting me back quickly, asking me questions, all stuff which she didn't really used to do earlier in the year. She left it by saying "see you at new year," and I've now just got this massive urge to speak to her before then, but I'm completely at a loss for what to say.
    • Re: A midnight kiss on NYE

      Okay, so as expected, I didn't get the kiss, in fact I got barely anything from her the entire night really. She basically hung out with her friend all night so, had I even been confident enough to speak to her, I wouldn't have got the chance. She showed occasional signs, she did sort of put a bit more effort in than normal when giving a hug at midnight. Then when she left for bed she acted really strangely toward me. You know when you speak to a girl who likes you, and they speak in that soft, kind of cautious way? Well it was like that. It was weird, she'd not really ever spoken to me like that before. This morning she kept staring at me every now and then as well. But once again my total lack of confidence got the better of me again. I just get so nervous when speaking to her as I'm always just worried that I'll say something stupid. Well I'm not sure how this is all going to play out, right now I've got no idea what to do. I want to text her, but I really don't know what to say.