2 weeks too long?

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    • 2 weeks too long?

      My boyfriend and i havnt talked in two weeks, i dont know whether he doesnt want to talk to me or not the other day i texted him happy new years and i didnt get a reply but my friend did :/ i talked to his bestfriend about it and he said its just because his shy but weve been together for 2 months now. i dont know what to do im worried somethings going on heelp?
      kaytie. :wink:
    • Re: 2 weeks too long?

      katt wrote:

      yeah but thats the thing i cant go up to him, were on holidays and without talking to him i cant plan anything :/

      Is there any other thing he uses like facebook or has a house phone? or you could go round his house because he can't ignore you then. If not, I would just send him an ultimatum kind of message just saying about how he hasn't replied to any of your texts and it's taking the piss and this will be his last text from you unless you reply. You don't want to come over too clingy but it's unfair how he is treating you.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Alice ().

    • Re: 2 weeks too long?

      aphrodite. wrote:

      Is there any other thing he uses like facebook or has a house phone? or you could go round his house because he can't ignore you then. If not, I would just send him an ultimatum kind of message just saying about how he hasn't replied to any of your texts and it's taking the piss and this will be his last text from you unless you reply. You don't want to come over too clingy but it's unfair how he is treating you.

      yer thats a good idea thanks :)
      kaytie. :wink: