Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

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    • Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      I am deeply interested in this girl that I know in my High School, I'm so interested that it could probably be considered obsessive.

      Maybe, but I don't look at it negatively, I'm not a stalker, I don't call her or text her or follow her around etcetera.

      No, it's more like everytime I'm on Facebook I have to check her page for fear that she'll be in a new relationship. I remember during this past summer checking my newsfeed and seeing a clear picture of her kissing another guy, passionately, on a beach. I was extremely upset for the next month or so until the two of them broke up, when I heard I felt relieved, almost. If it's not that its . . . something else I'm expecting to find out by checking out her page.

      I'd like to say we're friends, if you asked her she'd probably say that, but I don't really think so. Don't get me wrong, we've walked home together once or twice, we're on the same bus together, morning and afternoon (although we only sit together and talk on the bus ride home), we're part of the same after-school club, and we chat from time to time on Facebook (we use to chat more often but now that I talk to her on the bus a lot I avoid IM'ing her when I get her home, after all we just talked on the bus ride home, as much as I'd love to talk to her I'm not going to run the risk of annoying her when I can just talk to her at another time.

      Sure, that may be friend in your eyes, but to me, a friend, a real friend, is someone you hang out with, someone whose house you've been over to and slep at and they've done the same for yours. Someone you meet up with outside of school and hang out with for more than 30 minutes at a time.

      So, we're more like two people associated with each other, or something like that. That's the way I look at it, she has over 800 pivtures on her Facebook profile, of her with other girls and boys hanging out at restuarants or parties or school events etcetera. Those are her friends, you won't see me in any of those pictures.

      Now you're probably wondering, "Why haven't you asked her out yet? You can ask her out on the bus ride home when your both sitting together or even better, on your walks home from school together! You can't get much more alone with a girl that isn't your friend or girlfriend than that! It's obvious that she at least likes you enough to walk home with you, IM you on Facebook and sit next to you on the Bus ride home everyday when she could just as easily sit next to someone else."

      These things are true, she is single, she does like me (in a friendish kind of way, believe me if she LIKED me I would've picked up on it a LONG time ago and we'd be making out right now in one or the other's room instead of it being just me on my laptop in my room alone)

      Here's what happend, in July of this past summer (before I saw that awful picture that felt like a gunshot wound to the chest) we were IMing each other on Facebook. We talked about how our summer's were and what we we're doing, she told me about her part-time job and I mentioned mine a little, then she mentioned how one of her co-workers asked her out, and she turned him down (if your out there bro, email me! We gotta talk about that shit!).

      So, my affection for her started around Mid-January (Yeah if you make date comparisons you'll notice it's been a year now that this has been going on for) so by this time I was deeply interested in her, I had been wanting to ask her out in person for a while but I promise you, this bus ride home, after school club and walking home together stuff was not going on at the time, she wasn't part of the club, she got rides home from a sibling, and since she didn't go to the after-school club there wasn't nothing to walk home together from.

      Anyway, It was Summer, meaning I didn't see her in person at all, we're closer now than we were then (and yet we still don't hang out outside of school, how f'd up is that!) so I was panicky, I didn't want to go through another summer of being girlfriendless so I did this:

      I kind of jokingly, almost teasingly made it sound like she was . . . I don't know the word for it, but it's a kind of girl that turns down guys left and right, and doesn't go out much or on dates or stuff like that, it was a move I did mainly to both comfort myself (after all, I wouldn't feel as a shitty about not being with her if I thought she was someone that almost no one else did) to sort of set myself up for what happened next.

      She told me she isn't thatkind of girl, basically, and that she does like going out (whether or not she meant dates I don't know), so I said, and I promise you this is verbatim:

      "Well . . . would you ever want go do something like that with me?"

      Not only is that the worst worded request to so something with someone, and I really don't think it can be considered asking someone out.

      She said "Sure we can do something like that as friends". Both a horrible and amazing statement. She was telling me that we could hang out with each othet together outside of school and do something, which adds the possibility of getting close to her in her comfort zone, connecting with her and who knows? Maybe she'd give me a signal or make a move, hell maybe she wouldn't want to date but have a Summer fling or whatever! We could've been real friends or something, and had fun that summer.

      So what did I suggest? Take a guess.

      The Movies (Inception if you must know, I would've seen Damn Twilight, it didn't matter to me!) But I shouldn't have. I didn't think at the time, but movies aren't really a thing a guy and girl who aren't dating should do together, maybe you know a girl whose your close friend that you can go to the movies with and it not be date, but unlikely I think. Especially if it's the first thing you plan to do together! Think about it, two people alone, in a theatre together that've never hung out before, it's A GD Date!

      I could've said anything, we could've gotten Pizza, I could've went to her house and watched tv with her, but no I suggested the the theatre.

      At first she seemed estranged but willing to accept, but then later, of course, when I IM'd her to find out what time to go she said:

      "Eh I don't know (my name) that kinda sounds like a date, and I just want to keep my friendship with you if that's alright)"

      Now I'm a nice guy, but I'm also a cynical pessimistic bastard and I know that I F'd up majorly. I also know the whole "friendship" thing wasn't true I know that 99.9% girls say that to guy to be nice and avoid saying why the really don't want to go out with them, like I said we DON'T HANG OUT EVER. We COULD'VE hung out, but no.

      I haven't hung out with her to this day as you already know, so I simotaneously ruined my chances of making an amazing friend and spoiled the oppurtunity to ask her out for the first time in person.

      So here I am, January of Junior Year with this incredibly intelligent, dedicated, beautiful girl sitting next to me on the bus, her face not more than a foot away from mine, and having the privelage of walking her home, just the two of us, every once in a great while when she doesn't have a ride home.

      I suspect the main reason she turned me down (but how could you not with that amazing question I asked?) was because of my looks. Not my like natural looks and whatnot, I mean more physically, like my build and all that, I'm not a blob or so overweight I have diabetes, I have gut, the teenag equivalent of a beer belly, except less hairy and disgusting, a lack of exercise and poor diet over the years does anything but wonders for you. I live in a very athletic enthusiast town, the majority of most student are athletic active guys that work out and have good builds, something I really don't have, I'm not skinny or fat, I'm in between, really.

      It's the most common reason of them all, do you think she'd IM me (Note: She IM's ME at a random time, sometimes after 8:00 at night, suggest texting her at 2:00 in the morning when she's lying awake for some strange reason, sit volunatrily next to me on the bus those certain days and allow me to walk home with her if she DIDN'T like me as a person? I thought so.) What else is there? Really? She isn't some stuck-up cheerleader or some preppy girl that has a specific criteria, she IS single, she obviously doesn't have gripes with dating people, I mean really if the reason isn't that she isn't attracted to me physically then a proper reason does not exsist.

      So, to the reason why I made this thread, I figure it might be like this, If I can drop the excess weight (I need to drop it anyway for sport reasons and just because I don't enjoy being the way I am physically), stop looking like a zombie every day and get rid of my pale complexion and get a better build, basically transforming myself intom someone more decent for her, physically (and I'll tell you she's a very fine girl physcially, she use to run track and is a kind of girl that isn't so skinny that she looks like she might have a disorder, but not an ounce of visibly body fat on her.)

      Imagine the intimidation, beautiful, smart, funny, cute, friendly but not preppy, dedicated but not a stuck-up popular girl, well liked by most people and loved by her friends.

      I don't really hold out much hope, to be honest, I don't, I've had absolutely no luck with women my whole life, and I doubt she'll ever want to go out with me.

      But I'm not giving up until I stare her in the face and ask her out properly, I won't give up on that.

      My question really is, what kind of advice can be offered to me?

      Should I just forget about her and move on? (I'm not going to until she turns me down, I'm not in "love" with her if that's what your thinking, but I've never felt more strongly about someone in my whole life, but I am manly and respectful enough to hear that I should just move on with my life to different pastures, and I'm definitely respectful enough that if she turns me down to not ask her again.

      Should I try now? I'm sure she forgot entirely about that chat we had over the summer, heck she's comfortable enough around me that I think if she held any kind of awkward feelings about she wouldn't walk home with me, so it's safe to assume she doesn't think about it, maybe she didn't even really consider that request an actual asking out and is in fact waiting for me to ask her out in person?

      Or finally, my plan, should I just wait on it? Increase my build, drop the excess weight and basically hope that my appearance is to her liking enough that, combined with her like for me as a person, she'll be comfortable going out with me?

      PLEASE tell me what you think, not to speak poorly of people I know but alot of family figures you think I should ask, I can't explain why but trust me, in this special case I would NOT consider asking them for there opinion. My friends, best friends that they are, aren't "ladies man" themselves either, and aren't trustworthy with secrets with the potential to embarass me (great friends, right?) so there out.

      No, I'd rather surprise the shit out of all of them by just announcing it on Facebook and in person.

      So I know I'm a little pathetic, and maybe even mornonic for typing such a long thread, but maybe that'll signify for you just how desperate for an opinion I am.

      I look forward to hearing your advice and criticisms.

      Best, LonelyMaleTeen
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      Holy shit i can't believe i read all that.

      On to the point; There isn't any good way to end it with asking her out, you're looking at either losing an apparently really cool girl as a friend, or going out with her with the possibility that you aren't happy because you don't feel like you're equal with her. What I mean is that if you aren't happy with the way you look etc. and you've already been rejected (although softly) you might feel like she's with you out of pity or something. Even if you don't feel that way, hell it might be true. I'm not trying to put you down though, my advice is to just work on yourself, and if you still want this girl, just be her friend, get closer, and either wait for her to come to you, or move on. Either way, you keep your chance with her, you keep her as a friend, and you have some time to improve upon yourself. win/win/win. Good luck whatever you
      do man.

    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      First off, I don't think for one moment that you are pathetic. I commend you for caring this much about her that you are willing to go to all this trouble. That shows an incredible amount of character. You like her for who she is, you don't have any hidden motives. I think the world would be a much better place if there were more guys that approached the act of dating with the same thoughts and feelings you have.

      The first question I would normally ask is whether or not you are into this for the long haul, and I think I know the answer without needing to ask it. You are already committed to this girl, and I seriously doubt you would be able to just walk away, even if I told you that was in your best interests. (which it probably is, but I'm a sucker for the underdog.)

      So, that part out of the way, lets take a look at your assets here... You are already friends with her, maybe not in the way you want to be, but you are friends nonetheless. You have a great deal of access to her already; you have plenty of time to be alone with her, and you have multiple ways of getting in touch with her. The relationship is, while still not what you want, by no means one-sided; you talk to her and she reciprocates, she has all those people on the bus to sit by, and who does she pick? You. When she sends you a text message or an MSN message, she has plenty of other people she could be talking to at that moment, one of those people in the pictures perhaps, but who is she talking to? You. You don't have a lot of self esteem, so you really need to keep telling yourself these facts over and over. You already have a big lead over someone who randomly just starts talking to her.

      Okay, now lets talk about your liabilities. The biggest one is the most obvious one: She doesn't like you as anything more than a friend yet. Notice how I put a "yet" at the end of that sentence? I did so because we need to change that part. Do I think this is hopeless? Not one bit. The second part: She doesn't seem interested in having any contact with you beyond the level that the two of you are currently at yet. (Wow... it's that word again) The second one is more important to you right now than the first one, because you have to tackle problem #2 before we can even think about problem #1.

      Your first goal is to arrange some kind of activity with her outside of school. I wouldn't have thought the movies would be that big of a deal. When my boyfriend and I were just best friends, we went to see movies together all the time. But since it obviously is an issue, you are going to try a different tactic... you are going to completely blow off the movie theater and you are going to do it in a slick way... My boyfriend and I have been sitting here discussing this, and both of us agree that there is no way that she has forgotten that day you asked her out, just like you haven't forgotten about it. It probably is somewhere in the back of her mind every time she talks to you. So what you are going to do is tell her something like this:

      "Remember that time I asked you to the movies? That didn't seem to go over so well, so I wondered if you wanted to come over and just hang out after school tomorrow. My <mom/dad/brother/sister> is going to be there, but it will still be cool. I'm just bored and we never really hang out except for just walking home."

      Okay, do you see what I did with that paragraph? The first sentence acknowledges your first failed attempt to get her to go out with you. This makes that little uncomfortable fact come to the surface right away, so the awkwardness is immediately disarmed. Keep a smile on your face and the mood light, let her know that you aren't shaken by your first failure. The second sentence said that someone else will be around while she is. Dating isn't something you normally do with your parents or siblings around, by stating this in a casual way, you have affirmed that this is a 'just friends' event. And you end it by just telling it like it is... you want to hang out with her with no strings attached. She might not say yes to this, but it will give you a clear indication of where you stand with her right now, and it will do the same for her. Right now she sees herself as someone that you are crushing on, you just need to give it a little nudge to let her know that you just want to be friends with her. (Obviously you want more, and I promise that she knows it, but this at least shows that there's a possibility that you can be friends without any baggage)

      Remember to just be confident about this. If you seem unsure of yourself, it's going to be picked up pretty easily. Understand that this isn't going to be a process measured in a few days or weeks. Even after you get your friendship with her to move beyond this point, you still have to move on to actually asking her out. Just take one thing at a time and be optimistic.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      I don't post very often anymore, but since I read your entire story over Jenna's shoulder, I just had to give me 2 cents.

      Being in the friend zone kinda sucks ass. I spent YEARS in it, so I know what you're going through. Guys think that all they have to do is be some chick's girlfriend and the friend part will come with it. That's not true, you recognize that's not true. You're doing it the right way. You are being her friend first and waiting for the rest of it to come after.

      The part Jenna and I disagree a little on, and the reason I'm posting is that I think you do need to fix some things with your self-image. She thinks that what you look like doesn't matter, I think it does. You aren't happy with the way you look right now, so do something about it. Why not drop the weight and get into shape. It's harder because you are diabetic, but not impossible. Just keep telling yourself that you are doing it for her, it will make it less painful.

      Best of luck to you, man. Let us know what happens, okay?

      Shute;2172895 wrote:

      You are in the classic suck position.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      So I shouldn't ask her out with the way I currently am?

      But I can ask her to hang out with me the way I currently am?

      Or is it that I should wait until I'm no longer the way I am before asking to her hang out to wait until I feel comfortable enough to as her out?

      Or I should wait for an advance from her when I'm no longer the way I am?

      I'm already so confused and I've not even reached the relationship stage.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      SMOKE. wrote:

      Man no offense but girls also like guys that think for themselves, you can't get so bent out of shape for a girl you're not even going out with. If you ask me you need to just chill.

      None taken at all, you have a good point.

      It's just that it's hard for me not to get bent out of shape when I've never had a girlfriend before and I feel like I'm so close to breaking the streak while at the same time so not close.

      I just get annoyed and jealous everytime I see couples in the Hallways at school, I get annoyed when my dad, step-brother or someone asks me why I don't have a girlfriend, I'm depressed and lonely. And everytime I see her I just get unhappy knowing she probably doesn't feel the same way.

      So it isn't just that I'm really stuck on this girl, it's also not that I'm lonely and stuck on being single, it's both, and in heavy doses. So don't think I really need to get over her, she really is someone I like that much. It's not like if another nice seemingly attractive girl walked up to me and asked me to take her out I'd say "no", but that's not the way it works, so I have to play with the cards I'm dealt, and until I know she won't actually go out with me, I'll be left with a torturous & ambiguous question that will take a long time to get over.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      I don't have a lot of time right now, I will post more later, but it doesn't seem like you were getting what I said. DO NOT worry about getting into a relationship with her right now. Keep your one and only goal on being her friend, and that's it. Work on improving your friendship with her, then we will work on the other part.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      I don't know how to ask her without it sounding like I want to go out with her.

      She has a ton of friends that I'm sure she hangs out with a lot, so I'm reluctant to ask her if she wants to hang out for fear that she wouldn't want to, I mena I think of it like this:

      She's a really smart and dedicated type of girl, she's always doing her homework for her accelerated classes and doing other out of school activites like Youth Groups and the like.

      On top of this she has a part time job and told me she might find another if she can.

      When she isn't any of these things, she's either doing two things, hanging out with her friends, or home by herself (or homw without hanging out with friends).

      So I think she probably enjoys those few days when she isn't doing something and just gets to relax by herself, so would she want to waste her alone time by hanging out with me?

      Maybe. I don't know. You can tell with my pessimistic view on things I don't take a lot of risks/chances, I really would like to hang out with her, but I cant shake the feeling she'd rather not.

      I'll ask her about soon though, better to just try it and see what happens instead of worrying about it for another month.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      If you read what I wrote you in the first post, I already told you how to do it without sounding like you want to go out with her. You spend all your time focusing on the problem, and none of it focusing on the solution, that's got to change before you are going to be able to do anything else.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      Jenna wrote:

      If you read what I wrote you in the first post, I already told you how to do it without sounding like you want to go out with her. You spend all your time focusing on the problem, and none of it focusing on the solution, that's got to change before you are going to be able to do anything else.

      I was going to say this. Jenna has a fantastic point.

      It's a common error, I think we're all guilty of not looking at the whole picture and just focusing on the problem and so then we're never able to look at the solution.

      Re-read Jenna's post for the solution. And only focus on it. Maybe you'll see it now.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      Jenna wrote:

      If you read what I wrote you in the first post, I already told you how to do it without sounding like you want to go out with her. You spend all your time focusing on the problem, and none of it focusing on the solution, that's got to change before you are going to be able to do anything else.

      I did read it, I just don't know if it's necessary to bring up me asking her our that one time, you say it might get that uncomfortable feeling out of the way but I'm worried it'll have the opposite effect and make her think about nothing else but me wanting to go out with her, and thus, she'll think the only reason I'm trying to be her friend or be more friendlier is so that I can soften her up to ask her out.

      Which we both know isn't exactly a falsehood.

      Would just saying, "Hey (her name), I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime after school, if you'd like, just as friends?"

      Would that work? Or do you insist I remind her of my asking her out?

      Again I won't be offended by any advice or criticisms.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      So fine then, tomorrow I have the club to go to to see her, maybe we'll walk home together or maybe not, but if we don't then I'll see if I can't say anything to her about us hanging out in the near future.

      Or, if we do walk home together I'll run it by her, might be easier that way, it's more isolated and personal, just hope It all goes down well.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      Just take it slow. There's no reason you need to ask her out this week, or this month, or hell... even before summer. Push it out of your mind and just be her friend. That's the most important thing you can do right now. Based on her answer, you can make a plan for what to do next.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      (Sigh) well I went to the club today, after it was over I waited by my locker for a couple of minutes (she had to talk to some people about something, and we aren't good enough friends that I can openly wait for her, so I had to make an excuse by being by my locker so she's see my when she walked to the school lobby.

      So she rushes past me and puts her bags down on the bench, I walked over to her and chit-chated for a quick second, then she told me she had another thing she had to stay after for today.

      So no walk home today, not even time to talk with her in the lobby (likr if she was waiting for a ride home)

      Ugh, maybe she'll be on the bus tomorrow, maybe.


      And now, an amusing anecdote from 7th grade!

      So there was this very pretty cheerleader that I ... I don't know how to word it, I didn't like her, y'know like want to date her (I would date her if I could because that's just who I am) but if I didn't I wouldn't care much, she was more like just a girl that I thought was really pretty, I tell my friend (because what guys don't tell their friends about girls they think are pretty at that time?)

      Anyway, he was on the football team (see where this is going?) and he isn't a jock or anything so I don't think he was going to make a move on her or something like that (and he is a good friend and wouldn't try that if he could I don't think) but anyway, since he knew other fball players he thought it'd be funny to tell like every fball player he could that I liked her (which I've already told you isn't the case) and what followed was a couple of really awkward months of other jocks that knew me reminding me, shit the girl was in my Math class and so was a ton of the jocks, so one day when I was partnered with one he told me "So you like...right?" thanks God the guy wasn't a total dick and just scream it out in the classroom, one time I went to the bathroom and when I was standing at the urinal her brother was using a urinal near bye and even said "So you like my sister, right?" I told him no, but now I'm kind of curious to know what he would've said, I've seen the guy around, he's no big jock a-hole and I know he wasn't trying to bully me, so either he was joking, or he was going to try and say something to her for me, maybe? But seriously, I wonder if she ever knew, I don't think she even knows who I am. I don't care much though, I'd pick her over this girl a million times over.

      And that is why I don't tell my closest friend(s) who I like, ever.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      Okay, so you get another day to prepare for this, it's not the end of the world. If she isn't there tomorrow, it's not the end of the world either. The worst part about it is you get yourself psyched up for this and you are ready to make your big play.... and then she's not there. Now THAT is horribly frustrating, but just smile and move on, you will get your shot another day.

      There is an important lesson from your anecdote though... and it seems like you have already learned it: Never trust anyone with something you don't want other people to know. How does that saying go? "You can trust two people to keep a secret if one of them is dead." It's pretty much like that, don't tell anyone anything unless you are prepared for them to tell someone else.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      The exact same thing happened to me, except I was on the girl's point of view. I had a friend that would we walk around and talk for like 30 minutes before school everyday, and he would even walk me to class. I didn't see it as a big deal. Lots of guys would walk me to class, I didn't like to be alone in case someone picked on me. I would give him hugs all the time, but just like you I never hung out with outside of school. To be honest, I just wasn't attracted to him like that. He was more like a brother, and I couldn't see him any other way. It was the hardest thing in the world to tell him I just wanted to be friends because I know how hard guys can take that. But at the same time, now I have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me very much. I'm confident that the boy that asked me out will find someone he loves, as well. It is possible to find true love. You just have to wade through all the crazies and clingy girls to find the one that will make you happy. It takes a lot of waiting, but it's definitely worth the wait.
    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      omgpurple wrote:

      I'm confident that the boy that asked me out will find someone he loves, as well. It is possible to find true love. You just have to wade through all the crazies and clingy girls to find the one that will make you happy. It takes a lot of waiting, but it's definitely worth the wait.

      I haven't had a hard run of failed relationships or clingly girls or anything like that, I'm not looking for a wife, just a girlfriend.

      But thank-you for your input nonetheless.

      ---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

      OnEMesSduPKiD wrote:

      Well I started reading, than I scrolled down to see there was way too much. And you know what, that's enough for me. You are thinking WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY to far into it dude. Jesus. Chill out. You're not obsessed, you just have a crush on the girl.

      I don't know, I've liked her for more than a year and I think about her a lot, almost all the time unless I'm distracted by something else, I don't think it can be downgraded into just a "crush".

      And regarding how long this is, I know it's a lot, I just felt like writing all of the information beforehand which would in turn make people have to ask less questions and give more advice.

      Do you have actual advice to give me? Or did you just want to tell me I'm thinking way too in to it and hope for the best?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by LonelyMaleTeen ().

    • Re: Difficult to decide, need MANY opinions on the matter.

      @Jenna-She was on the bus today but spent the majority of it talking to a nearbye girl about a test, I'm not upset or anything like that she wants to talk to her friends so let her. She talked to e briefly but nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing that could've led into me asking her about hanging out, she was just distracted with school, work, etcetera.

      So I've still yet to ask her about this hanging out thing, but I have two questions I was hoping you could anwser, seeing as how I have time to.

      Q1: You insist she remembers when I kind of asked her out, and also that I should ask her to hang out as friends first before asking her out, but isn't asking her to hang out with no strings attached majorly implying I'm in it for nothing more than friendship? I mean if she thinks that I wanted/want to go out with her still, but then ask her to hang out as friends, isn't she going to think that I just want to be her friend? Which would in turn confuse her majorly when I asked her out? She would think "So, you really were not just in it for friendship." What do you think?

      Q2: The first question was the only one I really needed and anwser to, but I thought I'd throw this one in anyway, I don't really know what it is we should do if she decides we can hang out together. I mean, she isn't like me and my friends where we can play VG's and other guy stuff, so what should a guy and a girl who are just friends do when they're hanging out? Watch TV together? It just sounds kind of awkward to me, I'm up for whatever she wants to do (if she accepts), but I think If I'm the one asking her to hang out, I have to make the first suggestion as to what we should do obviously.

      I mean I could just say "I don't know, what do you want to do?" But I don't know, what do you think?

      Other people can anwser this too if you want.