Dealing with a possible divorce.

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    • Re: Dealing with a possible divorce.

      Hello Jacob. :)

      First of all, I am glad that you have a grasp on the why it is your parents are getting a divorce. It is good that you are able to see that it is happening and that it is necessary.

      Unfortunately, in any divorce involving children under the age of 18, things can get messy and it can be difficult on the child. From start to finish, the divorce could take weeks, or it could take months, or even longer.

      However, because of what you have stated about your father, I have a feeling that the judge that sees this case will be more than willing to help the divorce along quickly.

      Be prepared for fighting and unhappiness between your parents, but know that none of it is your fault. Once the divorce is final and assuming you'll be staying with your mother, things will be a lot better, but things will be tough until then.

      Just know that a divorce, in this situation, seems to be the best thing and things can only go up from here. :)
      [SIZE=4]~Jen[/SIZE] :hugs:
    • Re: Dealing with a possible divorce.

      If they do get divorced, it would probably be for the better. THe arguing would stop, or at least you wouldn't be exposed to it as much.

      What you might have to expect is court, them fighting over who gets you and such. Depending on your age, you might get to say to the court who you'd prefer to be with.

      After a divorce, there is the arguments over who you'll spend time with. There may also be cuts in budgets, now that there is only one parent supporting the house you live in. So you might not get as much as you used to depending on the job your parent makes.

      I have divorced parents, so if after or during the fact you have any questions, let me know and I'll be glad to talk to you about anything.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: Dealing with a possible divorce.

      Nobody can say whether or not a divorce would be a good or a bad thing. Not even your parents know it right now. The best you can hope for is for the divorce to just be resolved as peacefully and amicably as possible. Hopefully your parents will understand this and know that the more brutal the divorce is, the more they stand to hurt you with it. There's going to be some good things, some bad. The fighting will stop... or at least diminish. The tension in your house will decrease. On the other hand, you will find yourself torn between loyalties to two parents, and forced into a situation where they will both be asking your input on who you would rather live with... a horrible question to ask anyone.

      It's going to be hard even under the best of circumstances. Hopefully you have good relationships with both of your parents and they will at least communicate with you through this entire thing, and know that whatever they do to each other will affect you too. If they appear not to know this, you really need to tell them. When two people fight... they sometimes develop tunnel vision and forget that their conflict doesn't just affect them, but everyone around them.
    • Re: Dealing with a possible divorce.

      First of all, you should know that these stuff are totally normal; they're not rare nowadays, so it's not something weird or awkward, it's just part of your life and fate, so you should simply endure it.

      If they ultimately get divorced, you'll undoubtedly have a better life.

      Imagine a pretty, peaceful and quiet home without any argues and quarrels, nice eh?

      I see that you've already accepted it as a fact, it's very nice and important, so in my opinion, you'll be dealing pretty good with this issue because as I know, people usually find it difficult to even accept it; you already do and it's a significant step of the story.

      So let's be optimistic; they'll get divorced, you'll choose to live with your mother, in a peaceful place, far from stresses, and you'll have a perfect life, so much the better!

      These were just explanations; so, what you should be prepared for beforehand? Honestly, you should get ready for watching stronger and stronger argues between your parents, because it's the end-point; just remain calm, and play the role of an observer, do not interfere since it might make the case worse. You should be putting up with these things and stuff (you know what I'm talking about, right?) for a short while; once they get divorced, optimistically, you'll have a great and sweet life.

      Feel free to contact me regarding any issues or problems that you might have...

      Good Luck Buddy! :cool:

      .:.:. [SIZE=4]Never Stand Begging For What You Have The Power To Earn[/SIZE] .:.:.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by GLOOMY ().