Help! MY dad is spying on me.

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    • Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      We've been arguing a bunch lately over school and boyz, and he seemed to always know to much information about my personal life. MY bf was messing around on my iphone and found that I had some sort of spy software on my cellphone called bigdaddyspy blueware. How do I handle this? He's probably heard ALL of my conversations with my friends and bf WTF? Why cant he just trust me?:confused:
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      Well you can talk to him about your invasion of privacy and set limits. Reasonable limits of course, he is only doing this out of care and love for you. If someone doesn't care about something, they usually don't mess with them. Also I understand where you are coming from. Parents can become "helicopter parents" or parents who look at everything their kid does to ensure they don't get in trouble. Although this is a unfavorable choice, it is a choice, you could just really be cautious of what you text or say on your phone, so he can learn to trust you and stop bothering you. Good luck
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      jantan wrote:

      We've been arguing a bunch lately over school and boyz, and he seemed to always know to much information about my personal life. MY bf was messing around on my iphone and found that I had some sort of spy software on my cellphone called bigdaddyspy blueware. How do I handle this? He's probably heard ALL of my conversations with my friends and bf WTF? Why cant he just trust me?:confused:

      Simple. Remove the software. THEN wait for your dad to initiate the conversation. Wait a couple of weeks and see if he installed the software again. If he does, then uninstall it again. This way, you are playing with him and you are showing that you are smarter than him. That way, when he comes to you and initiates the conversation, you will have the upper hand. Understand?
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      BodyBuilder wrote:

      This software costs around $150..he must have some strong motives..

      This. I bet he is scared his little baby is turnin into a sluttie pie.

      It's hilarious. The only way to prevent this stuff is not having more family than your parents and having no social life besides school. But this does not mean he should spy on you, he has gone overboard.
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      Just a minor observation: If this is software meant to check up on your kids covertly and give parents a heads-up on what they are doing, then I doubt it's going to be as easy as "just remove the software". Even if that was the case, I would still have a talk with your dad before doing anything. You haven't talked much about this, but does he have some legitimate reasons NOT to trust you? If you have a history of being dishonest and untrustworthy, then you probably deserve having all your texts and such being read by him. If you have been honest and trustworthy, then I think he is being a little bit heavy-handed in this and spying on you goes a little too far. Either way... you need to talk with him about it.
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      if you can be bothered buy a second cheap mobile and tell your friends that you want to talk to privately to use that number instead of your other phone and in that way you can deceive your dad for a while.

      alternatively you can have a long difficult discussion with your dad and actually resolve the issue. Remember that what he is doing is probably because he loves you and wants to keep you safe.
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      Did he buy the phone, is it in his name? If so, he can legally put what software he wants on it, and by using it you're agreeing to all conditions set by the owner. Only exclusion I can see is if American (I'm assuming your nationality here) law gives one a right to private communications. Otherwise the owner of the phone is entitled to put any legal software on the phone.

      If you want to avoid being listened in on, then the cheap secondary phone sounds like a good idea. Speaking to your father calmly about it, but showing you're upset at his subterfuge seems like a good idea as well though. He most probably is trying to do his best by you.
      [CENTER][COLOR="Green"]If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
    • Re: Help! MY dad is spying on me.

      I would seriously sit down with your Dad about this. In the big picture he really is just trying to protect you. But have you given him a reason for him not to trust you? If that is the case then I would show him that he can trust you. Do well in school, help out around the place don't hang around people who could get you into trouble. Show an interest in the daily day to day running of things. This is one of the only ways to show him he can trust you. Explain that trust is also a two way street. If he cant trust you by putting software to monitor you then he can hardly expect you to trust him. It is an invasion into your privacy after all. Talk to him about it and hopefully he will take it down. Good luck.
      People think the Irish are a bunch of drunks and brawlers, and that makes us soo mad sometimes that we just want to get drunk and punch somebody.